Sonata II Coed Application II No Ha Young


user info ; 

username –koreanb2st


profile link –


name - Kor



character info ;

full name –No Ha Young


nicknames –n/a


preferred name –Ha Young


age -  18


birthdate – 04/02/93


blood type - AB 


height -    162cm


weight -  50kg


birthplace –Montreal, Canada


hometown –DaeGu, South Korea


ethnicity –Korean/Canadian


spoken languages –Korean, French, English



appearance info ; 

appearance –



ulzzang name –Lee Eun Hye


style ;



formal -

training –


dorm -



personal info ; 

personality –

    Ha Young is a very quiet and timid girl.She hates when people yell or get mad at her, so she rather stays away from trouble rather than getting into it. She is a caring a friendly person towards her friends, and she’s a very good listener. She has a very sensitive side, and will cry when she gets a simple paper cut or a bruise. She is emotionally sensitive as well and easily cries in movies and when other people sing their heart out, for example In Soo Ni’s Goose’s Dream.

Ha Young doesn’t let her emotions out, she keeps them in because she doesn’t want other’s pity or disgust. She is the type of person to hold it all in, and run up to a hill to yell out all the stress she gets, or she writes a song and sings it, filled with emotion. She isn’t the very social type, so she doesn’t have many friends, and she prefers it that way because it always makes her feel bad when a friend is sad but she can’t do anything about it.

 Ha Young is the type to go with the flow, even though she has her own opinions, which make other people take advantage of her. Ha Young is a very lonely and sad character, which makes her vocal talents twice as strong as other vocalists. Ha Young is the type to speak with her voice, rather than talking. She has the voice that could make people cry, no matter how emotionally strong they are.

likes – 


+Hanging out with close people

+Hot chocolate

+Long Hoodies


+Playing her guitar

+Writing lyrics

+Dreaming about having friends (like an imaginary world just for her)

+Seeing the bright side of things (so she won’t cry)

+Listening to music in the rain when she’s sad (she prefers to cry in the rain because you can’t tell if she’s crying or not)

+Performing (with a mask on so no one sees her face)

+Hearing compliments on her voice or songs

 dislikes –

+Being left alone

+Being thrown away

+Short, revealing clothing

+Make up

+Her ex-friends that try to return to her after she became a star

+When people only like her because she can sing

+People who pretend

+Sour food


+The hot weather (people wear too short clothing on during that season)

+Pessimistic people who ruin her mood 

hobbies -




+Posting audio on Youtube (uses the album artist as the visual in the video)


+Listening to music

+Reading books

habits -

 +Squeals when she gets hurt

+Stops when she makes one mistake (during performances)

+Sleep talking (nightmares= screaming)

+Crying when there is a sad story

+Helping people when it’s needed (no matter who it is)

+Arpeggios and scales before she sings

+Breathing exercises

trivia –

 She wears a mask for most of the live concerts. She doesn’t want the people at her school suddenly liking her for her popularity.

She can’t eat cold food

She feels uncomfortable around new people

She can run very fast

She is really good at acting due to her sensitivity; she gets into her character like it’s her

She has a pet bunny named mocha

She has a whole box filled with CDs from uncountable amount of idols

She has posters all around her room

She can touch her nose with her tongue

She can find notes without a piano or tuners

She bobs her head when she’s sleeping sitting up


random facts - 



background info ; 

background  -Ha Young’s parents were never there for her. Her parents were always working so they could support the family. When she had problems in school, no one in her family gave her a shoulder to cry on, advice, and most importantly, she lacked love. She used to get picked on in middle school because the students knew that she wasn’t going to fight back, which made their actions worse every time. Ha Young would always cry in her room corner, covering herself with a blanket, so her house maid wouldn’t figure out. Later in high school, she started posting audio youtube videos, gaining popularity, and becoming one of the most subscribed musicians in South Korea. There were always comments like “Your voice is so beautiful, I want to see your face, I bet it’s just as good” and “I love your voice, you should make a live performance,” comments on her videos. She performed at her school talent show one year, and wore a mask over the top half of her face. She also told the announcers to call her AV instead of her name. When she performed, she touched many hearts, but left countless people on whom she was. Despite the fact that she could’ve been ‘AV’ she led a very miserable high school life. Her parents never found out the bullying occurring every day, and Ha Young didn’t mind; as long as she had music, she was happy.


how you got accepted to DGEnt – Ha Young preformed in the street when a street concert was going on one day. When she was performing, a DGEnt scouter happened to pass by. Touched by her powerful voice, he asked Ha Young about joining the Entertainment in front of a whole crowd, earning gasps. Ha Young hesitated to answer because that meant she had to take her mask off in front of people. She declined, and ‘awwws’ fill the crowd and she bows in apology. The scouter pulls out a business card and puts it inside of her coat pocket, and told her if that if she changed her mind; that they would be happy to accept her into the company. Ha Young decided that this was a good opportunity for her when she got home, so she called right away and asked him about the trainee contract and the scouter happily sent it to her.


relations info ; 


parents  - No Sung Min //Korean//56 Cell phone designer for Samsung // caring, supporting, slightly strict when it comes to manners and grades/ hardworking

No Min Kyung (Kim Min Kyung) // Canadian**/Korean// 54 House wife// responsible, respectful, more strict than the father, supportive

** Grandmother is Korean while Grandfather is Canadian 


siblings – No MinWoo//Korean//23//Actor//Nice, protective// He is very busy so he can’t spend a lot of time with Ha Young either.


other relations –

Mom’s side

Grandfather: Jake Smith//Canadian//funny, irresponsible, generous

Grandmother: Shin SooYoung//Korean//strict, loyal, frugal

 Dad’s side

Grandfather: No MinSung //Korean//strict, stubborn

Grandmother: Song MinKyung//Korean//laid back, dedicated


relationship info ; 

friends –

Lee SungJong 18 (closest and high school friend)

2ne1 Minzy 17

IU 17

F(x) Amber 19


rivals –IU (friendly rivalry):Ha Young is envious on how she has looks and voice. She also gets slightly irritated how all of the guys like her. She doesn’t get how she’s so praised for the 3 Octave when she can do the same. Ha Young and IU often sing duets together just for fun though, so she can’t say her voice is average. She loves IU’s voice, she just doesn’t see enough passion in it.




stage info ; 

stage name –AV (에이비) (Amazing Vocal)


individual fanclub name -Masked


individual fanclub colour –Silver (dark gray)


position –Main Vocal/ Lead Vocal


side jobs – She is a special MC for most of the music shows. She also has acted a little because her brother wanted her to try it.


additional info ; 

anything you're missing?

I don’t think so J



Extras ; 


You're favourite song – Paradise by Infinite at the moment >///


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