draco dormiens || Zhang Xiao Dan


     ( YukiBoo )   ||   ( 4 )   ||   ( Aja )     

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you're either magical or you aren't.

character || Chinese-Jessamy Zhang | Zhang Xiao Dan ( 小丹 )

nickname ||

 >>Jessa-It is the only nickname that she has,and the ones who are close to her, get to call her Jessa.

 >> MyMy- Only for people, who don't know her so well,but she likes them.

  >> Amy- Another name that she came up with, on her own boredom.

 >> Kitten- When Xiumin wants to be smooth with her, and it annoys her so much.

>> XiaoXiao or DanDan- Her parents call her that.

dob + age || 02/14/1998 + 18 years old.
place of birth || Beijing,China
hometown || Manchester,England
languages || Mandarin(Native Language),Korean(Fluent),English(Fluent)


idol ||  Meng Jia(Jia) of MissA

pictures ||  01 02 03

back-up idol || Wang Fei Fei(Fei) of MissA

pictures || 01 02 03

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where you ought to be.

personality ||


Jessamy is the kind of girl, that no one really can figure out. She has the kind of unpredictability, that no one can get through. She is not the kind would fall for a guy so easily. She makes the guy work for her affection, and prove that he can be the one for her. Things like this, is what you do not really see in a woman like.Her ways of attraction makes her more unique than others.She was raised to be more independent, and vocal about how she feels. She has a strong,and fiesty personality that other students would be afraid of.She does not show off the valiant, pure-hearted, and brave aura.No sir, she is shows off a mysterious,loud,and snarky kind of aura. She may not be seen as the typical optimist,but that all changes if you can get past her wall.So, if you even try to break down her mental wall, approach with caution.Please?


For starters, Jessamy is not the most friendly one at Hogwarts. She is very distant with strangers, and she does not give a damn about anything for that matter. She has the cold aura that adds to the haunting look in her eye. It creeps you out,but those who know her well enough adjust to it. She is usually quiet , and she works efficiently that way. She does not even think about reaching out,well,because many are scared of her. You want to know whose fault that is? Oh...her brother! Zhang Dong Hai, or others would call him Tristan. Tristan is mute, and he watches over Jessamy like a hawk. He is the disciplinary soldier, when their parents aren't around,and most importantly, he is always there to save her . So, Tristan and Jessamy had to look out for eachother when they were young. Setbacks? Well, with him being around, it has prevented her from making any friends. When they are together, it makes things easier for them to be the target of the constant ridicule. Many would think she does not have a reason, for being so mean. Well, here it is! Many people put her down, and made her feel insignificant.So,believes that it is fair to return the favor. A couple of her mannerisms would be her stoic expression,cold glare, chilling sneer, and snarky remaks for the icing on the cake. She may be mean, but she is not the antagonizer. She has no interest in being in those fake social circles,or trying to fit in to some social class. It's just not her.


Apart from her indifferent,and cold nature, she is intelligent in her own right. She works on spells, or projects in her solitary sanctuary. The fact that she is on her own, helps her think more. She has a quicker reflex, than those who panic in the sight of danger. To assist her on dangerous missions, her brain finds a way to decipher a hard puzzle, or get herself out of that situation.She is very calm, and it is rare for her to freak out. She believes that stress is a waste of time,so she does not put any energy into stressing out. There will be times,where she does stress out,but it happens on rare occasions. If that happens,she dissappears into her own coocoon,and work on here solo projects to calm down. Jessamy is patient about things,and moments where she has too put alot of time into the trial before her.When she puts time into her spells, the result comes out in a favorable display. She is hardworking, and she will finish things on time. It clearly shows, because her professors admire her work ethic, and always fighting for the top. She is very persistent, and it is hard for her to give up on the things that she wants. So, she will go after it.If it means bettering herself, or helping Tristan and herself open up to others,she will do it.She is honest about her flaws,her feelings, and what she wants. Her personality stops her from opening up,and her aura scares people away. She wants to be more friendly,but she does not know where to start. It annoys her to the fullest, but at least she is making an effort. Professors,and students would say that she thinks on her instincts, and listening to what her heart tells her. Well that part is true. Most of the time,she depends on her brain,but it does not corellate with what she feels is right all the time. She listens to her own voice,because she believes that no one would listen to her. Her naive little heart wanted to trust others,but she was only let down in the end. Her lack of trust in others, makes her think in a negative light. She pushes people away,but her distant attitude kills her on the inside. It makes her vulnerable to strangers,but will she take the first step or run away? Jessamy does not know for sure,but she will find a way out someday.


