Beautiful ♦ Shin Mi Hae ; Ace

Beautiful Application




() Gold Forever

Username: JungDongPark : Annyeongaesayo, JungDongPark imnida! ^-^

Activeness: 10

Nickname: Lou or Vy c:

() Live While We're Young


Character name: Shin Mi Hae  (신  해)

Other Name: Min Shin (English) Shin Yui Xing ( 유이 싱)(Chinese)  Shin Hoa (신 호아) (Vietnamese)

Nickname(s): MiMi - Called that by her friends in California

Minnie - Called that by most of everybody knows because she and her old boyfriend were called the Mickey & Minnie Couple/ Also because she wasn't as tall as she liked to be

Age: 17

Birthdate: May 31, 1996

Birthplace: Incheon, Korea

Hometown: Garden Grove, Cal., USA

Bloodtype: B

Height: 164cm.

Weight: 56kg.

Language(s): English - Fluent | Korean - Fluent | Vietnamese - Fluent | Chinese - Fluent

() This is the part of me


Mi Hae has an active personality that not a lot of people can keep up with. She's always running around and being happy like a young teenage girl she should be. She's sweet and kind and cries when she see a homeless person. She's very sensitive and gets hurt easily so she cries easily. Mi Hae always thinks of everything positively, never negative. Probably because she doesn't want wrinkles early. But she doesn't like thinking negatives things because she knows it's not always the world's or other's fault that the world is the way it is. She procrastinates a lot so if you were to tell her to bring something for the next day, you might see that something by the next week and a half. But, she has another side to herself. She is an extreme ert. Anything people say, her minds twists it into a dirty and erted thing. But usually before people have met her, she puts out a fierce look on her face. Making her looking like a cold person, usually that's what she aims to fans or strangers, because she knows she could be fierce, but she's always to bubbly.


Being raised in a Korean-Vietnamese family, and learning ideas of Confusianism, it was always was a strict household. Mi Hae didn't really get to have a lot of freedom, because her parents worried a lot for her safety. To make her feel like she wasn't trapped in her house all day, her parents frequently gave her music to listen. Not really American music, but music from Korea and Vietnam so the traditions won't die down. There were many oppurtunities for her through music. When she was twelve, she was able to audition for Korean companies, as her parents felt she was old enough to do what she likes. She was also taught Chinese during that time, so when auditioned, she went for SM. For they also market in China. There, she was accepted when she sang Zhang Liyin's Timeless and sang BoA's Hurricane Venus.


- Music

- Food

- Sleeping

- Helping out the poor

- Rapping

- Skinship

- Shoes

- Hello Kitty

- Spicy Food


- Spiders

- Insects

- Animals

- Clowns

- Fakes


- Composing Lyrics/ music

- Playing the guitar

- Reading


- Talking loudly making it sound like she's yelling

- Not knowing how to whisper

- Tapping her fingers on anything

- Falling into love to easily


- Spiders/Insects

- Animals


- She has a hat collection (any type of hat you name it)

- She's been back-up dancer for Jay Park's Know Your Name, Orange Caramel's Bangkok City, and Lee Hi's Rose

- Appeared in: VIXX's Hyde, SHINee's Dream Girl, EXID's Who'z That Girl, SHINee's Why So Serious, VIXX's On and On, & BTOB's 2nd Confession

- As a fangirl she has favorite couples: EunHae | YoonYul | BaekYeol | BangHim | 

- Her phones are always updated, if the new Samsung Galaxy comes out, she buys it. If the new iPhone comes out she buys it.

- She has a mind of a 25 year-old or older ever since she was young. Meaning she knows things even adults would know or wouldn't know

- She has a cussing problem

- She has at least over six boyfriends or more, probably because she falls in love to easy

- She was a child model, even if her parents were strict on her, they let her do that

- She is a HUGE nerd. She always has an A in everything and will fix people if they're wrong

- Naruto Fan

- Knows how to B-girl

- Goes to the boxing arena to box when frustrated

- Her only favorite colors are grey, black, white

- Her longest record of sleeping was twenty-six hours, in the bathtub due to school when she was tired.

- Role-Models: Ravi from VIXX | Jay Park | Dok2 | Yubin from Wonder Girls | Amber from f(x) | Lime from Hello Venus | Yongguk from B.A.P | Chanyeol from EXO | Eli from U-KISS |

- Known as a Baby-Faced iness, due to when she was 13 she learned a lot about doing y dances, and was able to seduce a lot of guys. Even she wasn't trying too.

