〈「50 Ways of No 」〉 ━ Park, Haru

jane / 3.5
     → Hulk - mostly her sisters, and close friends who know how she becomes when she's annoyed, tired or when it comes to food. She and Minae have gotten into lots of fights over who gets the last slice of pizza.
     → Training bra - stupid nickname that Wenhan came up with after the incident, mostly to annoy her, which usually does the trick. Whenever he can't seem to get a reaction from her, he calls her this and voila smack on the head or shoulder, whichever her hand reaches first. 
     → Spock - her close friends and even classmates call her this because she can sometimes talk in a very calculated and precise manner (like Spock) and does not like to lose and can be quite the smart-a** <-- also another term that they use to call her. 


>> BIRTHDAY - November 7, 1994 / 20
>> BIRTHPLACE - Seoul, South Korea
>> HOMETOWN - Seoul, South Korea

>> ETHNICITY - Korean
     ⇒ Korean (fluent) - native language.
     ⇒ English (fluent) - learned in school since elementary school. Mostly got fluent by watching disney movies since little and listening to western music. 
     ⇒ Japanese (conversational) - she learned it in high school, when she took it as an elective language class, since she was interested in anime and manga. After graduating has kept practicing it by watching japanese anime, dramas and movies.
     ⇒ Chinese (basic...really basic) - she learned basic words and phrases, like "hello", "thank you", "excuse me", "where's the toilet?", etc. She doesn't really know much chinese, even though she watched Jackie Chan and Jet Li movies since she was small with some of her sisters, she didn't really care much for it and usually watched the movies in English. She's currently learning more now, since Wenhan uses it whenever he doesn't want her to understand what he's saying and she gets annoyed by that. He could be calling her an idiot for all she knows, so she usually retaliates with, "Yeah, well...same to you!" 
>> FACE CLAIM - Kang Jiwon   
>> BACK UP - Soo Ah 

>> WEIGHT - 121 lbs & 55 kg
>> HEIGHT - 5'5 ft & 167 cm

Haru's not particularly the tallest in the bunch but not the shortest either, her height is 167cm and her weight is roughly 55kg. Her complexion is slightly tanned, since she loved to go to the beach and water parks, so she got a lot of sun. She has a dimple on her right cheek that's very evident when she smiles. Haru's a b-cup and is quite curvy. She has chubby cheeks, and she used to be a chubby kid, which was one of the reasons why her parents wanted her to join some sort of sport. So, that's why now she takes taekwondo and exercises regularly to keep her figure, that way she can eat anything she pleases!

Haru has light honey colored eyes and long brown reddish hair that goes up to her waist, with natural waves at the bottom. She tends to leave her hair loose, but also likes to tie it up in a ponytail, side braid or put it up in a bun. She tends to wear beanies or caps when she doesn't have a good hair day, or simply because she wants to. Haru prefers the natural look, so she doesn't wear much make-up, only the basic bb cream. Even when there's a special occasion she doesn't use much, only bb cream, black eyeliner, blush and red lipstick. 

She has the normal piercings on each earlobe and one in her left cartilage. Haru has a tattoo on her right wrist, she got it on her 20th birthday. Also, she has a faint diagonal shaped scar on her lower back and below her left knee, got it when she was 13, when her family took a trip to their beach house. She got caught by a wave and was pushed onto a reef. 

Haru's always seen wearing her bracelet on her left hand, given to her by her grandfather on her high school graduation. And on her right a watch (one of her 9 watches).  

Haru likes to wear comfortable clothes but always looking cute or chic. During middle school she had her sweat pants and baggy t-shirts era but Heebong's constant nagging put a stop to it. 


She loves to wear accesories especially watches, bracelets and rings. She likes to wear bows sometimes. Tends to wear beanies and caps when she has a bad hair day. She also likes to wear leggings, during wintertime, underneath her shorts and pair them up with a cute top and boots. She's not that used to wearing heels and prefers to wear sneakers and flats instead. You may occasionally see her wearing heels only on really special and formal occasions but she never forgets to bring a pair of cute flats with her, just in case her feet start to hurt. She doesn't believe in the saying "beauty is pain". That's no no. 
Profanities - Does your chara curse? Yes (the swearing comes out when she's frightened or mad.) 

