❝Hɪs ♂ & Hᴇʀ ♀ Cɪʀᴄᴜᴍsᴛᴀɴᴄᴇs APP❞ - Mama

Hɪs ♂ & Hᴇʀ  Cɪʀᴄᴜᴍsᴛᴀɴᴄᴇs
For he likes her. And she likes him. Everyone knows, except them.


plotline: Mama ;

The Gentle Umma 
Song Yu Ri
Hello! Hello! 
{ hi, you can call me } Jane
{ here's my profile } kmusiclover
{ i'm usually available } 4
{ am i fluent? } I am fluent in English, but English is not my first language.
{ legality } I'm 19 
{ warning } Yes
{ why apply? } I simply love the plotline of this story. It seems very interesting and unique. I'm really pumped and inspired to write characters for this story. It really caught my eye and I want to be a part of it ^^
My Girl 
{ name } Song Yuri
{ nickname } 
Yuu - her best friend, Park Bom, since Yuri called her Bommie, she wanted to call Yuri by a nickname also. So she decided on Yuu, which she thought fit her perfectly because in Japanese it meant "gentle".  
Umma - she gets called that by her 5 year old son. 
{ dob } December 3, 1992 { age } 21 
{ blood type } O
{ birthplace } Busan, South Korea { home town } Busan, South Korea
{ residency } Seoul, South Korea
{ ethnicity } Korean - Japanese
{ spoken languages } Korean (fluent), Japanese (fluent) and English (fluent)
{ traits } 
good - 
  • gentle
  • caring
  • considerate
  • hard-working
  • out-going
  • kind
  • optimistic
  • energetic
  • reliable
bad - 
  • blunt
  • stubborn
  • does not open up to people easily
  • can have a short temper
  • impulsive
  • stright-foward
  • sarcastic
Pretty Girl 
{ ulzzang #o1 } Jang Chom Mi  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
{ ulzzang #o2 } Kim Seuk Hye  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
{ height & weight } 169 cm & 53 kg
{ appearance } She has long redish brown hair, she has almond shaped eyes and a dimple in her left cheek. She's tall but avarage weight. She doesn't wear make-up, only on really special occasions. She has soft, slightly tanned skin. And she uses glasses to read. 
{ style } Yuri likes to wear dresses and skirts. She dresses really cute and girly. She can wear heels and platforms, but she also likes cute sneackers and shoes.  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
{ extra } She has a star shaped birthmark on her right collar bone. She has exactly three stretch marcks on the left side of her lower tummy. Those are the only stretch marks she has and has them because when she got pregnant she was alone and didn't have anyone to help her or tell her that she needed to put cream on her belly so that stretch marks wouldn't appear. They are clear and barely noticible but are still there. She loves to keep her hair down, but also likes to do braids and put it up in a bun. 
Lady Lady 
{ personality } She is kind, caring and hard working. She doesn't like confrontation but at the same time has a smart mouth and a quick temper when she sees something unfair. She is very neat and tiddy. She likes things to go as planned. She is very friendly and gets along well with others. She is very loyal towards her friends and protective of them. She is very persistent and determined. Whatever she does, she gives it her all and is confident that she'll do it right. She can understand what people are feeling but is quite dense when it comes to her own feelings. She is very calming to the people around her and soothes them when they need a comforting hand. She's a very open book, anything she's feeling you can see it expressed in her face. Although she tends to talk about it too, when its something that reveals her weakness she prefers not to talk about it or put up a strong face in the situation. She loves to set goals for herself. She tends to take care of others and be very motherly, even to people older than her. She doesn't get mad or annoyed easily but when she does she's quick to talk or express how she feels in that moment, she doesn't like to hold grudges. She can get really scary, though, when angry, since you don't see her angry or upset often. Nobody likes to get scolded by her because they seriously feel bad, like a son/daughter who knows he/she's done wrong and is now getting scolded by his mother. She doesn't get sad or depressed easily, eaither. She's actually a very optimistic person. However, whenever the anniversary of Soo Hyun's death and when the topic of her parents come up, she gets sad and nostalgic.
{ all in all } She's a caring person, who can be a bit stubborn and blunt sometimes but all in all, is a sweet, good person who gives her best to reach her goals and take care of her son.