Jessamy knows who she is, and she works on her flaws to become a better person. However, she hears the other students judgement about her...and it makes her loathe the people around her. She despises it, and that brings out a very fiesty side of her, with a venomous bite to her. She tries to be nice,but even a nice person has their limits. When she is pushed to the point of no return,she has no humanity. She will vocalize her discontent about the other person, and she will hurt them emotionally.Her way of showing off her discontent is unfortunate,but being pushed away all this time, bites you in the . It makes her guilty in the end,but the brave fool asked for it. The judgement of others,and their snide remarks highlights the reason why she keeps to herself. She avoids others, who may be trouble to her well being. She has her moments when she snaps,but some innocent ones have bad timing. No she does not hurt them! She only yells at them?? (o.o) She has her lonely moments, and that is the time when she cries. She does not like to cry in front of others,because she does not want to be seen as weak. When she wants to reach out for someone, it will be rare for you to see it. Despite her independence,and her lack of desire to be taken care of, she just wants someone beside her. Only a few of her friends have seen how vulnerable she is,but she feels like it is a start to be more. Friendly.


Besides her cold attitude that was mentioned earlier, she can be the sweetheart that you would want to have on your side. She is watchful,and protective of those who are close to her. Meaning scaring off other people, that may harm them. She is also possesive, meaning that she will hold her friends and her future guy closely. She adds her affection to her obsessiveness. A pinch of awkwardness would be added to her sweet side. She has her moments,where she has her blank stares and she does not know how to deal with it.She smiles when she feels like it,and that is also rare. You would have to touch her heart, in a sincere way.Or, if she decides to like you.She does not hesitate in helping others in need, and is eager for a fight to the finish. 


 She knows that she is not perfect, but she makes the effort to let people in.

history ||

When it comes to Jessamy, she was born in a well-off family in China. She lived with her mother, father, and her brother Dong Hai as the part of the Zhang family. The Zhang Family was one of the most influencial families that lived in China. Many people wanted a piece of them,and wanted in to their business. Tough luck, because nobody could break through their family bond. Yeah, they are really close, which makes it harder to break in the mold of the Zhang family. The family may look glamorous, but every perfect image hides a terrible secret. Jessamy's are involved in the council of the Death Eaters, along with Malfoy's parents. Their involvement has separated Jessamy, and Tristan from their parents. Leaving them to fend for themselves.


Jessamy and Tristan were two of the most intelligent students in the muggle world,specifically in Manchester. It made them the top of the class, and very favored among many students. Sadly, it only followed with jealousy and resentment. Tristan is classified as the silent type, with a bad boy swagger and it attracted many of the girls in her school. Even at a young age, he was a lady killer. Unfortunately for her, Jessamy was targeted for being related to Tristan. Many girls would ask,"Oh,what does Tristan like? Will he like me???" The shrill voices of the girls around her were very annoying, and her answer was always, "Why would he like you?"It made them very angry,and a victim of bullying.


She would here so much ridicule, and that she would never amount to anything like her handsome brother Tristan. Of course Tristan wanted to protect her, but the force of his fans pushed them away from eachother, and breaking their bond as brother and sister. So, most of the time, she would be in the library or by herself. It developed her solitary,and her independent attitude. Adding to the insults that she would recieve, and the comparisons to her brother Tristan, she developed her unfriendly state of mind.Slowly, her shell was created around her, and the nice Jessamy was tucked away.


It was the last day of middle school for Tristan and Jessamy. She had something in mind for Tristan's fan girls. Tristan tries to reason with her,but it only made her more angry. Seeing her own brother defend them, and not his own sister. It made her even more happy, that he was mute. It just made things easier for her. Back the the last day! She was about to graduate in the auditiorium in her school, and Tristan's fangirls wanted her to stand under a bucket full of fish guts,to publicly humiliate her. Let's just say it did not end the way that they wanted. Jessamy had a strong will with her mind, and she made the bucket levitate to dump the fish guts on them. It was miraculous to see that kind of magic in the muggle world, and Tristan knew it too. It was something that made her different from everyone else.


