beautiful in white || jang hee jin


jang hee jin
the autumn bride


not sure if you know this
Your Name: Jane

Username/Link: kmusiclover

Activity Level: 9

but when we first met
Name: Jang Hee Jin
- Jjang (her little brother would call her that sometimes to annoy her when they were kids, since he knew it annoyed her but then it became her motto: you can do it hee jin. you're jjang! (which means the best))
- Baby (by Jong Hyun)
- Jinnie (by Doo Joon)
Age: 21
Birthdate: April 7, 1991
Birthplace/Hometown: Busan, South Korea / Seoul, South Korea
Languages: Korean (fluent), Chinese (conversational),   English (basic) 
Ethnicity: Korean


you were so beautiful
First Ulzzang Choice: Jang Chom Mi

Picture Links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Second Ulzzang Choice: Jung Yeon

Picture Links: 1 2 3 4 5 

Casual/Street Attire: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Formalwear: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Home Attire: 1 2 3 4 5  

Date Attire: 1 2 3 4 5 6

i couldn't speak
Family Background:
Hee Jin was born into a middle class family. Her family was always very loud, naggy but they were also very caring, supportive and close. Her parents weren't the richest of folks but they provided everything the kids needed and supportive them in their dreams. She and the eldest are the only girls, of five kids and she's the second youngest. She was born in Busan and at the age of 9 she moved with her family to Seoul. There she met her three best friends (the other brides). They been friends since elementary school. In her last year of high school, her older sister got married. She entered university with her best friends, but she entered in the arts and design department. On her first year she met Jong Hyun. He was a really good friend to her, he was always there to help her. Hee Jin always dreamed of love but she never found that special someone who made her heart flutter and filled her stomach with butterflies. She's a hopeless romantic and was determined that her first love would be just like in movies. However, those four years of university didn't really improve her love life, there was only this one boy who she met by chance in the library, he had fallen asleep on the floor, with a book in his lap. Hye Rin looked at him and felt a strange sensation in her stomach. The boy woke up feeling someones gaze on him, they both looked at each other without saying a word. Suddenly, Hee Jin realized what she was doing and blushed. She quickly turned around and left. She never saw him again. As her years in college passed she started meeting new people and having other close friends, Still Jong Hyun was always there. However, everything changed once her three best friends announced that they were engaged, which made her exited for them but at the same time she felt even more left behind. Her friends then pushed her to the one person who was her best friend and was always there for her, Jong Hyun. She was really suprised by this because she had never thought about him that way. They started going out in her last year of university and once she gratuated, he proposed.  

Fanily Members: 
Jang Tae Joon | Father (50) | Architect | OC | He's a very caring and family oriented man. He's hard working but always makes time for his family. Hee Jin and her dad get along really well, he like the rest of the men in their family is very protective of her and spoils her. He cares about her a lot and they have a "daddy's princess" relationship.
Lee Sun Mi | Mother (47) | Bakery Shop Owner | OC | She's rather strict and naggy towards all of her children but is really motherly and caring towards all of them. She worries a lot for them and is always there to make sure they're allright. Hee Jin and her mother have a really good relationship. She tells her mother mostly everything. They argue and disagree mostly about how Hee Jin's handles her love life, which Hee Jin does not like to talk about with her mother, for she is one of those mother's who wishes that her children will either be or marry doctors, lawyer's or architects. 
Jang Min Jung | Older Sister (25) | Middle School Teacher | OC | She's very passionate and hard-working. She takes her work seriously and loves what she does. She's dependable and practical. Hee Jin and her are really close. Hee Jin always goes to her when she needs advice or when she wants a make-over. Min Jung is very straight foward which means she always says the thruth and what she thinks really bluntly, she can be rather critic too but she just wants what's best for everyone and gets worried, she just expresses it in her own way. So they have arguments most of the time but she always gives the best advice. | Married. Living with her husband. She's 3 months pregnant with her first child.
Jang Woo Bin | Older Brother (24) | Head Chef of a Traditional Korean Restaurant | OC | He's the older brother who's carefree and doesn't really care what others think of him, he just does what he loves and is happy about it. However, when it comes to his family and friends he gets really caring, nagging and over protective of them, especially with Hee Jin. He spoils her along with their dad. He's always there when she needs anything and is always calling her making sure she's okay. They're really close. | Dating, already for 2 years. He wanted to live in his own apartment but since the apartment in Seoul are really expensive he stayed living at home, like Hee Jin and Tae Hyun did. He's saving up for his wedding and a house, although he hasn't proposed to his girlfriend yet, he wants to save up first.
Jang Woo Young | Older Brother (23) | Singer/Dancer from 2pm and Actor | Idol-2pm | They are really close. They are usually always together, they have fun together, call each other. They tell each other everything and play around. He's a complete jokester and really playful, he always makes Hee Jin laugh. She misses him a lot since he's now living the dorms and working a lot but she sees him a lot now that 2pm is going to her salon and they call her up for when they have really busy schedules and can't go to the salon. They give each lots other encouragement and advice. | He's an idol, single. Living in the 2pm's dorm. She gets to see him whenever, 2pm go to the salon she's working in. And they both visit each other when they have spare time.
Jang Tae Hyun | Younger Brother (18) | Freshman at University / Med Student | OC | He's really charming, witty,and mischevious. However, he's caring, warm and loyal towards his loved ones. They both like to make fun of each other but they feel that their the only ones who can do that to each other. If they see others making fun of them, they get mad and become protective of each other. Even though they tease each other a lot, they know how to cheer each other up and are very caring towards one another.