{ major } Bachelor of Fine Arts mayor in: Culinary and Textile Arts - She's always loved to cook, to see people's, especially her loved ones,  happy and satisfied expression when they eat her food is priceless. 
{ grades } A
{ part-time jobs } She has a part-time job at a traditional korean restaurant in the week and tutors japanese and english to students on the weekends. 
{ likes } 
  • Hello Kitty - she loves Hello Kitty stuff and has a doll, the bathroom set, the clock on the wall, the phone cover...let's just say she really likes Hello Kitty.
  • Kids - even when she was little she always liked to take care of children, she was an only child, maybe that's why?
  • People who do aegyo - her son and best friend do aegyo, so she likes anyone else who does it ^^
  • Spicy Food - she loves it, well to tell you the thruth she loves food in general.
  • Books - there's nothing like reading a good, interesting book (of course now she barely has the time, but she reads to her son a lot and she really likes to read or make-up stories for him)
  • Music - it's really hard to explain why she likes music, she just loves it.
{ dislikes } 
  • Coffee - she doesn't like the taste or smell of coffee.
  • Bullies - she's been bullied a lot, ever since her belly started showing.
  • Thunder - ever since she was little, she's been afraid of thunder.
  • Cockroaches - they're disgusting and nobody should like them.
  • Horror movies - she puts off a strong front but gets really scared, she just doesn't like to admit it.
  • Smokers - she doesn't like the smell of cigarettes.
{ hobbies } 
  • Dramas, Kpop, Anime and Manga - she loves to watch/read/listen to them.
  • Listening to Music - it relaxes her.
  • Playing the piano - she's always loved it, its something hers.
  • Reading - her dad used to read to her every night when she was little, so now she reads to her son.
  • Writing - she likes to write, either about her life, poems, stories or anything that pops into her head.
  • Playing with her son.
  • Cooking - she loves to cook, but loves eating more.
  • Cleaning - she likes to have everything clean and neat.
{ habits } 
  • She sings when cooking or putting her son to sleep. (did it since he was a baby)
  • Rolls her eyes when frustrated or annoyed
  • Bites her lower lip when nervous
  • If really exhausted, she can fall asleep anywhere.
  • She usually sleeps with 4 pillows in her bed and hugs them.
  • Naggs her son to pick up his toys.
  • Always cheking and thinking things twice, to make sure. (it's a mom habit to make sure everythings in order and nothings missing)
{ talents } 
  • She's a really good cook. She can cook just about anything.
  • Even though she only sings when cooking or to her son now, she used to enter contests in high school and won. Singing
  • She can play the piano. Piano
{ phobias & fears }
  • Afraid of losing her loved ones.
  • Thunder storms: when she was little she was left alone one night, her parents were busy and called that they would arrive later than expected, that day a terrible thunder storm came, and she was left alone in her dark house, with loud noises that sounded like the sky was falling. It was really scarry for her.
{ trivia } 
  • She was 17 when she had her baby boy.
  • She was with her boyfriend for 5 years, she was a freshman and he was a senior in high shcool.
  • Her parents disowned her after they found out she was pregnant.
  • She comes from a wealthy high society family.
  • She, their baby boy and her boyfriend lived together for three years, until his accident.
  • Her favorite food is kimbap.
  • She has a photografic memory.
  • She likes to eat a lot, but doesn't gain weight. (lucky~)
  • She loves to sleep but barely gets 8 hours of sleep during the week and she makes time in the weekends to have at least 10.
  • Her favorite color is blue.
  • On the anniversary of Soo Hyun's death, she goes to his resting place with Min Joon to put new flowers and give their respects. Then to their favorite place, a park near the Han River.  


{ life story } 
Yuri was born a single child into a high society family. Her father's a doctor and her mother a nurse. Both her parents were almost never at home for they spent hours working at the hospital. She lives in a big house, practically alone. She usually prefered to stay at her neighbors house, they were friends with her parents, there she met her best friend, Park Bom. Bom was older than her by 5 years but they always played together and she took care of Yuri like an older sister would. When Yuri was 10, the Bom family moved to another neighborhood, Bom and Yuri still saw each other and were best friends but she couldn't stay with them after school like she used to. Still, Yuri never complained to her parents and tried to do everything she could as best she could. Her school life was fun, and that's what she loved most of all. She had fun and was able to see her friends. However, she still had to go back to that big, empty house. She never really payed atention to boys, she had friends who were boys but didn't really think much about 'love'. That all changed once she entered high school.