People who were overwhelemed with fear,pointed fingers and called her a freak. She would hear that kind of word before, but not in a positive connotation. At the end of her graduation, she left with no regrets. She had a feeling that she would become something more than her brother was brought up to be. The next day during summer break, she noticed an owl flying over her house, and dropping off a letter for her. It was an acceptance letter, for Hogwarts school of Witchcraft of Wizardry. It was a big step, but why not go for something new?

likes ||

» Quidditch
» Ancient History in Magic
» Her Russian Blue Muffin
» The Library
» Her Flute

» Classical Music

» rhe color blue

» comfortable clothing style

» butterbeer

» fizzing whizzbees

» Winter Ball

» Nature

» Green Tea

» dragons

dislikes ||

» whining
» people expecting her to protect them
» catty girls
» guys who are jerks
» being called a freak

» her brother

» bratty kids

» hot summers

» bright colors

» so much screaming around her

» horror movies

» spiders

» rats

» voldemort.

hobbies ||

» playing on her flute
» reading
» practicing her spell casting

habits ||

» Sneering when she wants to be left alone.
» Clinging onto someone when she feels vulnerable.
» kicking people, when poked

trivia ||

» In the rare moments, she speaks in sign language with Tristan.
» People are intimidated by her,and they don't approach her.
» When you know it is Jessamy, she appears and dissappears like a ghost.
» She started playing flute at the age of six.
» When she likes someone, she just wants to be around that person.

» She found Muffin in a shelter, and she took him home to be her pet.

» She is a bit cryptic, and she has a feel of what could happen next.

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we never left.

family members ||

father || ( Zhang Long Wei | Griffin Zhang | 46 | Doctor | 5 | Understanding,Strict,Protective,Loving,Honest)
mother || ( Zhang Li Huan | Serenity Zhang | 43 | Loyal | 5 | Very loving,smothering,patient,honest, and quirky )
siblings || (Zhang Dong Hai | Tristan Zhang | 18 | Student at Hogwarts | 2 | Cold,Protective,Possesive(Over her sister,and believes no one could be right for her.) )
pets || Muffin-Russian Blue Cat
others || n/a

friends ||


» Spica. Ji Won | 7th | Ravenclaw | 5 | Mysterious,Snarky,Cold,Loyal,Dependable )
»TwoX. Eun Young  | 7th | Gryffindor  | 5 | Quirky,Funny,Hilarious,Sweet,Persuasive )

»A-Jax. Hyeong Kon | 7th | HufflePuff | 5 | Prideful,Confident,Optimistic,Loving,Friendly )

»B2ST. Jun Hyung | 7th | Slytherin | 3 | Cold,Kniving,Scary,Intimidating,Indifferent )

rivals || n/a

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amortentia 'love potion'.

love interest || Chunji.Teen Top. Gryffindor
back-up love interest ||  XiuMin. Exo. HufflePuff
personality ||

Chunji/Xiumin is the good guy in Jessamy's eyes. Jessamy never expected Chunji/Xiumin to touch her heart in that way,but it was the way that he acted brought her closer to him. He is very sweet,and very polite towards Jessamy. He is persistent, and he makes sure to convince Jessamy to go anywhere with him. He is a gentleman, and he enjoys the time that he has with the people that he loves. He may be cheesy at times,but for him it is worth it when he finally sees a smile on their faces. He is dorky,and quirky, but hey who doesn't like a sense of humor. ^_^

first impression ||

  Jessamy honestly liked Chunji/Xiumin. She thought of him as a missing light, that she needed in her life. She really did like him at first sight, it is probably because is optimistic personality...it just pulled her to him. Opposites attract right? He is one of the few people that make her smile,besides her friends. At times her can be annoying, when he calls her these nicknames that he does not like at all. All in all, he is just a reglular guy with his quirks.
behavior ||

At first Jessamy was calm around him, but he couldn't be two sure about what his intentions are. He can be the kind that Jessamy could not figure out so easily, so that is where her cynical state of mind would take control. The one time that she knew that she REALLY liked him, was when a few of the slytherin guys wanted to mess with her,and she walks alone when she feels vulnerable or dependable. Chunji/Xiumin protected her from that predicament, and made sure to watch over her. Chunji/Xiumin started to like Jessamy the first time that he saw her. He saw her as an interesting person,and wanted to talk with her. People would tell him that Jessamy had a shell that was hard to break. However, he was confident that he can break her shell, and warm her heart. He just had a lot of faith in himself, and wanted to reach out to her. After Jessamy began to hang out with Chunji,she began to be more sweeter and her warm heart began to show in a brighter light. She is more friendly,and she smiles even more with the help of Chunji/Xiumin's influence.

scene requests ||

» If Hogwarts plan the Winter Ball, then have a moment where Jessamy confesses why she wants to reach out to Xiumin,and be with him. She is just scared of being hurt,and left alone.

