Matoki Symbol #1 and other things I wanna talk about

I've though pretty hard on this... and I've come to a decision. I'm going to make the most underrated EXO member's symbols first before I get the most popular ones' done. Why? Well, I might not have time to do the entire collection and I feel like the underrated ones deserve a little more love from me. After all, I can go buy some EXO stuff while I"m in China, and I've already got the Luhan and Sehun rings... xD But knowing me, I'll probably make Luhan out of wire in like 1 hour before I move on to anything else.


Anyways, to the Matoki Symbol. I started documenting how I made it, but I kind of stopped after a few pictures because I wanted to get it done... so, mini tutorial time~ :D


That's how much metal I bought today... not much, but it's like 4oz O_O pretty dang heavy.



So what you want to do first is trace the design on sticker paper. It's best if you use a light machine like this, or you can do it on a window.



This is what you should have when you're done tracing. It doesn't have to be perfect, but you want it as accurate as you can make it (:



So after you put the sticker on the metal, you want to go use the center punch and make two indentations: one in each of the eyes. Then, go to the flex shaft machine and drill a hole where you put the indents. Yes, the bunny looks pissed because the sticker paper got too hot xD



Using a jeweler's saw, start cutting out the eyes first.



(Note, that is not my arm right there. I had a guy friend help me hold the saw while I took a picture xD My arms are NOT that hairy, lol)


When you're done cutting out the eyes, go on to the outside.



It doesn't matter if you make some mistakes; that's what files and sanding tools are for~

So basically, when you're done cutting out the bunny, you want to take your mill file (bastard cut, of course) and file down where you sawed. For the eyes part, use a small, circle file like this:



And this is what I have right now:


I still need to let it hang out in the tumbler for a while.. and I just noticed something wrong with the eye, but I can fix that really fast


So, that's it (:

Do you guys want to see more of my jewelry stuff or are you guys tired of it?


Oh, and I wanna show you guys want I'm making my best friend for her birthday/w.e:


And this is what I have right now:


Obviously, I have a lot to do. The good thing is that I got the 3/4 teeth done and I just have to file them down before I solder them on here. And of course, I have to get rid of the firescale, but that's really easy (:


That's it for today. I'm going to finish this up for her before I do anything else, so yeah xD Because my best Asian friend is more important than my Kpop needs xD 


OH! Speaking of Kpop needs, I'm going to make a 2nd version of the Matoki bunny, but this time, with a mask. We'll see how well that will turn out. I'm planning to cut out two bunny heads, one with just the head in nickel and one with the head and the mask in copper. I'll either solder or rivet little pieces of nickel wire onto the copper where the dots for the mask are and use a liver of sulfer to give the cooper a black patina. And when it's all pretty and stuff, I'll rivet the nickel bunny head to the now black copper plate metal, filer everything smooth and show you pictures! If you want, I can probably document some of the process (give me and yes or a no in the comments)


So yeah, that's what I'm planning... Some of you guys suggested that I sell these.... should I? 

I really don't know... >.< because I at business.... and I can only make so many... >.<

Help? Suggestions? This Asian at making decisions... if you guys haven't already guess this xD

See y'all! (:


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TOPKpopfan #1
OMFG!! *spazzing* I want onneeee!!! Yes you should sell!!
You should document it. Even though I don't understand most of the terms, it's cool to watch the steps ^o^
SO AMAZING!! And sooo interesting for me to read through all the steps you have to go through in order for you to make it (:
You're amazing. do you make these? I know you just showed us, but seriously XD. You're just plain flipping amazing!
Thank you so much for taking the time to show us how you make them :) It looks like a fascinating process (to me, anyway). You could try to sell your symbols. I don't see what the problem would be. You would just have to price them right so you get compensated for your time and materials. But I think you can figure it out, so good luck if you decide to!

Li Li
I would buy one! At least make some money out of it! Is it something you enjoy, though, is the question.
OMO thats soo cool :O I would buy one^^ (Or a hundred but whatevs (n˘v˘•)¬)
Seriously though!! YOU ARE SO TALENTEDDDD
That's so amazing^^ If you sell this I would definitely buy one.
you are amazing, and yes, I would definitely buy if you were willing to sell!

mina2270 #10
oh i can't see any of the pics... :(
but it sounds interesting! :D i love making crafts! just waiting for my exams to finish *sigh* though i had never worked with metals. it's my sister's hobby to work with gems and metals, I prefer wood and yarn ;)
thatoneweirdo #11
You should! I would buy one!
That's really cute! *o*
But the saw is kind of scary! xD
You're really good at doing these! ^^
Alyssa18 #13
your really good at these O.O