
I figured I should probably address this whole MIA for a month at a time thing properly. 


Short version is : I'm a senior now. = prioritising school work over leisure = heaps more tutoring classes to attend = tired Tiffany.

SO yeah. 


Long version, if you wish to hear it (and I shouldn't even be ON right now) would be that; 

a) The workload has miraculously increased about two-fourfold now that I have tutoring, on top of being a senior

b) everythingevery single stupid little mark counts towards the big exams that I'll be taking next year for my University entrance thing.. Which really only just about adds to the demand of 'Time management" 

c) I need time alone, (or with God) to wind down...

d) I need time to cry and throw tantrums when things get ridiculous (has happaned, therefore will definitely happen again). 

So that's about it.  (Wasn't all that long now was it LOL)


Love you all to pieces and please bear with me when wallposts/pms/comment replies take eons to reply.. 


If you want to reach me more directly I have Kakao & Line .. And you'll have to ask for that if you really want that. :P 


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Poor baby <3 DX
I haven't talked to you in foreverrr, and I just recently came back from my indefinite hiatus OTL I know the stress of schol (everyone does), but I believe in youuuu. I'll pray for you, and I hope you stay healthy. <3