She met Soo Hyun, he was a senior and she was a freshman. He was the first guy who saw through her shell. He saw that even though she was all cheerful at shcool, that she was actually lonely. They fell in love and got together. When she found out she was pregnant she had mixed feelings, she was happy but was scared of what Soo Hyun and her parents might do. So she didn't tell him, at first, and started distancing herself from him. He knew that something was wrong and he asked her. They had an argument and she blurted it out. She started crying and he hugged her. He supported her and wanted the baby too. He told her to tell her parents but she was too scared, 5 months passed and one day he was cooking for her dinner in their house when suddenly her mother and father came. They were always working but both of them arrived, apparently they had a annonymous call from someone (it was one of Yuri's bullies from school). They arrived at the house and saw her, her belly and Soo Hyun. You can imagine hell breaking loose in that house. Soo Hyun holded her hand through out the whole evening. Her mother just sat on a chair, tears rolling from her eyes. Her father was screaming at the top of his lungs. Soo Hyun was defending Yuri cause all she could do was cry. Her father was about to slap Soo Hyun, when Yuri stood up and got slapped instead. She then started saying all of the things she had bottled up inside, to her father. They argued and he kicked her and Soo Hyun out of the house. They both left.
They decided to live together, they got help from Soo Hyun's parents to have an appartment, close to the university and coincidently, close to Bom's house. They were really happy.She had the baby when she was 17, Soo Hyun and Bom were the ones at her side. It happened when Yuri and Bom were at there house watching the drama East of Eden, when suddenly Yuri's water broke. Bom called Soo Hyun and they all  rushed off to the hospital.
She was 19 and her baby boy, Min Joon, was 3, when the accident happened. Soo Hyun was on his way home from a jewlery store, it was their anniversary and Min Joon was at Bommies house. Soo Hyun was excited to get home. He was crossing the street, when he saw a young redish orange haired boy. The boy had headphones on and was doing something in his phone. A car ran through the red light and was aiming straight at the boy. In an instant, Soo Hyun ran foward and pushed the boy out of the way...he was killed instantly. Next to the boys hand was a small box which contained a note and a ring. 
{ family members }
♡ Father | Song Hyun Jae | 46 | Doctor | alive | Hyun Jae he's a real workaholic. He's stubborn, and old-fashioned. He's kind but to burried in his work to notice anything else. | Yuri and her father...they doen't get along well. He was never there and they're really awkward. Once he knew she was pregnant, which was  when she was already 5 months pregnant, he felt angry at first, they argued and he kicked her out of the house. After she had left he felt so ashamed of himself and sad because he realized that he wasn't a good father. So they both have mixed feelings about each other. It's...complicated.
♥ Mother | Cho Shin Hye | 44 | Nurse | alive | Shin Hye is caring and hard-working. She's always there to take care of her patients and can spend hours and even days in the hospital...a workaholic too. Even though, she had a lot of work hours, she still found time to get home and be with her daughter. | They are close. Yuri cooks for her when she arrives at home, she gets really happy. However, when Yuri found out she was pregnant, she avoided her mother as best she could and when her mother found out about it (which wasat the same time her dad did) she just sat down and didn't say anything. Shin Hye realized that her daughter had been lonely and that she hadn't been a good mother to her, but she was too shocked to stop her father from kicking her out and now she's trying to convince Yuri's father to go talk to Yuri and to bring her home. 
♥ Others 
Son | Lee Min Joon | 5 | Is in Day Care | alive | Min Joon  | There are really no words to describe her love for him. She just loves him with all her heart. He's her baby. She naggs him but is really caring. Min Joon loves her mother too, he talks to her about everything and is a very good son, even though he's only 5 he's very supportive towards his mom. 
{ relationships } 
applicant yeolja's :
♡ Plain Old Jane | close friend | Yuri always greets her, invites her to eat with her and hangs out with her. Even though she was shy and tried to avoid Yuri, Yuri was very persistant and now they're close friends. 
