Apparently, I'm a -talking, rude who needs a slap in the face.

Have you ever had that moment where there's this girl you really don't know personally, but based on how she acts and such, you just, well, hate her?  You can't even figure out why or anything but you just really, really, really hate her? Yeah? Well, apparently that's how an acquaintance (if you can call her that, honestly) of mine sees me. She absolutely hates me. I've tried to act civil to her since she is close with my (and I guess I can consider them to be hers as well) circle of friends.

Except, it doesn't work. Instead, I'm getting the opposite effect: she hates me more for it. Which, whatever, I don't particularly care all that much about. I mean, if you want to hate me, hate me. It's a natural human thing that I try to avoid - and fail sometimes at doing so - doing myself, but that doesn't mean that I have the power to stop it all the time. This is one of those times.

However, when she goes around spreading lies about me that I can't really do much to prove are actual lies, that's where I get pissed. (Do you know how hard it is to convince people you barely or don't even know at all that a friend of theirs whom they've known for years or for a good amount of time to built some form of trust is lying about you is? Very, my friends, very.) What the hell, man? Yes, you can hate me all you want, but to go off telling people I've never met things I've apparently "done" to you that I never actually did in the first place? Hate my personality, hate the way I speak, hate how I look, hate how I type, hate who I am, whatever, I don't care. But to get other people (ones I've never met, at that) to hate me for things I've never even done to you?

...All I can wonder is why? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Do you like to see people aside from you hate me, or something? Or this just for your own amusement? Why?  For 's sake woman, why? Geez.

Okay. Phew. *takes a deep breath. That was okay. Ranting is good. Ranting gets away all the negative energy in me. Good. Okay. Awesome. Now, hopefully I can settle this matter with the person civilly, yeah? ^^;

Wish me good luck, ne?



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Steins #1
@Clearly: Thanks C:
@xcrimsonxhazelxeyesz: That's horrible, and the act that people believed that girl makes it worse. I really hope your friend and girl have settled things and those who believed her realized she was lying. And thanks C:
CrimsonHazel #2
This is happening to my friend too!
I know how you feel.
One time , my friends enemy made up a rumour that she had with this dude around her area and we were like "WTF!!! WE'RE ONLY 13 FOR S SAKE!!" ND PEOPLE ACTUALLY BELIEVED HER.
God .

Now , i hope you can settle this. But if she hates you then let her. Its not like its the end of the world right?

You know what they say ,
Haters gonna hate!!
Clearly #3
Wow. HOpe you guys settle this soon!
Steins #4
@SKID_11: Marius~ C: Merci beaucoup, mon amie! I'm just happy to get all the "bad" mojo out of me, honestly. Might as use a blog post for it, since I've never used mine, ha-ha. And yes, lies and rumours . Big time. That's why I don't like to make judgements on people based on what others have told me. I want to see how they act myself. Thanks for the luck! C: