Advertised Fics: Tastes Like Cheesecake & Suicide Diary

I honestly didn't think I would win the bid... I wasn't entirely sure if this fic was really a good choice to be advertised... but I saw how I made some of those who previously read it happy and I saw the new comments, so I'm happy <3


I just wonder if people who see the fic on the advertisement would realize that it is written the same author who wrote Suicide Diary~ Hahaha!!!


I honestly don't think Tastes Like Cheesecake would have as much subscribers, upvotes, or comments as Suicide Diary.  That's okay though~ I just want to show another side of my writing.


Not to mention, I've been getting a lot of congratulatory comments instead of actual comments for Tastes Like Cheesecake ^^;; I placed a note there thanking for the congratulation comments and apologizing for taking them down as I would prefer to have actual comments for my fic (whether good or bad, criticism is different from bashing)


On the other hand, I was pretty sure my karma points yesterday was less than 50~ and now, it's 1000 again~ I'm pretty sure that the subscribes and comments I got for the advertised fic wouldn't have let me reach 1000 karma yet.   did someone donate? o_o;; If so, thank you very much~ ^^


Anyone feel free to comment a ONE WORD PROMPT randomly.  I need some sort of inspiration/idea to start writing.  I want it to be done by Sunday (birthday gift to someone) but considering the state I'm in.... sigh~ @_@  I hope the pressure kicks the wheels in my brain to start turning~ Hahaha!!


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Sorry for only putting congratulation notices. xD

I don't really comment with actual commentary to the story until I've actually read it, but that's why I congratulate first! lol

But I'm so happy you advertise your fanfictions because they're so good and I love reading them. :)
Congratulations, Noona!
One word prompt : Travel! :D
i've got so excited when i saw the add of this fic, i liked it so much like many of yours, specially because of its odd coupling
about an idea, i really love your dark and mysterious fics so i wanted to give you such a suggest but i don't think it would be so appropriate for birthday so i've chose this:
horrible accident that was his fault caused his beloved boyfriend's death but he can't accept it and everything went to a sweet dark dream that he doesn't want to awake from
one word prompt: sakura (cherry blossoms)
wahh! Chukkahae eonnie! :D
Congrats on winning the bid, unnie \o/ I hope this story will be as successful as Suicide Diary ^^
And one word prompt: prom xD With SuLay as the main pairing, pretty peulease? c'x
congratz for winning the bid ;)
i love both story~
wooh~~ hwaiting hwaiting!
I would love anything~~ ^^
Ehem. *coughcough* Ehem.

But for sure anything you write is awesome. That person would appreciate any story, that's for sure. It's the thought that counts ^^
cyji11270114 #11