(+) Clever | Perfectionist | Candid | Loyal 
(-) Stubborn | Sarcastic/Little violent | Bossy | Nosy 

⇒ Clever |
            "Pfft. Why don't we just get ourselves some butlers and be done with it!" cried Minae exasperated. The sisters laughed but Haru blinked surprised at why she hadn't thought of the idea. Her brain started filling with endless possibilities she smirked and said "That is quite a brilliant idea." Minae and the other sisters did a double take, "Did I hear right? Are you praising me?" "Don't get used to to it, Mini Kong. But yes. We just need something that will bind the butlers we chose to have to do any of our bidding. Like, some need jobs with good pay, others can just be blackmailed into doing it!" Haru finished having already someone in mind.

⇒ Stubborn |
               "You're just treating me like your own personal slave! Don't you have a conscious!" Wenhan yelled. "I believe the correct term is personal butler, and what does my conscious have anything to do with anything? You signed a contract that's legal and binding. Mehrong" "That's because I didn't have any other choice." Wenhan said exasperated. "That's not my problem." Haru replied. Wenhan groaned as Haru simply went back to eating her deliciously cooked jajangmyeon. 

⇒ Perfectionist |
                 Haru kept on typing away not satisfied with her work. Wenhan saw this and addresed the matter by saying that it was already 2am way past Haru's bedtime which was usually around 10pm to 11pm. "I don't get why you keep on deleting stuff, it was just fine the second time you edited it." "Fine won't get me an A." she kept on looking at the computer screen as she spoke to him. Wenhan rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen to make her some tea, it would be a long night.

⇒ Sarcastic/Little violent |

                  "Sometimes you can be such a smart-, training bra." Wenhan blurted. Haru looked up at him, outraged. "Well, I prefer to be smart-, who is as the word implies smart! Than be a obnoxious, sensitive little like you." she huffed. Wenhan smirked "Hmph! I see that got your attention. Right then. I was being nice and was restraining myself from calling you training bra in front of your sisters and the others but from now on, when you don't pay attention to me that's what I'll call you." "Fine." Haru answered glaring. "Fine." Wenhan mocked. "And when you get like that I'll call you a sensitive little . Fine." Haru turned and walked away, hearing Wenhan shout "Not fine!" from behind her. 

                "So, you like Yixuan, huh?" Haru's face turned a slight shade of pink, "I used to like him but I don't think that's any of your business." Wenhan raised an eyebrow, "Yeah, I guess it's better you gave up, I think Yixuan prefers lace bra's rather than training bra's." SMACK! "Aish! No wonder they call you the Hulk, woah!" Wenhan ducked as a shoe flew past him.   

⇒ Candid
               "Do you think this dress looks good on me?" asked one of her sisters. "No. Not many people can pull off yellow and orange together and, honey, you're not one of them." 

                  Haru's hand shot up, she knew the answer to that question. No one else raised their hands. The professor called her out and she answered. "Wrong." said the professor. "Umm, excuse me." the professor turned to look at her. Haru told the professor that she wasn't wrong and that was the answer. The professor insisted. Therefore, Haru looked it up and showed it to the professor. The professor looked a bit flustered, excused herself and said that Haru was right. "See? I knew it." Haru said outloud, making Sungjoo pinch her arm in warning and embarassment. 

⇒ Bossy
               "Wenhan you should clean the bathroom. | Have you cooked yet? | No, I don't want jajangmyeon today, I want kimchi fried rice. | Did you do the laundry? The shirt I want to wear tomorrow's there. | Go buy me some kimbap and mandu. | That's not how you flip your competitor, do it right." "I never thought that I could relate to any of the disney princesses, until now." Wenhan muttered, making Sungjoo spit out his juice.

