Can't find love cause I'm mentally dating a celebrity...

Ten years ago, I thought I'd be married by now and be taking care of a newborn.  At the age of 26, I am sadly single.  Why?


Now you tell me HOW the hell am I supposed to settle for a real, normal guy?

Yes, I know, these guys are real (as opposed to imaginary) but not for us civilians (for the most part).  Since I've mentally dated each one of the above, my standards have now become quite ridiculous.  I am by no means judgemental (I honestly believe every single person has their own attractive qualities, regardless of how they look and how they act).  HOWEVER, the Asian celeb scene has made me somewhat delusional, obsessive, and stalkerish.

I seriously hope I meet a guy one day that will slap me out of my delusions.  Until then, I'm off to a date with my current celeb-hottie.




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OMG!! I think exactly the same..!!!
Totally relates. ' 3'

I believe the most simple answer to your problem is to look for an asian boyfriend. (my current occupation)