- She plays the guitar & piano

- She has a lot of secrets that no one knows because they're too deep and can cause people to worry

- Tends to have suicide thoughts when she's in real pain

- Her ideal type is: VIXX's Hongbin or Ravi, Leo too. Or TVXQ's Yunho

- Instagram: @heyitsmihae_

 - Twitter: @mihae_shin

- Facebook: MiHae Shin

- Me2Day: Mimihaeshin

- She had a lot of Mexican friends and Asian so she had a personality of a carefree Mexican. She was nicknamed: Asian Nigga (by her hispanic friends) 

- Only "chill Asian" that didn't care if people made fun of her when she was schooled in the states.

- Has the best eyes and smile


() This is real! This is me!




Idol name: Kim Hyuna

Links: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5



2nd Idol name: Jeon Hyosung

Links: 1 - 2  - 3 - 4 - 5

() My life would  without you



 | Shin Min Hyuk | 43;April 6, 1970 | Professional Chef | Short-tempered | Not Close, Mi Hae and her dad fight 24/7,he's always short-tempered and never listens to what she has to say


Nguyen Ngoc | 35; July 4, 1978 | Stay-home Mom | Quiet , Kind | Not close with Mi Hae, the two fight a lot as much as Mi Hae fights with her dad. Probably because she never believes anything Mi Hae says or believes, because Mi Hae is "still too young to know anything"



 | Seo Joo Hyun | 21 ; June 28, 1991 | Seohyun usually visited trainees everday and gave them tips; their Mi Hae had met Seohyun but Seohyun usually didn't become friends with trainees. But she liked Mi Hae, because she was polite and kind. | Like Sisters | Sweet, Kind, Polite


Lee Minhyuk | 22 ; November 29, 1990 | Minhyuk and Mi Hae through a system called "mutual friends", Peniel had introduced Minhyuk to Mi Hae, because of guy problems. Mi Hae didn't know, she just liked meeting new people. | Like Brother and Sisters (unless to Minhyuk, wife and husband) | Very chatting and funny. Always checking himself out, he's a 'Beautiful Boy' to himself. He's odd and does wierd stuff, but can't deny he's really a cute and happy person.

Best Friends:



 | Peniel Shin | 20 & March 10, 1993 | They're cousins! | They fight with each other 24/7 about who raps better, who's better looking, and who can interact with foreign fans better. | Really cheerful and weird. He has that foreign feeling to himself making him different. He cracks weird jokes and laughs at them by himself.


| Yong Junhyung | 23 ; December 19, 1989 | Peniel introduce Mi Hae to BEAST, but since Junhyung was always her favorite member, she got really close to him and so did he get close to her. | Those two are huge old lovey-dovey couples. The two walk on the street together and the next day on the tabloids it'll say the two are dating. It's because of Mi Hae's cute reactions and a love for skinship and Junhyung's soft heart, it appears that way | Junhyung looks cold like he doesn't care at first, but he really cares on the inside. He just doesn't show it because he doesn't like to show his true outermost feelings.|

() I know if You're trouble



Rival name: Nicole Jung

Age: 21

Group: KARA

Personality: Often she's a sweet girl, but she has plenty of determination that can make her look like a total jerk.  Nicole gets really jealous easily too, and often it ends up really bad.

Reason for rivalry:

Nicole and Mi Hae had gone to the same middle school as preteens. The two were friends, because of one silly sports game, their friendship broke after that. She was skilled in almost everything, one day she, who was being a snob, told Mi Hae that she would audition for DSP. Mi Hae just nodded and didn't care. Nicole didn't like how Mi Hae didn't seem to care for one bit. Everyday when the two were in their choir class together, she would have permission to have a singing battle with Mi Hae. Though they did things like singing and rapping. 


Later on, Mi Hae found out that her old friend had debuted to KARA. Then Mi Hae debuted too, the two had appeared on shows together, and there she would challenge Mi Hae.  Mi Hae thought she was just a child and being stupid clueless. On the inside, Mi Hae knew that she would never be able to catch up to someone who's been in the industry for years, making Mi Hae promise to do whatever to be better than Nicole. Another thing was, no one knew this but Nicole is Dongwoo's secret girlfriend. When Nicole found out, she knew that Mi Hae was still her seducing-y self, she didn't like how Mi Hae had become close to Dongwoo. And she herself, also thought of how to be ier and more seducing than Mi Hae.