⇒ Loyal |
              Ilhoon looked up at Haru with puffy cheeks, and with his cutest voice asked "Are you sure I'm not cuter?" Haru did think he was cute but not as adorable as her baby. "No. Sorry. Seungyeon is still cuter." Haru stated and continued talking to Sungjoo, who simply looked at Ilhoon with pity as Ilhoon screamed "NOOOOOO." 

⇒ Nosy
              "Don't you have homework?" Haru asked, knowing full well that Wenhan did, for they were taking that class together. "Yes, but I'll do it later." 

             The light of the kitchen suddenly, making Wenhan jump. "Where were you?" Haru was leaning against the counter. "Out." "Out where?" Wenhan sighed, "Just out. Jeez, training bra, what are you my mom?" "Haha. Funny." Haru said sarcastically. "Forget it, I don't care." Haru turned and went up the stairs thinking that she'll just ask Sungjoo tomorrow, he probably knew. 
>> LIKES - music | food | movies & books
>> DISLIKES - cockroaches and spiders | clowns | people who touch her stuff and eat her food without asking for permission
>> HOBBIES - taekwondo (exercising) | eating (yes it's a hobby)

    → Glaring at others and rolling her eyes at them when mad or annoyed.

   → Haru only swears when frightened or pissed. Like: "Holy ! You scared the cr*p out of me." or "Listen you jerk! Detach head from a**, okay?"      
    → Bites her lower lip when deep in thought.
    → Tends to clap like a seal when dying of laughter.
→ She mumbles in her sleep, and sleeps while hugging a huge Totoro pillow. If she sleeps with another person then she'll tend to hug that person, with both her arms and legs. Her siblings are used to it. 
→ Twirls her pencil when bored.
    → Blinks a lot when nervous. 
→ Ruffles people's hair when she thinks they're cute or is happy with them.
    → When she's tired she'll look around for people she knows, sits down next to them, lays her head on their shoulder or back and takes a nap. 
   → Haru is quite geeky and has a habit of using famous quotes to express her feelings in a certain situation, like when she's upset with the person she says: "May all your bacon burn." When someone doesn't give in to her easily: "The force is strong with this one." When she's late: "A queen is never late, everyone else is simply early." When people try to take her food: "One does not simply try to take food from my plate!" or "You have no power here!" And instead of goodbye she says: "Live long and prosper." (with Spock's stoic voice and expression) And so on.   


→ Doesn't do aegyo. 
→ She's afraid of haunted houses and horror stuff but won't admit to it. She doesn't mind watching horror movies, but she'll end up sleeping with either Minae or the Maknae. 
→ Good at saving money. Is the one who administrates that around the house. And keeps in cheek some of her sisters who love to shop. 
→ She never misses a Running Man episode, she's totally hooked on that show. 
→ She doesn't like sharing her stuff or her food.
→ If she's sleepy she tends to ramble random nonsense. 
→ She gets cranky when hungry or tired/sleepy.
→ She's ticklish. Hates when people try to tickle her, it's kind of an irrational fear of hers, being tickled to death. Literally dying of laughter.
→ She has low tolerance for alcohol, gets really giggly and hugs the person next to her and calls them Totoro, thinking that it's her Totoro pillow.
→ She used to be quite chubby as a kid but joined the soccer team from middle to high school and lost weight.
→ Her favorite movies are Rush Hour trilogy, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Hayao Miyazaki films, Harry Potter films and anything Jane Austen.
→ She loves music, takes her ipod everwhere. Can even sometimes forget her phone at home but never her ipod. Her favorite genres are indie, rock, electronic, soundtracks from movies, classical, jazz and sometimes hip hop and pop depending on the song.
→ She likes rainy days but only in the weekend, where she can get all cozy in her bed and not wake up.
→ Haru is actually a really good cook, however she's not fond of it, she prefers to eat rather than cook. So, whenever she doesn't have to cook, she doesn't. 
→ Loves spicy food and has a sweet tooth.
→ Doesn't cry in front of others, she's disliked doing so since little, she gets embarrased.
→ She's been taking taekwondo classes since she started high school, all the way to university.
→ Dislikes hot humid weather, makes her irritated.
→ She loves amusment and water parks. Also night clubs and karaoke (norebangs) places. 
→ She has a PS4, her favorite games right now are Last of Us, Assassins Creed and Just Dance.
→ She doesn't like when others wake her up, she prefers to be woken up by a soft alarm. She'll get annoyed with that person if they wake her up. And she takes about 5 minutes to get up from the bed, then takes another 20 minutes in the bathroom getting ready. 
→ She's currently attending Yonsei University, second year psychology student. 