♥ Miss Popular | acquaintance | She's really nice to everyone and always greets Yuri when she sees her. Yuri does the same, but they haven't really talked ot hanged out.
♡ Femme Fatale | stranger | They haven't met yet.
♥ The Gifted Goddess | best friend | They get along really well. They are always together in the university and she even babysat for Yuri couple of times. 
♡ Ice Princess | stranger | They haven't met yet. 
♥ The Rockstar | best friend | The rockstar is always out there, she's very protective of Yuri but at the same time acts like a little kid when she's with Yuri. Yuri doesn't mind at all since she likes aegyo, of course she only acts that way to Yuri. 
♡ The Dorky Fangirl | friend | Yuri likes to teases her sometimes and since Yuri's friends with Suho then she has always made room to hang out with Yuri (lol) She's very energetic, which Yuri likes. 
♡ The Queen  | acquaintance | They know each other because she's Bom's little sister but they are not close. Since they've never really talked to one another, and she hasn't seen her since they were little. 
♥ One of the Boys | close friend | They are close, they like to hang out and she usually comes to Yuri for advice about everything.
♡ The Bratty Primadonna | stranger | They haven't met yet.
love interest namja's :
♡ Chen | acquaintance | Everyone knows that he's the popular guy in the University. They've seen each other before.
 Kris | stranger | They haven't met.
 D.O | friend | DO is very sweet, Yuri and him both have that motherly aura and are very caring. They get along really well and like to give each other recipes, since they both enjoy cooking and cleaning. 
♥ Xiu Min | close friend | They have a really similar personality. They get along really well. Yuri likes to hang out with him cause he's funny and lively. They are at the same department (education). 
♡ Tao | stranger | They haven't met.
♥ Baekhyun | friends | He's really nice, they are same age friends. She took two classes with him. She doesn't know how the heck is he the best friend of "Mr. Grinch".
♡ Luhan | acquaintance | They see each other at the cafeteria but have never talked. 
♡ Kai | acquaintance | Yuri saw him that day she bumped into Chanyeol, he was one of the guys who smirked. 
♥ Suho | friend | They are in friendly terms, they greet each other and talk. 
♡ Lay | acquaintance | She's seen him around with Suho and Chanyeol before, but he usually just stays quiet and doesn't talk much.
♥ Sehun | friend | She knows that he's the younger brother of 'One of the boys' and sees how she teases him, he's really nice and when Yuri brought her son to the university, one day, cause she had to meet with her group for a group proyect. He was really nice enough to look after Min Joon.  
other idols : 
♡ Best Friend | Park Bom | 26 (idol age 28) | 2NE1 | Stylist and Makeup Artist | alive | She's very caring, strict but kind, playful, mischevious and stubborn. | They met since they were kids, they were neighbors and their parents knew each other. Since Yuri's parents weren't much at home she spent time in Bom's house and they became best friends. | Bom is very caring and protective over Yuri. They tell each other everything and have each others backs. They are more than best friends, they're sisters. 
♥ Best Friend | Choi Minho | 22 | Shinee | Bachelor of Performing Arts mayor in: Film and Photography | alive | He's really sweet, caring, nice and a gentlemen. He can be really charismatic when working but once out ofthe studio he's really cute and dorky. He's really funny and lighthearted. | They met in her first year of university they were both taking a class together and were partenered up. They had a class proyect meeting and she brought Min Joon with him since she didn't have anyone to let him with. Min Ho and Min Joon were inseperable, after that she, Min Ho and Min Joon became friends. And she even had playdates with him. They started getting really close. | He's really sweet and funny. Always making her laugh and lightening her mood. He's protective and caring towards her and Min Joon also. 
♡ Father of her Son Kim Soo Hyun | 21 at time of death (24 if alive) | Studying to become a Lawyer | dead | Soo Hyun is a really caring and nice guy. Despite his seious appearance, he's really playful and energetic. However, he's mature and knows when to be serious. He's sensitive towards others feelings but is also stubborn when it comes to his, when he has his mind set on something he thrives to make it come true. | They met in highshcool and were together for 5 years. He loves to make Yuri smile. Yuri was really glad to have met him, she finally found someone who loved her. They were really close and very happy together. Even though they had their moments where they fought and argued, they always managed to makeup. 