in that very moment

Best Friend:

Kim Ji Hyun (22) | Photographer | OC | They met in college they were both in the arts and design department. They became best friends instantly. Ji Hyun is one of those person who really strong and hard headed but has a heart of gold and is really warm and caring towards her loved ones. She's always there for you. She's honest about everything, and will tell you if that dress looks good on you or not. They're really comfortable around each other and practically do everything together, they're like sisters. They are mischevious and very playful, always laughing and fangirling about their idols or whatever they like.

Lee Howon (21) | Club Owner | Idol-Infinite | They have been friends since childhood. They both went to the same kindergarden and elementary school when she was in Busan. He moved to Seoul for High School and they went to the same High School together. Hoya is very caring and understanding. He listens to all of Hee Jin's problems and always gives her advice, she visits him in his work always and calls him. They hang out a lot cause she goes to his work place a lot. They're protective of each other and they treat each other like siblings. 
Jeon Ji Yoon (22) | Manager of Kangho at the Red Carpet Hair Salon | Idol-4minute | 
Ham Eun Jung (24) | Model | Idol-T-ara | Eun Jung is a really doubled faced person. She acts cute and sweet whenever Doojoon is around and whenever he's not her true colors show. She bullies Hee Jin because she sees that she and Doojoon are becoming closer.



i found the one and

Plotline Applying for: The Autumn Bride

Backup Plotline: The Spring Bride
Hee Jin is high-spirited, smart, childish and slightly spoiled. She's lazy but loves her work. She doesn't like cleaning or waking up at the crack of dawn. However, she's nice, well-mannered, considerate and caring. She's bright and friendly. She can practically socialize with anybody. She's really talkative and has strong opinions about things. She's hard-working when it comes to things that she loves, she's also a perfectionist and if she does something she likes to do it right. She doesn't like confrontations, however when she thinks she's right, she's right. Also she's very protective of her friends and when she sees someone being bullied or made fun of she's quick to defend them and quick to speak her mind.
She's stubborn, persistant and can be a bit naive. She doesn't like to cry in front of people but she does get emotional, its just that she doesn't like to show any type of weakness. She has a genuine smile and loves to laugh. She's a hopeless romantic and has dreamt of falling in love, however she's never had a first love because she's never found the right guy. Even though, she acts confident she can be insecure and naive about love. She can be too emotional at times but she always tries to keep a cool and practical head. She doesn't like to admit it but she can get easily jealous.
  • Romantic Comedies Movies
  • Music: Classical, Indie, K-pop
  • Shakespeare and Jane Austen
  • Hello Kitty
  • Beach
  • Amusment and Water Parks
  • Snow
  • Cold Weather
  • Star Gazing
  • Babies and Little Kids
  • Food/Eating
  • Laughing
  • Her job
  • Coffee
  • Bullies
  • Thunder Storms
  • Being ignored
  • Smokers
  • Mushrooms
  • Hot Weather
  • Clowns
  • Painting
  • Hanging out with friends
  • Playing the piano
  • Reading
  • Watching movies, dramas and anime
  • Baking
  • Claping her hands or hitting something when laughing.
  • Does a lot of gestures when talking
  • Rolls her eyes when annoyed.
  • Avoids eye contact and bites her lower lip when nervous or embarrased.
  • Likes to humm music when baking.
  • Sings in the shower.
  • Sleeps while hugging either a pillow, a plushie or a person.
  • Gets cranky when really tired, sleepy or hungry and can get snarky.
  • She's a good cook but doesn't like to cook as much as eating.
  • She's a makeup, hair and clothing stylist.
  • She works at The Kangho at the Red Carpet Hair Salon. That salon is famous for having celebraties and idols come in, therefore she also works by taking other jobs on the side, for example if a celebrity or idol likes how she does their makeup and hair, if they have a schedule they go to the salong or call her to go to them.
  • She has a tattoo of a butterfly on her left wrist.
  • She has a scar on her lower back, got it when little.
  • Has a maltese named Koko
  • Favorite color is light blue and pink.
  • She has a fear of clowns, ever since little she would cry when she saw one.
  • She used to be chubby in middle school but got into taekwondo and lost weight.
Wedding Scrapbook:
-wedding dress: front/back
-colors/decorations: 1 2 /flowers
-engagement rings: hers/his