» Xiumin helps Jessamy with a spell,and they commit skinship for the first time.

» Tristan tries to get Xiumin away from Jessamy. They both have a fight, and Jessamy would knock him out unconcious because of their not so good relationship.
ending || Xiumin and Jessamy fight side-by-side to defeat the Death Eaters.

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dumbledore's army.

seventh years ||

core classes || 

» defense against the dark arts
» history of magic
» transfiguration

electives || 

» care of magical creatures
» divination

» hogwarts orchestra- 1st Flute

unforgivables ||

» avada kedavra
» crucio
» imperio

incantations ||

tickling charm || rictusempra
summoning charm || accio
levitation charm || wingardium leviosa
jelly-legs curse || locomotor wibbly
water-making spell || aguamenti
fire-making spell ||
disarming charm || expelliarmus

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for i'm the hogwarts sorting hat.

 gryffindor  || 

what do you think of harry potter? || "He is alright with me, but that doesn't excuse a lot of things that he has done to put our school in danger."
what do you think of the slytherins? || "They are the kind of people, that I would most likely want to avoid. They irk me."
if a ravenclaw and a hufflepuff were in danger, who would you choose to save? || "Why would I want just one, I would save them both if possible."

ravenclaw || 

which came first, the phoenix or the flame? || "I believe it would be the flame."
what do you think of the gryffindors? || "They have two much pride in themselves, they just need to be careful.They are very impulsive,and they tend to take action without thinking. So, yeah, they need to be more careful with their actions."
knowledge is... || "Power, and survival."

hufflepuff || 

would you rather be liked or praised? || "I want to be liked, because I want to be open with others,and have others like me for who I am."
what do you think about hogwarts? || "A good place to practice my skills as a witch."
would you rather betray your friends or betray your family? || "That's a hard one...I mean, my family tries to be good, and avoid being apart of the death eaters. They know my intentions very well, so if my life comes between my family and friends, I would chose family. Family is forever, and friends come and go."

slytherin || 

what do you think of lord voldemort? || "A terrible person, who takes the lives of innocent people! I do not want to be involved with him,and he should not exist. However, I know he is a force to be reckoned with. So our school needs to be prepared."
what do you think of the gryffindors? || "Good people, but I do not let them know that like some admirer.I do respect them in a sense. We may be opposite houses,but that doesn't mean that they are insignificant."
your housemates are becoming death eaters. many of them are your friends, and they ask you to join them. what do you do? || "To take the lives of innocent people? No way, humanity and togetherness is more important than power. Some people abuse power, and it turns into something more disastrous."

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you have your mother's eyes.

questions ||  Nope, I hope you find who you are looking for!

comments || I like the idea of Harry Potter! I hope this comes through! ^_^
scene requests ||

>> With Jessamy's anger, it was easy for the Death Eaters to possess her. During the battle between the school and the Death Eaters, Xiumin found out what happened to her. He tries to stop her, but it almost kills him because he wouldn't hurt her. Xiumin was close to being dead, but in the end Xiumin's love for her breaks the spell on Jessamy.

>> Xiumin convinces her to be apart of the Quidditch team, because Xiumin is going to be apart of it. It is the first time that Jessamy goes out for something. She becomes the chaser, and is praised for her skills on the team.

>> The school plans a Winter Ball, and Xiumin gets the courage to ask Jessamy although people say she is a scary person.

>> Jessamy smiles at a rare occasion, and she does that after being convinced by her friends and Xiumin.

>> Probably a steamy scene beween Xiumin and Jessamy.

how many horcruxes? || VII
hogwarts motto? || "Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon."



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glowbug #1
thank you for applying, aja!
i think jessamy is definitely a ravenclaw.
but if you would like her to be in a different house, that's fine.
reply with your choice ouo