⚛A.T.O.M. - Hwang Vy



“Character's Name”

⚛whoz that girl?

name: Hwang Vy

nicknames: None

birthday:May 25, 1995

age: 18

blood type: B

birthplace: Seoul, Korea

hometown: L.A., Cali, USA

ethnicity: Vietnamese - Korean

languages: Vietnamese - Fluent | Korean - Fluent | English - Fluent

height: 165cm

weight: 55kg

⚛so pretty

faceclaim: Park Sora

backup faceclaim: Jung Min Hee


     casual: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
     formal: 1 - 2 - 3
     dorm/relaxation: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
1 2 3 4

⚛love blossom: love interest's name


love interest: Jung Leo

love interest's birthday:November 10, 1990

how they met: They met each other auditioning for the same company. Though Eun Mi didn't make it. Eun Mi didn't really like to talking to strangers unless they talk to her. So Leo had approached her and talked to her.

how they treat each other: Both of them are like husband and wife. But there are times where they just treat each other like friends because they're tired and exhausted.


backup love interest: Thunder

backup love interest's birthday: October 7, 1990


⚛etc. [answer in your character's POV! 1-2 sentences minimum per question, more is better.]

Hello, Korea! Here we have our first interview with members of CUBE Entertainment's new girl group, A.T.O.M.! Can you introduce yourself for me?

Yes, hello. My name is Hwang Vy. I'm 18 years old and I am in charge of rap and cuteness.

Alright! She's cute, isn't she? Now, how do you feel about debuting in A.T.O.M.?

It's still feels like a dream debuting in A.T.O.M., but I'm extremely grateful. And just to say one thing quickly. To all the people who said I wouldn't make it, I don't want to be rude but - Hah!

Ah, is that so? I felt the same way when I debuted. Alright...so, what are some things you like?

There are many things I like. I like to sleep, eat, play my guitar and music. But those are the MAIN things I love. 

Fascinating. What about things you don't like?

Spiders & bugs. I really hate them. They just looks so furry and gross. I gives me the chills just thinking about them.

Oh, cool. How would you say you act in the dorms, with the rest of the members?

Mmm... When I had first met them, I was kinda cold towards them because I didn't know them. And I'm usually quiet around strangers. But now I am use to them, and they're extremely unique and fun. So most the times, I'm loud, and fun. I make stupid jokes that don't make sense but at least they laugh and not judge. 

Ahh, that makes sense! What about around strangers, or people you aren't friendly with?

Well, of course strangers I'm cold towards. I don't know them. I mean it may seem I'm judging them and that's an accident. It's just that my face seems that way. And people I'm not friendly with are usually haters or people who don't like me. But if you say like idols currently, I don't think I could say how I am towards them. Since they are my sunbae and I'm their dongsaeng.

I get the same way. So, what's your background life? How were things before you became a trainee?


Things were pretty hetic and crazy before me becoming a trainee. Because my parents didn't approve of me going into the music industry, I had rebeled and totally composed my own music uniques. And practiced my rapping and dancing. But of course, school makes everything really hetic. Exams, tests, etc., it's so much for me to handle.

Man, that's cool. What about as a trainee? How was your life then?

As a trainee? Well, I was really loud. I tended to be really crazy and scream my head off and laugh when I was bored. In conclusion I was energetic.

I see! What's your ideal type?

Oh.. BTOB's Minhyuk? Or Lee Minho. Wait- no, um. MBLAQ's Thunder? No, uh. VIXX's Leo? Just I don't know, (laughs) I think one of those four.

Oh, is that so? I go for the same type, really. What are you like when you're in love?

I just do whatever I can to get them to notice me. I've been friend-zoned before, so. I just don't want to work to hard. But usually when I'm in love, I just tell my members or friends what happened that day between me and that person. Squeal about him or like talk about him constantly.

Seriously? Same. Alright, that's it for questions~ Will you say goodbye to your fans, now?

Yes. Well, nice to meet you guys, and I hope to meet you guys later in the future ~! Please support A.T.O.M in the near future. Thank you ~! You won't regret it ~


⚛bright lights, bigger city

stage name: Ace

position: Main Rapper - Lead Dancer

backup position: Lead Vocal - Visual

subgroup: Electron

persona: Quiet Playcard

trainee years: Four and a half

weaknesses: Getting Tickled

⚛when can I see you again?


comments: Well, I finished my app. Hope it's good enough ~ If I need to fix something tell me! ^^

questions: I don't have that many questions..

scene requests:

Mmm.. I can't think of any.. But Author-nim, you can do any scene ~ I trust you ^-^ But I hope to have cute love scenes with Leo ~


Nothing else c: ^-^


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