Mission Impossible app: No Ha Young


Name:No Ha Young

Nickname:YoungHa, NoHa


Birthdate:April 2nd, 1994



Personality:She’s a playful killer. She’s like a cat, she plays with her food before she kills it. She’s a joke filled person who fools around even when assassinating. She is serious when she needs to be. She is amazing at breaking through security codes. She honestly doesn’t put trust into anybody because of her slightly difficult past. She acts all friendly with people, but she is actually really cautious of how the other is acting.



Cute things






Banana Milk

Black clothing


Too serious people

People who can’t take a joke

Getting hurt

Dresses and skirts


Tight clothing

When she fails to do something


Cracks jokes at really bad times (right before a kill)

Tortures most of her victims before killing

Hesitating to kill when the victim is cute

Really loud when walking


Playing the guitar


Killing (obviously lol)


Joking around


She hates people who act all tough when they’re vulnerable

She hates being called stupid, or not funny

She hates sports

She is usually in charge of hacking into systems and fake IDs for security checks

She at containing alcohol. She becomes drunk with one shot










Name of Ulzzang/Model:Lee Eun Hye

Style:She wears loose and comfortable clothing. Preferably black. She usually wears dark clothing to blend in dark areas more. She also wears a mask with eyeholes and an ‘X’ across the left eye. This tells the person who she is known for, as she is a pretty common assassin.


Family:Unknown (orphan)


Background:She was abandoned at a young age because she was a girl. Her family apparently needed a boy heir, and since they could only have one child, they abandoned her when she was very young. She was a very secluded person; she didn’t talk to anybody. When she turned 14, she found a very reliable friend at the orphanage. But that friend left her without even a good bye. After that, oddly, became a bouncy girl that everyone ended up liking. But inside Ha Young didn’t trust anyone, or like anyone more than an acquaintance. She has a hard shell which is almost camouflaged; the people think that she likes them when in truth, she has no feelings for them at all. She  fled the orphanage at a young age and started to live on her own, becoming a full fledged assassin.



Reason she joined the assassination group:She is honestly against idols because of their “Oh I’m the best” attitude. It also pisses her off how half of them don’t even have talent, but ended up in there for looks and all that crappy stuff.

Weapon of choice:Swiss hand knife, poisonous finger tip- they are sharp needles that are really small and fit into your nail easily. One little prick can cause death, or a paralyzed body. She uses these when she can actually get near her target. When they are paralyzed, she simply just jabs them with the knife skillfully, so it won’t be too messy. She also loves to research the person and get them at their weak point.

Her name in the group:Code Breaker/ Madame X <- to citizens

Very first solo target completed alone:SHINee Tae Min (of pfft awwww sorry SHINee bias ;-;). Ha Young snuck on back stage and put a fan gift for Tae Min, containing banana milk contained with poison. Tae Min obviously not seeing the possibilities of assassination drank the banana milk, collapsing. Ha Young then quickly dragged Tae Min out and cut a simple slit in his throat, causing him to die because the lack of oxygen in his lungs.


Person you want to be paired up with in B2ST: Yang Yo Seop


Password:Cookies and Macros (We’re you serious about the optional? O_o)

Notes/Suggestions/Comments/Expectations/Random you just wanna share:I dunno…. Uhm I have high expectations with the group ^^ It seems really interesting! I hope you like my character! Kamsahamnida!!


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