❥ Perfect Match || Park Hyeri - Gijeog ツ

   Perfect Match


Park Hyeri


About You

username: sweetberries
activeness: 9
* what should we call you?: Raine or Stella. YO CHOICE :D
Into The New World
name: Park, Hyeri
* nicknames: Baby doll, Sleeping Beauty, & Angel Eyes
age: 22
birthdate: October, 23
height & weight: 167 cm 45 kg
birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
hometown: Seoul, South Korea
enthnicity: Pure Korean
  • Korean - Native
  • English - Fluent
  • Chinese - Semi-Fluent
Dream Girl
ulzzang:Huang Yi Lin
pictures: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 -5
backup ulzzang: Huang Yi Lin
pictures: 1 - 2 - 3
style: Her style is very cute, urban, flirty, and cute. She doesn't always stick to
one style since theres many to explore.
* extra: Both ears pierced, small tattoo of the word 'Miracle' in hangul on her right ankle.
Special Girl
» Hyeri is an out-going, down to earth, sweet girl. and loves and cares for almost everyone. She doesn't judge people by appearence, or first impressions. She loves making friends, and getting to know people. At first she's a bit uncomfartable around people she's not familiar with, but becomes her fun self sooner or later. She loves making people smile and laugh, and she enjoys living life to the fullest. She can have mood-swings time to time, and she can be quite impatient. 
» Photography
» Poetry
» Fashion
» Reading
» Bakery goods
» Sweets
» Music
» Art
» Heights
» Hot weather
» Horror Movies
» Rude, immature people
» Being alone
» She mixes up all three languages she knows when she's angry,
and it turns into one huge blob.
» She or bites her lips when she's nervous or frustrated.
» She constantly claps her hands when she laughs.
» She reveals her deepest and darkest secrets in her sleep.
» She's a cusp baby, meaning she has two Zodiac signs; Libra & Scorpio.
» Her favorite colors are blue, pink, white & black.
» Her ideal type is someone tall, sweet, caring, out-going, and funny.
» She loves shopping
» She loves playing soccer (football), volleyball, and she loves to swim.
» She loves to play the piano, and violin.
» She almost always sings in the shower.
» She hasn't had her first kiss yet.
» She wants to become a pianist.
» She's currently in college.
» Her dream is to travel the world.
» She's visited New York, Beijing, London, and California.
» She loves watching animated films, like Spirited Away, Grave of the Fireflies, & Princess Mononoke.
» She wants to visit Japan.
» She plans of having kids, and getting married.
» She loves hello kitty.
» She had a pet bunny named Cotton Ball.
» Her name was originally supposed to be Gijeog, which means Miracle in Korean.
» She loves learning new languages.
I Am
» Hyeri's parents were told that they wouldn't be able to have kids. This news had made them devistated, and depressed for many years. Hyeri's mother, Subin, began feeling sick. She had fevers, night-sweats, and she almost always felt nauseous. When they went for a checkup, they heard the best news of their lives. Something so unexpected, and surprising, that had changed their lives forever. It was announced that Subin was pregnant. On October 23, 1991 Subin gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Subin wanted to name her Hyeri, but her father wanted to name her Gijeog, meaning Miracle, since she was a miracle baby. After hours of deciding, they decided to give her the name Hyeri.
Hyeri grew up being an only child. Her parents didn't spoil her, but they did treat her like a princess. She had trouble making friends during her grade school days. She had trouble expressing herself, and talking to others. She only had three good friends. The Choi twins, and Kim Jin.
During Middle school, Hyeri had many new friends. She began growing out of her shell and learning how to express herself. Even at that young age, she was beautiful. Many boys confessed to her about their feelings, but she kindly rejected all of them saying "I'm not ready."
Hyeri loved playing the piano. It was the only way she knew how to express her feelings as a child. She took about five years of piano classes, and decided to become a pianist when she grew up. Hyeri still plays the piano today beautifully.
Hyeri entered college along with her friends, and is currently learning about music, and art. She dreams of making is successful in life.
»Mother; [Park Subin||44||Cafe owner|| they have a great relationship, and interact like normal mother and daughters.]
»Father; [Park Enlai||47||Real estate agent|| they don't talk to each other much, but are fine when they do.]
best friend: . 
, » Choi  Mihyun|| 21||college student||they act like sisters, and tell each other everything]
  »  Choi Gayun ||21||college student||Like Mihyun (Gayun's twin) Hyeri tells her everything, and they act like sisters.]
» Cho Hankyung||23||college graduate/ university student|| Hankyung tends to be shy around Hyeri, and he had confessed to her in junior year, but she only said they were just friends. They're still close, but he still has feelings left for her.]
»  Lee Gi-kwang||23||B2ST Member||they act like brother, and sister. Sometimes people consider them as a couple.]
»  Park Jasmine (Jazz)||20||college student||they act like normal friends, but not as close.]
»  Park Chojin||21||college student|| Chojin is one of Hyeri's childhood best friends. He considers her the best noona ever. Even though Hyeri is a year older, she still calls Chojin oppa. He had a small crush on her during middle school, but he's currently happily engaged.
  » Kim Jin ||22||college student/part time teacher assistant||they grew up together, and consider themselves sisters.]
Fantastic Baby!
favorite idol group:  EXO
-Hyeri loves EXO because she loves the members personality, and their music. She enjoys watching their perfomances, and shows.  She also loves their appearences. (;
ideal type:  Luhan - EXO-M ; Kris - EXO-M
 isn't he gorgeous. Daebakkk<3
I Love You~
love Interest:  Luhan
group:  EXO-M
age:  22 International age - 23 Korean age
how you know him:  Hyeri has never met Luhan before. She's just been a fan of him, and all of EXO ever since they debuted. She's watched him, and other members of EXO on TV, and Kpop news, but never in person. Yet.
back up love interest:  Kris Wu - EXO-M
To You
comments:  Nu c: I hope you're apply fic becomes sucessful! c:
scene requests:  Luhannie protects Hyeri ;D from like, a horror movie. XD 
password:  LUHANNIE<3


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