I Love You 
{ love interest } Park Chanyeol
{ his major } Bachelors mayor in: Criminal Investigation and Psychology (Detective Unit)
{ meeting } 
They had met before meeting again in the house and it wasn't pleasent at all. They had met when kids but hadn't seen each other for over 8 or 9 years. They were both at the university when they met again. She was late for class, she was running and accidently bumped into a tall guy's back. The force made her land on her . The guy simply turned, fixed his jacket, glared at her and said "Watch were your going." and left. The other guys next to him smirked, and walked away too. Yuri just sat there dumbfounded and thought 'What a jerk!!'
The official meeting happened when she was about to pick up Min Joon from Bom's house. She buzzed and waited for Bom to open the door, to her surprise she found that tall jerk on the other side. They were both schocked, surprised and bewildered. She even thought for a moment that she had the wrong house and Chanyeol thought that he was being stalked. Yuri saw Min Joon in the back with Bom and she raced past Chanyeol, and entered the living room. She demanded Bom to tell her what the heck was that tall jerk doing there and Chanyeol hearing this asked Bom in a cold and mocking tone what the heck was this stalker doing here. Bom then told both of them to sit down and introduced them. Yuri was in schock to see that the sweet and nice boy, who was once her friend, had turned into this jerk. Chanyeol was surprised to see Yuri too but didn't show it and was even more schocked when he knew that she was Min Joon's mom. But they both exploded when Bom told them the new arrangements.
{ relationship } 
Their relationship at first is very...caotic. Their really didn't have a good impression of each other. However, as time passed they have grown on each other. They both saw the relationship (at first) as a very annoying and unlucky one. They were very snarky with each other, she always having a bad opinion of him and him always teasing and making fun of her. Still, slowly they both start opening up to each other. However, even though they both deny it, her friends and his friends see something quite different, they see sides of them which they hadn't seen before. They see that what these two pabo's are still unable to see...that they like each other. 
{ how he acts around her }  At first, Chanyeol was totally neutral to her, he never even saw her before in the university, he only remembered her as the girl who ran into him and fell on her . Once they met again and he knew who she was, he started to unconsciously get curious about her and started teasing her and making fun of her to get her attention. Still, after time passed, he started becoming nice and even sweet and considerate towards her.
{ how she acts around him } Yuri had seen Chanyeol at the university before, he was one of the popular guys and the badass of that crowd, so yeah, everyone knew who Chanyeol was. But she never really payed much attention to him, she just thought that he was really good looking, tall and his redish orange hair was cute, but nothing more. Just another handsome boy. When she bumped into him in the university, she realized that he was actually a jerk, who had absolutely no manners. Once they meet again, after that, she tries to be all cool and composed but he always makes her snap at him. She really can't control herself as much, he can really get on her nerves. However, as time passed she saw his nicer and sweeter side, the side she remembered that he had when they were kids. She found herself opening up to him.
{ their love story } 
What are their feelings for each other?
At first, their feelings for each other, aren't that great. They argue and fight...a lot. However, as they spent time with each other and got to know one another, they eventually started opening up and started caring for each other, (even though they didn't know it at first and haven't admited it yet).  
Well, it all started with them spending time together, because of Min Joon. Chanyeol was her son's babysitter, as oddly as that sounds it's true, and Min Joon was getting really attached to him. Suddenly, Yuri started to see him not only with Min Joon but at the university. They started getting closer. It was weird for Yuri but she was starting to get used to Chanyeol. It didn't progress fast, at all. Yuri and Chanyeol are both surprisingly dense people when it comes to love and Yuri thought that after Soo Hyun (her first love) and being a single mother she would't fall in love again. (How wrong she was). So they progressed into a relationship really carefully and slowly. Chanyeol (believe it or not) was the first to realize his feelings (he's actually a pretty sensite guy) and the first to act on them. Of course, things didn't go as smoothly as planned. A lot of things got in the way. Starting with the fact that Yuri felt scared by what she was feeling for Chanyeol and had a guilty feeling. Another, was Chanyeol's parents, the fact that he fell in love with a girl who had a baby was not that great for them, however, they softened in time. Then there was, Minho. Chanyeol got jealous of him couple of times. Still, Chanyeol, was very persistent and he eventually won her over. However, his deep and dark secret emerged and that made Yuri even more confused, however once everything was cleared, she realized that "I can't look back... I just have to put the past behind me, and find something better for my future. Who would've thought that it would be you...I never planned for this to happen. I never thought it would. But it did and I am thankful. I am thankful that I fell in love with you." So yeah, they end up together. 
