Things I want My Friends To Know About Me.

Stolen off Jewell, who stole it off Eris, who stole it off TiaraL

I needed an excuse to procrastinate...  If you can't be bothered to read all of it, I'll colour the bits that are important. ^^ Actually. They're all pretty important. 

1. My name is Tiffany (if you didn't know that already..) 

2. I'm currently a ripe age of 16 (sounds like i'm a fruit/crop/food. o-o) 

3. The first time I heard Kpop was when i was in Year 5 (2007), Big Bang's Lies/Last farewell and SNSD's Kissing You were the first ever songs i had heard of this crazy pop culture. Although it wasn't until approximatley 2009/10 that I had been utterly captivated. The first proper group I fangirled over was -- you guessed it -- SHINee. (Typical I know).  [edit: Actually, the first time I heard it was probablly in year 3/4 Wonder Girl's Tell Me]

4. My Ultimate Bias --for now-- is Luhan. (Exo also happens to be the main group i'm completelly crazily infatuated with, although Infinite comes quite close is adored too) 

5. My hobbies include: reading (novels and fanfiction; a combo of fantasy, medieval settings are the best., mystery , murder, crime, romance etc,) , drawing/sketching (sways towards manga side, although I can be realistic if I so wish), playing the piano (although it's been so long.. I at it now.) , talking to people, playing around with friends, shopping, eating, taking photos, watching documentarys.  

6. I am an absolute otaku. But due to time/study-constraints I'm rather behind on several series. I like shounen and shoujo okay? :3 

7. I overuse parenthesis (If you haven't realised already. LOL. OTL) 

8. I absolutely adore things from Japan. I love the language, the culture, the pretty Sakura blooming away in spring. I'd really like to do an exchange program someday... 

9. I enjoy math when I understand it. When forced to choose between a math and english I would happily choose math. Although if the 'English' was just reading.. there's a chance I would choose english. ^^ ( I only dislike English for the analysis/essays, everything else I generally love.)

10. I have interests everywhere. I feel like there's not enough time for me explore everything in this amazing world that is God's creation. 

11. I'm 'religious', although to me it's more like a relationship.  I'm Christian

12. I'm naturally introverted. Although the more accurate position would probably be around the middle of the 'extrovert-introvert continuim' I tend to tip over to the introverted side. 

13. I'm an extremely lazy person. But for my loved ones, quite often I will do whatever they need--even if I happen to be doing it begrudgingly. 

14. I love sleep. I'm pretty grouchy when I don't get enough and can get sick easily due to lack of sleep. 

15. I have a proclivity (ERIS TAUGHT ME THIS WORD--indirectly though, through her fics haha :D) of being blunt. It's not intentional if I offend you. I'm just really bad at sugar coating or saying things 'nicer'. I try my best when needed though. 

16. I really appreciate and value people talking to me. When people bother to take time out of their day to converse with me, it feels like they actually care enough about me to spend a few minutes just to ask how I am or what I'm doing. I love talking to people. I love seeing people display their love for each other (not necessarily romantic) through simple actionslike conversation. Perhaps it's because I'm an only child.  

17, My favourite colour would have to be  baby blue(if I had to choose) but pastels in general are my favourite colours. 

18. My online-self and my real-life--self are pretty much the same-- I think. I'm  more of an airhead/lostie in real life and I have a bad habit of drifting off into deep thought. completely ignoring my surroundings. Sometimes, it takes several good shakes, slaps and calls to get me out of,  my little world.

19.  If and when I post comments on people's stories, I tend to be rather critical. This is because I believe that as a reader I should be giving feedback to the author and helping them improve. Please don't be offended/ take it personally! (I do this to everyone, when I see things that might help, if you disagree with me tell me. I could be wrong you know.) 

20. I absolutely deplore myself for planning out so many fics/ stories and not ever getting to the end of them. I simply get so frustrated at myself. For having no drive. For having no time. For having phoney excuses. For being utterly apathetic (at times) about not writing the stories. I wish to communicate with others and see if they see and hear what I put out too... The joy of being an author -- though perhaps unrecognised -- is something I'd like to experience too. Ugh. This inner conflict never seems to stop. The battle of wills. 


Can't think of anything else at the moment.. I'll update it when i can! :)  Oh also. THIS KID IS SO CUTE. Mini-luhan desu.


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