Challenge Day 7: No One Who Care About Me?

7. #1 most overrated Kpop song?

Believe me, when I first saw the questions for this challenge, I've been thinking over this question incessantly.

I had initially thought of "Gee" or "I Got a Boy" by Girls' Generation, but those were too obvious.

So finally, after several days of thinking, I made a decision.

EXO's Mama.

The whole origin of 12 powers was ridonkulous. I seriously can't listen to the whole thing.

Another important point: if SM can come up with that story in English, then why does their Gregorian Chanting (which is in English) make no sense whatsoever? That just...boggles my mind.

And the screaming...

No comment.

Putting that up so the cuteness could offset your current disdain for me XDD

Don't get me wrong, I like EXO, really.

Mama is just...



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LOL, Hey did you create this challege or did you find it somewhere? cause i would love to do this ^^
I would actually agree. =)

And the puppy is ADORABLE!!!