() It's the time for you to shine

How do you get into SM ent: Auditioned singing Zhang Liyin's Timeless and BoA's Hurricane Venus

Trainee life: When she entered to be a trainee, it wasn't too hard or to easy. She took it a positive thing. The hard things were the most positive, because she learned from her mistakes. She made a lot friends with trainees and her seniors. She was loved by everyone.

Position: Spokesperson, Main Rapper, Dancer

Back-up position: Composer, Main Vocalist, Rapper


- Fierce Playcard (She tries to be fierce, but she's her group's secret weapon)

- Bubbly Cat (She has sneaky moves like a cat, but bubbliness causes to mess up her sneaky-like moves)

- Baby-Faced y (She's has a cute baby face that doesn't make her just cute but y: It helps getting male fans)

- Energetic Vitamin

Stage name: Ace

Year of training: Five years and two months

Personal fanclub name and colour: Aceshin (Shin means god/goddess, Ace means 1. Put together as one goddess. Another meaning is that aceshin sounds like 'acing' meaning she'll ace anything) 


Sing twin and link: Yoona

Dance twin and link: Fei

Rap twin and link: LE - 1| 2

Speak twin and link: Victoria

() I think about you everyday




Love interest: Jang Dongwoo

Age: 22

Group: Infinite

Personality: Always laughing and happy. He sometimes clumsy, and acts like a child. He doesn't seem to be like he would care for anything because of his carefree looks and personality, but he does. He has soft heart for anything.

How do you both met: 

Their parents both knew each other as old highschool friends. One day they went to visit Dongwoo's family. as usual, Mi Hae put away her bubbly face and put on a cold/ fierce face. Then sat in the living room talking to each other. Dongwoo laughed at jokes the adults had said and smiled everything. Mi Hae stayed quiet. Dongwoo approached her and asked, "Don't you talk?" She just glared at him. When they left, Dongwoo wondered why she was cold to him. Later their parents visted his family again. But this time Dongwoo didn't know and was showering in his room and Mi Hae just toured his house and walked into his room. The two's parents immediately locked the door, which had a lock on the outside. Dongwoon had accidently stepped out half-, and dropped his towel. When Dongwoo changed his clothes and kept trying to talk to her, she finally showed her true personality and became friends with him after that.




2nd Love Interest: Lee Hongbin

Age: 19

Group: VIXX

Personality: He's really a fun guy, but really sensitive. He gets hurt easily. But he always hides it with his beautiful smile, not like bothering others with his problems. That's why people tend to think that he has no problem cause he always looks happy.

How do you both met: 

When she audition for JellyFish Entertainment, and made it to the second round, she was in the waiting room alone. Since she didn't know anybody. Hongbin walked up to her and talked to her. EunJi just nodded, with no reply. Hongbin was already trainee there, "You're quiet like my friend, but if you do become trainee, I hope we could be great friends." He told her. Though, Mi Hae didn't make it, Hongbin kept in contact with her cheering her up constantly with happy text messages.

() Glad you came

Suggestion(s): MTV Beautiful Diary please!

Comment(s): I hope I did everything correctly! If I didn't tell me ASAP, and I had fun filling this app out~ c:

Scene Request(s):

- Dongwoo leaves little notes for Mi Hae to know his affection for her

- Dongwoo could have like a secret girlfriend that no one knew (except Infinite), and eventually does anything to hurt Mi Hae.

- Sunggyu being a rude grandpa takes all the photos of Mi Hae and Dongwoo out of Dongwoo's backpack and giving to Dongwoo's girlfriend, because he was grumpy

- Mi Hae dances for Jay Park again, but for SNL, causing Dongwoo to get jealous.

- Mi Hae and Beautiful go on SNL Korea together and Mi Hae does a lot of scene with Jay Park and VIXX's Leo, even if she was 17, they thought it'd be okay, because she was almost close to adult age anyways. Said SNL's Director

- Dances SECRET's Poison, After School's Flashback, Hyuna's Change & Ice Cream on Weekly Idol, guest MC Dongwoo and Hoya.

- Shows that I wish Beautiful or Mi Hae could be on:

~ Weekly Idol

~ Strong Heart 2

~ We Got Married

~ Running Man

~ Dancing with the Stars Korea

~ SNL Korea

Password: EunHae



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