`〈 ♛ 〉ℰℓℯvℯn ↷ Hwang Eun Yi


        Hwang Eun Yitumblr_ma9rbiPvVH1qdyhdro1_500.gif


        Activeness: 5
        What shall I call you? Lou ^-^


        Full Name: Hwang Eun Yi
        Other Names: Hwang LiLi - English | Hwang Kuni Emi - Japanese 
        *Nicknames: None
        Age: 14
        Birthday: May 30, 1998
        Height & weight: 164cm & 53kg
        Bloodtype: B
        birthplace: L.A., Cal., USA
        Hometown: Garden Grove, Cali, USA
        Enthnity: Half Vietnamese | Half Korean
        Languages: English - Fluent | Korean - Fluent | Vietnamese - Fluent | Japanese - Basic/ Learning



     "Well, that's amazing!" - Having to be so energetic and carefree, there is no way anybody could keep up with her. Eun Yi is always laughing and giggling, gets scolded for that. Her face makes it look like she has an icy aura, but until people have met her and got passed that, she's really charming. She procrastinates sometimes when she's lazy. Cheering people up and saying stupid things are really her goal but her brain and intelligence is different. Extremely energetic and powerful. Her glare could kill someone, but that's not going to happen if someone pisses her off. Her aegyo is probably the cutest thing on earth, she looks like an actual doll doing aegyo. 

"Touchy Touchy My Face~" - When she looks in the mirror she sees her face and flaws. She has a strong confidence, never afraid to think of herself as an ugly person because every girl is beautiful. Her confidence always boosts her energy. Then when it comes to thinking of her flaws, to her it was her intelligence. Being to smart, she didn't like that, she got bullied for it. She had that nerd face she didn't like at all.


"I Wonder if You Hurt Like Me" -  Being too smart, knowing too much, correcting people 24/7, it made people laugh at her. They bullied her for being to smart and never would have friends. Sometimes if her members speak in wrong grammer, she'll fix, but then shut again because she's afraid of getting yelled at. That being said, as she group up she did get abused by people from school and that completely shut her. At times it shuts her if anything that goes on around her making her remember that memory. Meaning, she won't be bubbly or happy until another few days or weeks.

        pet peeves: 

     -People who bite their nails

     - People tapping on the table

     - People eating with their mouth open


- Music

- Anime

- Skateboarding

- Tea

- Huskeys

- Seafood

- Instagram, Facebook, social networking sites, etc.

- Shopping

- Sleeping


- Spiders

- dogs *except huskeys*

- Bad Odor

- Fakes

- Haters

- Ghosts

- Birds

- Getting yelled at or abused


- Spiders *Because it always was everywhere she went and bit her once as a child*

- Birds *One bit her at the zoo*


- Composing music & lyrics

- Rapping

- Doing DIYs

- Cooking

- Guitar

- Flute

 - Crying to easily *having the members worry for sometimes*

- Laughing so much that it makes her faint

- Trying stupid challenges she finds on the internet

- Crying when she thinks of a bad memory instantly

- Talking to loudly making it sound like she's yelling at someone

1. Ideal Type: Someone who can be funny at times that are funny. Someone who can be serious during times that are serious. But realling loving and caring. Like VIXX's Ravi & Hongbin or SuJu's Yesung

2. More guy friends than girls

3. Instagram: @EunYiYi

4. Twitter: @EunYiYi

5. She was the lead female role in uBeat's Should Have Treated You Better

6. she loves every Kpop group and hates people who start fanwars with every group cause she loves every Kpop group alive.

7. Former Child-Model

8. Role Model: CL & Every Kpop Rapper -espacially Jay Park-

9. Former trainee at J.Tune Entertainment

10. Her best feature is her smile

11. Celebrity Crush: Seventeen's Hansol & Super Junior's Yesung

12. Celebrity Female Crush: SECRET's Hyosung & Afterschool's Nana



 [Dad|Hwang Hyunmin |48|Chef|Loud and Short-tempered|2]

[Mom | Ngyuyen Ngoc | 45 | Kind|Stay-home Mom | 4.5]

[Brother| 17 |Annoying and Playful| Student| 5]


 [Hansol Choi|Seventeen|14|Playful|Like a couple]

[Seo Joo Hyun | SNSD | 21 | Innocent & Smart | Sisters]

        Best friend: 
[1. Hansol Choi|Seventeen| 14| Playful|He first introduced himself to Eun Yi when she firsted entered the company as a trainee. He showed her around, heled her with her routine so she wouldn't feel lonely. His smile cheered her up when they first met. In a way, Hansol was her only bestfriend|how you act]
        family background: 
          Born & raised in Southern California. In love with the nice sun, but can't ever get tanned. Eun Yo always had her parents show her music from both cultures Korea & Vietnam. Eun Yi wanted to become a Pop Idol like them but for her to become a V-Pop Idol, she had to wait until she was sixteen. She didn't want that, so her parents let herget ready her voice if she ever wanted to audition. Her parents were very supportive the every step of the way.


        face: SECRET's Sunhwa
        Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
        Back up face: Afterschool Nana
        Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
         Casual:1 | 2 | 3 | 4
         Formal: 1  | 2 | 3
         Dorm: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
       Training: 1 | 2 | 3