Deep Down 
Mama - "When I wished for a more challenging life, it was a rhetorical statement God, not a challenge."
{ appa bear } 
The father of her child is Kim Soo Hyun. They met when they were in high school. They fell in love and got together. She found out she was pregnant. Her parents found out and kicked her out of the house. Soo Hyun was always by her side and supported her. She went to live with him. He was already a university student but got a part-time job also. His parents helped them get an apartment which was close to the university and coincidentally was really close to where Bom lived. She had the baby when she was 17, Soo Hyun and Bom were the ones at her side. It happened when Yuri and Bom were at there house watching the drama East of Eden, when suddenly Yuri's water broke. Bom called Soo Hyun and they all  rushed off to the hospital.
She was 19 and her baby boy, Min Joon, was 3, when the accident happened. Soo Hyun was on his way home from a jewlery store, it was their anniversary and Min Joon was at Bommies house. Soo Hyun was excited to get home. He was crossing the street, when he saw a young redish orange haired boy. The boy had headphones on and was doing something in his phone. A car ran through the red light and was aiming straight at the boy. In an instant, Soo Hyun ran foward and pushed the boy out of the way...he was killed instantly. Next to the boys hand was a small box which contained a note and a ring. 
{ mr. grinch } 
Yuri did not react well to Bom's announcement that staring now on her younger brother, which Yuri had seen and heard of but never really met, was now going to be the one babysitting her son. Yuri had seen Chanyeol when they were small, they were the same age, he only being a few days older than she was. She remembered that he was really nice to her but after they moved she never saw him again and heard Bom saying how he was behaving badly and had become a rebel. She didn't mind that but rather the fact that their first meeting wasn't very pleasent and she didn't recognize she went to pick up her son and saw that the unpleaseant guy, from before, was the same guy opening the door now. If glares could leave holes on people faces, Bom would have certainly had no face at all, with both Yuri and Chanyeol glaring at her insane and crazy idea. 
{ baby steps } Min Joon, thank god, is very caring and loving. Even though he was a little bit scared of Chanyeol at first he slowly opened up to him. However, at first he didn't want Chanyeol to be near Yuri cause he felt overprotective of her. However, now that he's used to Chanyeol he has gotten more sweet to him but he still gets protective of his mom. 
{ playtime } Bom, being the mischevious person that she is, suggested that Yuri and Chanyeol should go out with Min Joon to the Everland amusment park so that they all get to know each other and feel more comfortable. They protested but once Bom gives you 'the look' you cannot say no. It went better than expected. At first, it was very awkward and tense but because of Min Joon, they both started opening up. He saw her motherly and caring side and she saw his smiling and protective side. Min Joon was having the time of his life, he loved amusment parks and liked the fact that they were all together. 
Goodbye, baby goodbye 
{ comments } I thought that I needed to explain about his "deep dark secret" that i mentioned in their 'Love Story'. The boy that I mention in the death of Soo Hyun and gave a hint about in 'how she acts around him' is actually, Chanyeol. If its to much drama you can just take it out, but just wanted to say it here, just in case.
I hope everythings in order. If there's something I have to fix or change please tell me and i'll get on it right away :D
{ suggestions } 
Yuri, Min Joon and Chanyeol's playdate in Everland.
Yuri and Chanyeol both stuck together in Bom's house, Yuri got a call from Bom saying that she and Min Joon were on their way home so, Yuri could go and pick up Min Joon now. Yuri arrives there, Min Joon hasn't arrived, the only person in the house is that tall jerk, grinch Chanyeol, and Bom calls her announcing that they'll arive later than planned.
Yuri and Chanyeol, take a class together and are paired up (class proyect time x)).
Chanyeol is babysitting at Yuri's house, him and Min Joon watched tv and both fell asleep. (sleepover!)
{ password } 

back to story }



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