→ She's had a fear of clowns since little, she would always hide behind her older sisters or her parents when one would come near. Seeing the movie "It" didn't help at all.
→ Mushrooms, chickens & pigs feet are the only food she can't tolerate because of the texture. Also, sometimes octopus. 
→ Hates cockroaches and spiders they're disgusting, she's not fond of bugs at all. Even though she's scared and yelling and practically flipping everything, she will not feel at ease until that cockroach or spider is dead. If she's alone she breathes in and tries to calm herself but she won't stop until it's dead. If someone's with her she'll yell at them to do it. 
→ She has asthma, but hasn't had an attack since she was 18. She carries around her asthma inhaler everywhere just in case. Her parents worried that taekwondo might affect her but her doctor said that exercise was good so they didn't make her quit. 

Haru was born to Park Junggeun and Park Sungryung. She was one of six siblings, and also the middle child. But as other middle children go, in which they are almost always looked over, that wasn't the case with Haru at all. Haru's very straight-foward and stubborn, so she's always hard to miss. She used to have a closer relationship to her parents but now that she knows that they're a bit crazy and fudged up, she usually just pays attention to her granpa. 

She gets along with her siblings and half-siblings (it's not their fault that their parents f-ed up) and even though they bicker all siblings do, in the end they still love each other (aww). However, she mostly gets along with the eldest, who always has her back and takes her side. Minae, even though they fight a heck of a lot, they are the only ones who can call each other "Jerkof*, D*ckhead, etc." and still love each other but lets be clear that only they can call that to each other let another person dare, and see how Mini Kong and Half Hulk leaves them. And of course the youngest, cause the poor soul has no choice but to get bossed around by Haru.

Haru comes from a wealthy family, so she's never had to worry about money. However, she was always very aware of it, and knew that her father's money wouldn't provide for her forever. And now that he's kicked them out, with more reason has she to make sure that it's well administered. She's currently on her second year of university, in Seoul's National Univeristy, in the department psychology. She also works part-time on the weekends, since she has afternoon taekwondo practice, at Soul Coffee shop. She doesn't really have time to party much, since she focuses more on studying and working than having a social life, but she does get dragged to parties by her siblings or friends. 

 - Park Heebong - He sees Haru as one of his most proud accomplishments. Haru used to not care about what she wore and would usually just wore sweat pants and baggy t-shirts. Gramps would always be behind her nagging at her, but she didn't really listen to him, and this continued all through middle school. Until, after her middle school graduation she came home to find her closet completly empty. She argued with him about it. But he quickly stated that she needed to have a wardrobe change and so he took her shopping, and educated her on what was appropriate for a "young lady". Haru couldn't stay mad at him, she didn't really mind wearing cute clothes that were comfortable. He succeded but on the condition that she wouldn't be forced to wear tight dresses or heels. 


MY STUBBORN FATHER - Park Junggeun - Haru and her father used to be really close, especially when she was a kid. However, after her dad brought siblings that were from other women she has absolutely no respect for him. She doesn't mind her half-siblings and has no grudge against them, it's not their fault. But she has no tolerance for her father's behaviour. Therefore, she tends to ignore whatever he says and they tend to mostly argue. 


MY LAID-BACK MOTHER - Park Sungryung - Haru is used to her mother being so laid-back and chill about everything although it sometimes bothers her. However, even when Haru asks her mom if everythings okay with her, her mother just asks if Haru's been exercising and taking care of her skin.  


