365 days app II


~Application Form:~

Username:Koreanb2st (haha you missed my apps…. Right?)
Profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/52508

Character Profile:

Name: Song Chan Sik
Nickname:Channie, SongChan
Birthday & Age: 5/4/91
Blood Type:A
Zodiac: Taurus
Orreantation: bi
Personality:Chan Sik is a total ert. He can turn any comment really erted. He can also make an innocent child into a completely different person. Chan Sik is a person who relies on humor, because, well he doesn’t have anything else. He was known to be quite the innocent child in middle school, but in high school his personality completely changed. He takes life as a joke, he doesn’t take anything seriously, and doesn’t take people seriously either. He’s the type to date a girl one day and dump her the next. When a teacher or an elder tells him to do something he usually just says “Do it yourself. God gave you life for a reason.”, sticks his tongue and leaves. Because of this attitude, he’s been suspended quite a few times during his school life. He’s really open with his personality, he thinks its best to be hated for who you are then loved for who you are not.
Background:Chan Sik was adopted by a nice family. His parents abandoned him because they couldn’t afford another mouth to feed. Chan Sik honestly doesn’t care; he didn’t think it was a touchy subject. He used to just shrug it off when someone asked about his real family. He was raised with a family of 2 college boys who found Chan Sik on the street. They act like a mom and a dad to him, even though when they were students. Chan Sik was originally a street performer with a couple of friends; because their families weren’t even at the middle class stage. Chan Sik’s group was the best in Seoul; they won dance competitions, got the biggest crowd, and of course the most money. The CEO of the company later discovered this group and decided to recruit Chan Sik and few other members to the boy band. However, they all had to disagree except for Chan Sik because their parents were against it while, Chan Sik only has brothers that act like family.(whom were supportive with his decision)




I don’t think he is taken, if he is, I’ll change it.






+erted comments (they make him crack up)

+Hanging out with friends

+Talking back to older people

+Sleeping in


+Eating pepero

+Drinking Arizona ice tea

+Teasing his dong saengs (by running off with their stuff)

+Running (he was the fastest runner in his high school)

+Photo booths

+Serious people

+Nagging people

+Eating healthy

+Not being able to do what he wants

+Being isolated



+When people wake him up from his “beauty” sleep



+Taking picture with friends

+Wrestling (he puts headlocks on some of his dongsaengs sometimes)

+Teasing his dongsaengs

+Lying on the floor

+Video Games (he rocks at DDR and Final Fantasy)

+Chicken (he thinks they’re cheap and delicious)

+Laughing everything off

+Dissing his hyungs

+Following his own rules

+Sleeping through alarms

+Dozing off everywhere

+Singing when a SNSD song comes up (you might want to cover your *hum* ears…)

+He can’t touch his toes

+Never goes a day without his pepero

+Never goes a day without saying erted comments

+When upset he says “Go die in a hole *insert name here”

+Has a lot of pride

+Can’t get himself to say sorry

Stage Profile:

Stage Name:Chan Sik
Fan Club Name:Endorphins
Fan Club Color:Bright yellow
Persona:erted Dancer (oh well that sounds pleasant)
Position:Main Dancer/ Face (LOL) / Lead Dancer
Trainee History:Chan Sik was originally a really clumsy dancer but got his facts straight when he heard a friend was joining. He already had dancing talent so all he needed to do was focus his inner being with his moves. He’s amazing at syncing with the music. The judges were surprised with his dancing moves, but almost broke a laugh when he sang because his voice cracked. Chan Sik usually doesn’t get singing parts because of this.

Friends/Family Profile:

Family Members:

Parents: Song Min Sun/Ji Sun: unknown

Song Dong Ho /35/business man/ The dad of the family. He’s really strict with Chan Sik, even though he isn’t his real father. He gets upset when Chan Sik gets suspended or gets hurt. He is currently a business man for an electronics company

Kang Min Hyuk /34/Waiter/ The mom of the family. He’s really care free which Dong Ho isn’t happy with at times. He loves to eat; he would eat customer’s leftovers but his boss scolded him on not to.
Family History:Dong Ho and Min Hyuk found Chan Sik when he was around 9 years old. The two boys
Love Interest:member?
Personality:uhhh… the members personality haha
Best Friend:Min Hwan from FT Island
Personlity: Min Hwan- playful, caring, they are often called the chicken trio along with Onew. They go out quite often to eat
Rival(s):MBLAG Lee Joon and BEAST Lee Gi Kwang- they both are amazing dancers and Chan Sik wants to surpass them to be a great dancer in the kpop industry. 


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