How It Feels to Be Unacknowledged and Unappreciated

Hello everyone. This is Erica and for once, I'm actually posting up a blog on this account that isn't another one of my reviews.

I have no idea why I'm posting this but since I post blogs about reviews and all, I suppose this is acceptable to be posted on this account? I don't even know, I guess I didn't want to post this on my main account for some reason. I just wanted to make this blog post to vent my sadness, disappointment, and slight anger and annoyance.

So, if you didn't know this already, I'm a reviewer. I'm not a reviewer at any other shop besides my own and I've just started reviewing recently. I decided to become a reviewer because I've noticed that there are a lot of review shops in Asianfanfics that are...Well, not so good.

I see a lot of review shops that don't actually 'review' a story, review shops that don't actually tell the writer what he/she is doing wrong, review shops that aren't actually helping a writer improve. Basically, I've seen a lot of review shops here that don't do a very good job of reviewing, as if they decided to become reviewers just because they're able to criticize something and formulate an opinion about it. I have no idea if these reviewers genuinely want to help authors or if they just want to review stories to seem like they're 'better' writers, but I'm sure that there are people who actually want to tell people how they can improve.

Unfortunately, I'm not seeing many people like that in Asianfanfics. At least, I'm not seeing many reviewers like that on Asianfanfics, which is just terrible because I have no idea if most reviewers actually want to help authors or not.

Some of them don't even seem like they're making an effort to review! They simply write a line for every single criteria, score the review, and call it a day! They don't bother to tell you what you're doing right or what you're doing wrong, they don't tell you why they gave you your score, they don't tell you why they didn't like your plot, and they just don't help you improve.

I've seen far too many reviews like these:
[The following are an example reviews. I made them up on the spot and it is not my intention to offend anyone.]

Title: 8/10
I don't know why I gave you 8.


Characters: 4/10
I gave you a low score because I don't like 4minute.


Plot: 2/15
I don't ship Krisyeol, so I gave you a low score.


Description: 10/10
It's nice.

...Honestly, I actually feel a bit sad when I see reviews like the ones I've showed you above. Reviews like that don't help you improve as a writer and they don't point out any of your mistakes. They're the type of reviews that make the reviewer look lazy and unfair, which is actually how quite a lot of reviewers on Asianfanfics seem like.

Some reviewers actually base the score on their personal preference. Some reviews will actually give you low marks simply because they "didn't like 2PM" or because they "don't ship Kaisoo", and whenever I come across reviews like that, I actually cringe.

Like, you do not give people low scores just because you don't like Teen Top. You do not give people low scores just because you wanted the OC to end up with Luhan and not Baekhyun. You do not give people low scores based on your personal preference, like no.

People actually come to you because they want someone to criticize their story, someone to tell them how they can improve and what they're doing wrong. They're expecting fair and honest reviews that have good reasons to support the scores, reviews that aren't based on personal preferences. Seriously, if I was to base all of my reviews on my personal preference, all of the Yuri, Krisyeol, and non-Baekyeol fics can say hello to zero.

You're supposed to base the scores on the actual quality of the story, not because you didn't like the characters or because you don't ship Hunhan.

I actually get a bit upset when I see reviewers base the score of the review on their own personal preference, or when the reviewer incorrectly marks something because of his/her lack of knowledge about a certain topic.

There are a lot of things that disappoint me when I see it in a review but the point is, I decided to become a reviewer because I genuinely wanted to help people improve their writing and become better writers. I tried my best when I reviewed their stories, I tried my best to explain why I gave them a certain score, I tried my best to give a review that was satisfactory for the author, and I tried my best to tell them what they're doing right and what they're doing wrong.

I would spend quite some time reading a story and then rereading it, and when I write my reviews, I always go through them a couple of times, making sure not to have missed anything.

Whenever I do a review, I always give it my all.

I always try my best when I write my reviews, but I feel like no one ever acknowledges that. I feel like no one truly appreciates all the work and effort I put into my reviews. I feel like no one really acknowledges me as a reviewer.

Now, I understand that I sound like a bitter child who didn't get enough attention, but I've seen countless of one-liner reviews that have comments from other people saying things like "You're an amazing reviewer!", "You're my favorite reviewer!", or even "You're one of the best reviewers on Asianfanfics!"

I see comments like that for reviews that literally say "I liked your title".
What. The. Hell.

I'm only feeling this way because even when I try my best to write lengthy and detailed reviews, it doesn't seem like anyone really liked or appreciated it. I feel frustrated because even when I write reviews that tell the author what she/he's doing wrong and what she/he can do to improve, I feel like I barely get any appreciation.

Admittedly, I have been complimented on my reviewing before but it's only sometimes. I do really appreciate the compliments but I somehow still feel unappreciated.