MY FOOD BUDDY, SOMETIMES RIVAL / LITTLE SIS - Park Minae - Having only a two year , they are quite close. They're relationship is never boring, sometimes they can get along really well, they actually have a lot of stuff in common, but just as they can get along really well one day, on the other they can't stand one another and argue over the most trivial things. Like for the last slice of pizza, or who ate the last four cookies, yes, usually the argument tends to be about food. Also, they both sometimes have a very competitive streak over who would have Yixuans hand in marriage attention. Haru calls her Mini Kong, instead of Mini King Kong, because she doesn't want to give ideas to Minae into thinking that she's the "King". She'll get too much of a swelled head.


MY BFF ALSO KNOWN AS WEIRDO WHO THINKS HIS SHOULDERS ARE THE BOMB - Kim Sungjoo - These two are same aged friends and have been so since middle school. They are what some people call two peas in a pod. He's blunt, always saying what's on his mind without hesitation. He's very funny and talkative, there's never a dull moment with Sungjoo. He's also caring and affectionite towards the people he cares about. He's a total fanboy, be it for anime, actresses or idols. Haru and Sungjoo have been inseperable since middle school. Even though Sungjoo can be more loud and outgoing while Haru can be more grumpy and serious, they even each other out. And they both can be quite playful and stubborn. You do not want to be the victim of these two, they are both really crafty and love to tease. So, when on teasing mode they will become the most annoying duo you have ever encountered. They have a lot of common interests and are practically brother and sister. People tend to often mistake them as a couple, probably because they are very close and comfortable with each other, so they do skinship a lot, but trust me these two are nothing of the sort. The mentions of it is like: "Ewwww, no!"  


MY ADORKABLE GOOFBALL - Cho Seungyeon - Haru loves him. She thinks of him as her "baby" and can't get enough of his cuteness. If him and Ilhoon or Yibo get into a fight, she's always on Seungyeon's side. She spoils him quite a lot. And they both act really cheesy towards one another, Haru can be like: "Baby, you're here? Have you eaten?" and Seungyeon will be like: "Noooo but I'm full after seeing you noona~" and Haru would be like: "Awww! Wenhan! Quick! My baby needs food!" or they can be all, "Noona, you'll be my wifey someday right?" and she'll be like: "And you'll be my hubby, right?" both smiling and doing a thumbs up to one another in agreement while the ones around them cringe. Sungjoo, just rolls his eyes being used to it, while Wenhan shivers "I think I'm gonna be sick." And Minae "You're not the only one." While Yibo yells disgusted, "Just throw up on them!" 

THE UNOFICIAL "OMMA" / FIRST CRUSH - Zhou Yixuan - He's the oppa/hyung that's always been there for the siblings. Haru had a mayor (MAYOR) crush on him when she was in high school school. Their parents are business partners and they practically know each other since forever. Haru has always liked him, however, she realized that she had a crush on him when she was in her last year of middle school. He's always been so caring and attentive towards her, as well as everyone that she didn't really think that he'd like her the same way. So, she gave up on him, afraid to hurt their relationship and get hurt, so now she just jokes around with him or with Minae on who gets to marry him.  

THE CUTE IDIOT, WHO'S JUST WELL, AN IDIOT - Wang Yibo - She has a love/hate relationship with Yibo because he can sometimes be overly annoying but she can't bring herself to stay mad at him since he's too cute for her. Although she wounds his pride by saying "Seungyeon is cuter." and walking off. They both get on each others nerves a lot, but still can't help have their cute moments of getting along. Which last about 30 seconds. 
DID HE/SHE HAVE A PART IN THE SCAM? IF YES, HOW? - As a person who took and is taking taekwondo classes, and is known as the Hulk, because of her skills, attitude and deathly glare. Haru was appointed to be the one who would intimidate the boys into signing and use force if needed. Also, she had her own revenge to take care of, so once the idea came up she already knew exaclty who she would scamm into it.