i finally found my missing piece
Love Interest 1: Kim Jong Hyun | Shinee

Age/Birthdate: 22 / April 8, 1990
Personality: He's sweet, funny and well-mannered.  He's quirky, really kind and thoughtful to others. He's good looking and has a really warm and beautiful smile. He's really sincere and honest. Jong Hyun's a person who does everything by the book and has trouble working with the situation if it didn't turn out as he planned it. He's very neat and organized. However, when he gets jealous or over-protective of someone he can act irrationally. He never judges people by appearances and is very friendly and welcoming towards others. He's very straight foward about his feelings, especially when it comes to Hee Jin. However to her, he's someone who she never really thought as anything more than a friend.  
How did you meet?: Hee Jin met Jong Hyun in her University, she was in her first year, he was in his second. They took a class together, sat next to each other, became parterns for a class project and became really close friends after that.
Relationship: Their relationship has always been that of best friends. They both care and are comfortable areound each other. Still, Hee Jin was oblivious to the fact that Jong Hyun liked her as more than just friends. When they both first met Hee Jin had to admit that when she saw his handsome smile she felt nervous around him at first but they became so close that she forgot all about that little moment she had. So, she really didn't know about Jong Hyun's feelings for her, they were friends for 4 years and suddenly he confessed to her. She was surprised but relieved because she felt like okay she didn't get the romantic comedy movie romance but that was okay...But truly deep down in her heart Hee Jin just feels insecure and lonely because she sees her best friends moving on and getting engaged and she doesn't want to be the one getting left behind and the one not filling the promise. It had been 6 months since they started dating, she had finally gratuated from college, gotten a full-time job in one of the famous salons in the gangnam area and had been proposed to by her best friend, Jong Hyun...She had everything she wanted right? It felt weird to her though. She used to be able to tell him everthing and she felt so happy hanging out with him, but now she keeps things to herself a lot and feels guilty about not feeling the same way he feels about her, although she tries her hard to look at him in that can't force love and you can't control it either. Hee Jin will learn that soon enough. 
How do you interact?: Hee Jin and Jong Hyun used to be this inseperable "couple", people thought they were a couple but they were just friends. They did a lot of skinship naturally but never flirted, well at least Hee Jin never did and she's not aware of Jong Hyun subtle hints. Jong Hyun was always very caring and protective of her, and still is. Hee Jin used to tell him everything and hang out a lot with him. In the end, the one who changed the way she acts was Hee Jin. She's become more careful of how she acts around him but at the same time she really can't shake the fact that he's been her best friend for a really long time and she loves him so she still acts like her usual self only there's always a warning bell going off in her head when he suddenly holds her hand, puts his arm around her or kisses her. Jong Hyun is still the same only he shows more affection now that they're engaged. He's really a gentlemen and knows that Hee Jin hasn't fully given him her heart yet, but he's patiently waiting for it.
Love Interest 2: Yoon Doo Joon | Beast
Age/Birthdate: 23 / July 4, 1989
Personality: When people first see Doo Joon they think he's cold, serious and uncaring guy. Once they get to know him, however, they see this funny, playful, manly and mischevious man, who by the way is actually caring, kind and a gentlemen. He's got a cute side as well, which he shows but only to people he's really close with. He's a reliable and responsible leader. He's a very honest and straight foward person. He's really handsome and has rough, manly features. He's good at fighting but doesn't like confrontations, however if he sees his friends being attacked he's quick to defend them. He's really loyal and protective towards his loved ones. He's really sincere and straight foward, a man that when jealous would show it and would say it. He is suprisingly thoughtful, friendly and nice. He likes teasing people and joking around but at the same time he's really thoughtful of others and looks after them. He's a bit reserved when it comes to his feelings or when its something about him. Still, he's very quick to befriend people. Doo Joon's also very determined and hard working, when it comes to his goals or dreams he gives it his all to make them come true. He's very confident, to the point where he can pass as arrogant, but he's also a person who gets nervous but is very optimistic. He's serious when he needs to be but he mostly just likes to tease.
How did/will you meet?: It all started at the place where she works. Usually her boss has some people working "inside", inside the salon, and people who work "outside", with a specifict client (usually either, idols, actors, polititions, etc). Her boss tells her that she will be working "outside" becoming the new stylist of a male group idol, called Beast. However, they had met before the job. In college, in the  library to be exact. Once they meet again he recognizes her instantly and she did too, after a day of thinking: "Where have I seen him before?". 
Relationship: Friends? They're getting to know each other.  
How You Interact: At first they didn't really get along at all. Doo Joon was always teasing her and they would argue but as they got to know each other, they started getting closer. Hee Jin would find herself being able to talk about anything with Doo Joon and liked being with him. He made her laugh and they had fun together. Doo Joon would always be there for her when she felt down or needed help. He was protective of her. She made him feel happy. Hee Jin  didn't realize but ever since the first time they met, he started giving her butterflies and made her heart skiped beats but since she was with Jong Hyun she tried to ignore those feelings, but now, it seems that they've both unknowingly fell in love with one another.  



