Help me, please?

So you see, I'm writing an apply fic about U-kiss. Oh, no you don't! I'm sure you'll going to close this tab right? Seriously, U-Kiss don't receive enough love. The fanfic is about a circus. I've provided interesting plot lines for you guys who are interested to choose. I'll list them out. The Witness, The Fortune-Teller, The Knife-Thrower, The Gymnast and lastly The Clown. I myself will also be in the story as The Ring-master. It's a mystery genre story. :) It doesn't take alot to impress me so if you would like to apply or maybe just take a look at it please come here. I really want to get started writing this fanfiction and so far I only have 3 applicants, each chose a different plotline. So for those who dislikes competition, you can try applying at the place where no one had applied yet.


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