- Li Wenhan
INTERACTIONS - She asks him to cook for her a lot, seriously, that's one of the main chores he does for her. They both eat a lot and understand the deliciousness of food. He definetly defies her and doesn't do things when asked the first time, but on the second he's almost there, and by the third command he doesn't think about hesitating anymore, or else consequences. Like a smack or a shoe being thrown or a threat. More on their interaction down below.
PERSONALITY - You can't deny that Wenhan is one of his Departments, if not the University's, hotties. However, to Haru that doesn't weigh anything since to her he's cocky and obnoxious. However, to all that know him he's cheeky, witty and charming, meaning that he may say rude things in a cunning way, so people tend to let him get away with it since his charm is quite irrisistible. There's no doubt that Wenhan can be arrogant, giving himself airs, since he's quite clever and learns things rather quickly. He can be a flirt sometimes, especially when getting what he wants, but he's quite sly about it. Still, these are all personality traits that are part of him but also that he uses as a shield. Once you get to know Wenhan, you see other sides to him. His best friends and family can be of testimony to that. You can see that he's also a very loyal and reliable person, who doesn't hesitate to help or be there for his loved ones, and is also protective of them. Most people think Wenhan is laid-back, but he's actually quite sincere about the things he sets his mind on doing and goes straight for them.

Wenhan and Haru had actually met before the "scam" because of their mutual friend, Sungjoo. Haru and Sungjoo knew each other since middle school. In their first year of university, Sungjoo met Wenhan and they almost instantly became friends. Therefore, Sungjoo introduced them. Or so he thinks. Actually, Wenhan and Haru met before. You see they're both on their university's taekwondo team, and they had an incident of the sort. Haru was late to their first practice and couldn't find the locker rooms, she was in her first year and she really didn't know the campus very well yet. She had asked a group of third year girls and they told her that the girls locker room was at the end of the hall, second door to your right. She rushed into the room, put her bag down and took her top off. She then leaned down to open her bag and rummage for her uniform. As she did, a guy entered the room. He was suprised to see her but then his shock turned to utter amusment. He smirked while tilting his head and said "Don't let me stop you." Haru jerked around, realized she was just wearing a bra, opened the locker door and hid behind it saying, "I have pepper spray in my bag and I will use it if you get any closer you !" "I'm just standing here minding my own business." "Um hello?! This is the girls locker room." Haru shot him a warning glare. Wenhan crossed his arms and nodded behind her, "I'm pretty sure those are urinals." Haru froze, she looked behind her and walked a few paces back to see that there were in fact urinals there. She sighed deeply and rolled her eyes, while thinking "Curses! This can't be happening right now." Wenhan walks to were Haru had thrown her top, and grabbed it while saying "You might be needing this." Haru walked up to him glaring and snatched it back, "Can you turn around...please?" Wenhan smirked and turned around. "If you even so much as glance back I will hurt you." Haru threatened. Wenhan snickered and said "You know, there are other ways of getting attention besides stripping in front of strangers." Haru whirled around indignant, "Excuse me?" He continued, "There are support groups for that kind of-" Wenhan's speech was interupted by a flying shoe that hit him hard on the back of his head. "Sh*t!" he yelped and rubbed the back of his head with his hand, "What the hell was that for?" Haru, already dressed, grabbed her bag and yelled, "For being an pr*ck, you jerkw*d!" she bumped his shoulder hard as she walked passed him, grabbed her shoe and stormed out of the locker room.

As she shut the door behind her, she stopped for a moment and breathed deeply. "This will not ruin my day. That little jerk will not ruin my- Holy Gandalf! I'm late!" And so she looked for the sign of the girls locker room which was right in front of the boys and changed. Afterwards, running towards the gym, where practice was going to take place. She opened the gym doors and found everyone partnered up and practicing. She walked towards the instructor, head down and apologized for being late. He told her that he would cut them some slack since it was their first day and that they were freshmen but no more than the first day. Haru asked the instructor if she would be practicing with him since everyone was partnered up, he shook his head and said that she wasn't the only one who arrived late. He turned, and Haru followed his vision and her eyes widened when she saw non-other than the guy she had encountered in the locker room. "No. Freaking. Way." Haru thought. Wenhan smirked, stood up and walked towards her. The instructor introduced them, "Haru, this is Wenhan, he'll be your partner from here on out." Haru just stood there dumbfounded. "Training bra!" Wenhan greeted, obviously delighted. Haru's face turned almost scarlet. "Didn't recognize you." He smirked while looking at her up and down. "I am going to kill you." Haru mouthed.