you look so beautiful in white


I had fun filling this, i guess every girl would love to fill this, its like i'm playing wedding lol anyway i hope you like her :D if there's anything i need to fix or change please tell me and i'll get on it right away :) 

I would prefer that Hee Jin would end up with Doo Joon because I think that she should be clear and honest with her feelings for him and I don't know if she would be able, after meeting and falling in love with Doo Joon, to be in a relationship with Jong Hyun, whom she loves but as her best friend.

But if you would prefer and think that its best for the story that she should stay with Jong Hyun then I wouldn't mind either. 


Scene Requests: 
- A scene where Doo Joon and Hee Jin accidentaly kiss. 
- Jong Hyun visits Hee Jin where she works and sees how close she is to Doo Joon, also Doo Joon sees how Jong Hyun is affectionate towards Hee Jin. And they both feel jealous of each other. When Hee Jin introduces them to each other, they both shake hands and have a stare down, while she's awkwardly standing between them.
- The scene where Doo Joon and Hee Jin confess to each other. It was a rainy day and they were arguing, Hee Jin was jealous of Eun Jung but this time she didn't hide her feelings. They fought until she just simply ran outside, he ran after her and grabbed her arm. He confessed to her and asked her how she felt about him. She then told him how she felt about him and he pulled her arm and kissed her.
- The scene where she breaks up with Jong Hyun. She looks at him with guilt in her eyes, Jong Hyun already knew what she was about to say but still he hoped that she wouldn't. They both sat down next to each other, Hee Jin turns to him and holds his hand. She was about to break her best friends heart and her heart would break too. She tells him everything, saying thank you and sorry, he forgives her and understands her but it still hurts him a lot. Crying she says to him: "Byane, oppa." He looks at her and smiles answering: "I will always love you, baby." They both hug and cry in each others arms.
- I'll leave the rest to you authornim ;D
Other: Couple Song




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