        How you got into Pledis: 
     She had e-mailed her application and her recordings to Pledis Entertainment. When she was accepted they sent a crew over to record her daily life. After about a month doing that she was sent over to Korea to train when she just turned twelve. 
        trainee history: 
    When Eun Yi was accepted, she was really lonely. She really didn't have anyone show her around or do anything. It was just a 'Here this is what you do everyday until you debut,' type of thing. She didn't know what to do, seeing other trainees laugh and befriend others. They stared at her weirdly, she didn't know how to befriend with others. They usually befriended her. So she kept to herself. She was bullied here and there because she wasn't full Korean and she looked different. Only one person was able to befriend her and back her up. During her trainee time it tough for her, but she just thought of it as a positive things pushing the negatives aside.
        trainee years: Two years and a half
        *Stage name: Ace
        fanclub name: Jokers        
       fanclub color: Dark Gray #666666
        persona: Quiet Playcard
        position: [highlight your choice in your fanclub color & underline your backup choices ; two]
        main vocal
        ↺ main vocal, sub dancer
        ↺ main Rapper
        ↺ Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer
        ↺ Main Dancer, Lead Rapper
        ↺ Lead Dancer, Sub Rapper
        ↺ Sub Dancer, Sub Vocal, Sub Rapper
        ↺ Visual, sub Dancer
        ↺ Face of Group, Sub Vocal
        ↺ Leader, lead Vocal
        ↺ Sub Leader, Sub Rapper
        Vocal Twin: [name ; group ; two clips]
        Dancing Twin: Fei ; Miss A ; 1 | 2
        Rapping Twin: LE ; EXID ; 1| 2
        Sub-Group: 1. Korean 2. Japanese 3. Chinese
        Anything else?: Actress; MC; Model & Composer






         Hansol Choi
        tumblr_mkff4q27491s2sk1bo1_500.gif tumblr_mkff2m7Skr1s2zrgxo2_500.giftumblr_mkdvyy6UyO1rbw97uo1_250.gif
        love interest: Hansol Choi
        age: 14
        Group: Seventeen
Hansol's really cute and playful. He's a dork at times. He doesn't really care much for the looks,if the personality is appealing he'd like her. Hansol has a model-boy type of image making Eun Yi to have thought he was a cold person everytime she looked at him. But he's all fun and games. He's really hardworking and deteermined to reach whatever his goal is..
        how you met/meet: 
When Eun Yi first entered Pledis, she was just walking around the building trying to get to her training room. But got lost. No one bothered to help at all. Hansol noticed Eun Yi being frustrated and didn't no where to go. He walked up to her and showed her where to go. Eun Yi didn't look at his face at all, he was really handsome. She was just hiding her blushing face. He then promised her he'd show her around more later after practice. Even after that, the two then on became great friends, well Hansol was her only friend. In Pledis. 
        how you interact: 
The two act like married couples. Nagging each other constantly and caring for each other when hurt. Sometimes like aquaintences when tired of their schedules or practices. But most the time, they're both really lovable to each other. 
Best Friends
        back-up love interest: SungJae


        rival: Ravi a.k.a Kim Won Shik
        age & group: 19 & VIXX
Ravi is extremely quirky and odd. He is serious but tends to take everything as a joke and isn't all that serious. Makes a lot of jokes to create a light and happy atmosphere. But when he's working hard on his rap lyrics or anything, he doesn't take it as a joke and works hard.
        reason for rivalry: 
Ravi and Eun Yi are always put up together to rap. Ravi could freestyle and so could Eun Yi. But everytime peers were to choose who was better it was more likely to be Eun Yi. Ravi didn't like getting beat by a girl, so she became his rival ever since.
        Love rival: Jung Ilhoon
        age & group: 18 & BTOB
Ilhoon is extremely creative and cute. He starts something, he won't stop. Unless he's exhausted. He has natural aegyo that you can't look away from or ignore. Though he hates skinship, some people have an exception to get skinship from him. Meaning he really likes you.
        how you met/meet: 
Originally, Eun Yi wanted to join Cube first, so her dad had taken her to see only the company. Couldn't nessecarily go in. She just looked at the comany and thought of her dreams being there. Though she did audition for Cube but didn't make it. Ilhoon had noticed Eun Yi was really sad to not be able to join her dream company. He walked up to her and ppatted her shoulder. Reassuring her that she has another chance in other companies too. Well, then when Eun Yi left for the restroom, she had her phone on the chair. Ilhoon took it and added his phone number in hers. And hers in his. 
Later without her knowing, he had called her. And the two became instant buddies after that.
        how you interact: 
They nag each other all the time. Eun Yi really enjoys skinship, Ilhoon doesn't. So Eun Yi is always teasing him that way. Sometime he just ignores her and pouts. But most the time to Eun Yi, he's like a brother. But to Ilhoon... It's a differen't thought.
        how are they a love rival: 
Ilhoon has a crush on Eun Yi
        *who do you want your character to end up with? 
Hansol, please ~~ ^^
        Comments: I hoe my application is good enough! This apply fic really caught my eye! ^-^ If there's anything wrong please tell me ~ P.S. I'm sorry if the way the app looks is wrong, I kinda messed up and it was kinda hard to fix it. Sorry!
        suggestions: Phantom - Hole In Your Face & Phantom - Burning
        Scene suggestions: 
   - Eleven on Weekly Idol but Eun Yi is the only member that wants to be treated like a male
   - Eleven TV
   - Eun Yi on ShimShimTapa
   - Eleven @ TaXi
   - Hansol kisses Eun Yi out of nowhere
   - Ilhoon forces Eun Yi to spend a day with him because of jealousy
        Password:{ BEAUTY}



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