After that, it went downhill, they both knocked each other down so many times. Never going easy on the other, since they're both so competitive. They even had a class together. Wenhan would and she would retaliate be it with using her words or physically. And so exactly a week later Sungjoo, without knowing what had been going on between the two, decided to introduce his new mate, Wenhan, to his best friend, Haru. "Haru this is Wenhan, the cool dude I was talking to you about." Sungjoo said all too innocently. "Training bra!" Wenhan exclaimed once again. "Would you stop calling me that?!! I'm avarage sized okay!" Haru blurted. Sungjoo's mouth dropped. Wenhan chuckled, "We have got to stop meeting like this." he muttered slyly. "Back off!" Haru glared. "Wait, what?!" Sungjoo looked confused from one to the other. And that's how they "officially" met.


Rivals/enemies, in Haru's eyes. In Wenhan's eyes, she's just really fun/cute to tease and make mad. Although he also gets annoyed or mad at her sometimes, especially after the contract. Since they met it's been a roller coaster of teasing, pranking and hating. He had the upper hand since the incident but afterwards Haru, as payback, tricked him into the contract and now she's happy. Although, he keeps being his regular annoying, cheeky, arrogant self, she's got the power now! As she says. Wenhan got mad at her for tricking him into the contract but she didn't care, she just tried to ignore him as much as possible and simply ackknowledged his presence when ordering him around. They don't know it but they're very much alike, the same food loving, always right, loyal people. They have their moments when they sort of get along by talking about geeky stuff that they both like and have in common, or when he cooks for her, she always has a small moment of thinking that he's not that bad, but then Wenhan makes a stupid flirty comment and ruins the moment. Basically their relationship consists on Haru either defending herself or ordering him around, Wenhan getting back at her in his own small way by teasing her, earning him a smack on the shoulder or head. 

ENDING - You can suprise me on how they end up together huhuhu xD 
                                                                  THE CHOI YOUNGDO 
PERSONALITY - Caring | Attentive | Oblivious | Funny | Dependable
INTERACTIONS - They've known each other for ages. And she's had a crush on him since her last year of middle school. However, she didn't act on it because she was scared that he only looked at her as a sister/friend. Which since he's nice to everyone, she had no doubt about it. She went through a rough patch in high school, liking him and wanting to confess but at the same time knowing that it was just going to ruin their friendship. So, she decided to not tell him and get over him. They really close, since they've known each other for a long time, so skinship is natural for them, at least for Yixuan and for her until she realized that she liked him. So, whenever he would put his arm around her, hug her or hold hands with her. She would totally freak out but tried her best to remain calm and cool about the whole thing. The only person who knew and could see through her whole charade was Sungjoo. Who just shook his head and sighed every time he would see Haru just smile like an idiot with Yixuan, and Yixuan being totally oblivious about it, as he usually was. However, once she entered University she was already almost over him. But that didn't stop another boy Wenhan from noticing her little crush on Yixuan...great.
COMMENT - I"M SO HAPPY I WAS ABLE TO FINISH IT!!!! T.T But I was determined cause UNIQ! I had to for them!!!
Going to Haunted Houses or watching scary movies. Haru never admitting she was scared and ended up asking him to sleep on the floor in her room with the night light on, cause she said so.
Going to an Amusment or Water park would be fun.
Wenhan getting jealous of Yixuan and Haru's skinship.
Haru and Minae fighting over the last pizza slice, the eldest sibling coming to the rescue. And one of the other siblings eating the last slice, making Haru and Minae attack him or her.

Right now, I got nothing my brain is fried like a french fry /slapped/ but I can add later on as the story goes on (with permission of course ^0^)

PASSWORD - Scorpio 


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