Paradise Application No Ha Young


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Character Name: No Ha Young

Age: 18

Personality: She’s the playful type that loves imaginating things. She always thinks of the unthinkable and she’s really unpredictable. She is the type to have one crush, and get over it in 2 weeks or around that time period. Ha Young loves to fantasize about her crushes or how good her friends would look with someone, etc. She loves to get into conversations and get the juiciest news, making her one of the I-know-everything type of person in her neighborhood. She is a dedicated matchmaker, and will do anything to set two people that look good together up.

Who do you want as your boyfriend/lover? Lee SungJong



Ulzzang Name: Lee EunHye

ONE picture of the member you chose to be your boyfriend/lover:

Extra; your favorite Infinite song: Come back to me ^^

(and all of them >,<)


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