Oh gosh, I sound like such a brat in this blog post, but surely someone can see where I'm coming from? Someone can understand how I'm feeling right now? I don't feel like I deserve a lot of attention and all, I just feel like I'm unacknowledged. No, I'm not expecting posts and comments of "You're an amazing reviewer, don't you ever forget that!", I want to see if anyone feels the same way I do.

But...I can't help but sometimes think "Am I really that bad of a reviewer?"

My apologies for sounding like a total brat! Please just comment and tell me what you think! Reviewers, ex-reviewers, people who get their stories reviewed a lot, do you ever feel the same way?
Oh god, why did I even post this. I should be asleep right now, I'm sorry.
This will probably be deleted soon. Maybe later on today or tomorrow?


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I do not review and honestly, I am scared for having my stories reviewed because I am still in the "learning" phase of taking criticism, haha. Mostly because I am afraid that the one reviewing will be all serious and it will seem as if he/she really was bothered by the mistakes or things I have made unclear.

Nonetheless, I can tell how you feel, because simplicity do tend to take over around here...

All too often I have seen the little more "simple" stories, those where the authors write "he did that and he did that". Where there is barely any charctarization and bluh bluh, and yet there are tons of people reading and commenting.

And then I walk over to another story, with a unique plot (or maybe not), at least with unique characters and one that actually has something to say with the whole story. That story has a fifth of the amount of readers and such the "simple" one has.

I think that this relates to the problem that is swirling around the whole rant. The ones working really, really hard somehow become hidden in the shadows, and in the end, of course, it is still all about simplicity...

I am not sure if something decent came out of this for you to answer to, but I wanted to share how I felt ^^;;
TheTimeChaser #2
I remember seeing a review. The reviewer really pissed me off. She gave the author perfect score saying, "characterization: 10/10 my bias daehyun!-" and in some categories, she gave "10/10" and just said, "It's nice." When I checked the story, it was cliche with bullcrap character description. I was like, , why the hell was this featured in the shop ?!"

That was a total bull____. How will that author improve? My goodness.

So, yeah, I understand your feels.
erica bby don't worry. they are mindless people (both reviewer and requester) and let me hug you right now. see, people praise you so much ok.
Hm...lately I've been reading a whole bunch of things about why some people hate certain reviewers, and I always find myself questioning if I've done that.....O.o
Haha, I totally understand! Back then before I started reviewing, all the reviews I requested were like that and that's how I thought it was normal. Now, I look at them where people just took points off without telling me how to improve, and it makes me sad.
Biased reviewers .
Admittedly, I take a long time and I'm a harsh, picky, mean reviewer, but I hope people actually find my reviews helpful. OTL
I remember one time when I stayed up past 12 finishing this review for someone. I took a lot of time to read and re-read her story, and I really put a lot of effort into writing it. But the next day, the only comment she left was: "Thanks. I'll credit."
I was a little sad, tbh. I was kind of hoping for some feedback or response. Usually, the requester will comment on the review and explain things to me that I didn't understand and clarify things up a bit. Lol..sorry for rambling.

Haha, I go unacknowledged all the time. I don't think I've ever complimented (lol..probably too harsh), but I never really thought much about it. I just like to review for the sake of helping people improve. Honestly, I don't really care about being unacknowledged as a reviewer. I just feel unacknowledged as a writer. I happened to see an EXO story with several ten thousand plus views and a bunch of great comments like....nvm...I won't even go into it. But now, finding out that people actually like reviewers like that....I'm starting to feel a little bad myself. .__.

You're not sounding like a brat at all. I mean, what does that make me? A ____? You're not bad. People here just don't like to appreciate those who deserve it. I'm sure a lot of people feel this way in some way or another. This is not bratty-sounding at all. It's the truth. Reviewers like that . I'm with you on this topic. Sorry for the long ___ comment.
Dude, you are a great reviewer, so much better than those one-liner reviewers.
What I hate more than biased reviewers are reviewers that say nothing. Literally. Nothing.
I saw this one reviewer who only gave scores. Scores. Just scores. Not even one word of feedback. Just... numbers. I would link it to you, but I don't want to make that person feel bad/embarrassed.
Reading that, I hope you realize that you are probably one of the best reviewers on AFF.
ERICA!! OMG you just wrote every single thing I have in mind! I understand where you're coming from there. It's actually one of the reasons I started reviewing. Admittedly, I'm far from being the best reviewer out there and I can't even call myself an experienced writer since I came on here last december, but seeing all those reviews really frustrates me.

I've seen people who request thanking the reviewers for pointing out their mistakes when the only semblance of it was a few lines under the mechanics of writing that said stuff like "You have a few grammar and spelling mistakes but other than that, it was good.". And the worst part is when I review a story and I see such things in other reviews they requested, and when I actually get down to reading... let's just say I barely passed some for mechanics.

It makes me wonder if people sometimes request reviews for the sake of getting a nice score rather than proper feedback for their stories. Maybe it's just the way I think, but really, it's sad to see.