[♡] Genies in the bottle— ❝소원을 말해봐❞ { application form }


                                                                                             tell me the little dreams in your heart 
                                                    소원을 말해봐
                     Hwang Hye Rin                     
          t h e p e r f e c t i o n i s t            
Kim Joon Myun  ------ Kim Min Seok

{} gurl.wassup;
                           go roll like a bufallo


{aff profile} kmusiclover

{aff link} click here juseyo~

{hello! you can call me...} Jane


{} welcometotheHwangfamily;
                                                      let's get personal, sister



{name} Hwang Hye Rin 

{nicknames} Rin

{birthdate}   9 / December

{height}  167 cm

{weight}  53 kg

{language spoken} Korean (fluent), Chinese (fluent) and English (conversational)



{} LostmymindthemomentIsawyou;
                                                 hello beautiful, have we met before?



{name of ulzzang} Jang Chom Mi

{links}  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

{name of backup ulzzang} Kim Seuk Hye

{links} 1  2  3  4  5  6  7 

{appearance} She has light brown eyes and redish brown hair. She has a dimple on her right cheek. Has a star shaped

birthmark on the upper left shoulder. Always wears a charm bracelet on her left wrist.

{style} She likes to wear chic/casual/comfortable clothing. 

Comfortable "Homewear" : 1  2  3  4  5

Casual :  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

Fomal : 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8    



{}  mirrormirroronthewall;
                                                                      who's the fairest of them all?


          t h e p e r s o n a l i t y            



Hye Rin is a perfectionist. She always thrives to do her best in everything and anything she does. She's the type of person who expects a lot from herself and others. She can be very hard and demanding of herself but is more understanding towards other and likes lends a helping hand. She's very hard working, reserved and likes to set goals for herself. She likes to be in control of the situation and is very practical. She might seem cold to others at first but she's very caring, dependable and out-going, but she's very stubborn. She's a head strong sort of girl, who always voices her opinion and can be a bit too blunt and impulsive sometimes. She doesn't give up easily when confronted either and has a smart, witty, sarcastic mouth, that can get her into trouble sometimes, especially when she's angry or annoyed. If she sees something unjust happening, like bullying, she's not one to just sit back and watch. Her temper flares and not afraid to step in and put a stop to it. She dislikes to see people cry and is quick to comfort them. She likes to listen to other people problems and help them in any way she can. She can understand other people feelings but is really dense when it comes to her own. She's very loyal and kind towards her family and friends. They call her "omma" sometimes because she can be caring, nagging, strict and motherly at the same time, even with her friends. She likes to laugh and have fun, however she's a person who expects a lot from herself so she tends to work hard and can sometimes forget to sit down and take a breather. She doesn't get angry or upset easily but when she does she likes to express those feelings in that moment, for she doesn't like to hold grudges. However, her emotions can get the better of her sometimes. She doesn't like to show any type of weakness and doesn't like to cry in front of people. She likes people who do aegyo but doesn't likes to do aegyo because it's embarrasing for her, plus she thinks she doesn't have any aegyo. This is how sometimes her younger sisters get away with things, sometimes. However, she is affectionate and does skinship very naturally, but only with people she's really close with, her friends and family.  

{in a nutshell} Perfectionist, who looks cold on the outside but is actually very dependable, caring and protective.

She's very strict with herself and may easily put assumptions of others but is very attentive, loyal and selfless. She's the  

one in charge. 



Spicy Food




Aegyo and cute things

Amusment and Water Parks


Hello Kitty and Rilakkuma

Watching Dramas


Cold Weather




Cockroaches and Spiders



Waking up early (she needs her space when she wakes up)

Loud Noises

Hot Weather

Dark Places

Crying in front of people


Rolls her eyes when annoyed or frustrated

Bites her lower lip when nervous

Pouts her lips when angry, upset or deep in thought

She does a lot of hand gestures when she talks

Whenever she feels tired or really sleepy she becomes either very quiet or snarky

When she's drunk she starts giggling and mumbling random stuff and if she feels sleepy she'll sit down next to someone and lay on their shoulder or lap.

She sleeps while hugging a big pillow or plushie. 

Nagging her sisters to clean up their room, don't leave the fidge door open, hurry up when taking a shower, etc.



Listening to music


Playing the Piano




Watching Dramas


She doesn't like cleaning but she likes neat things so she has no choice but to clean and nagg her sisters to do so.

She is the one who often cooks for all of her sisters, thank god D.O. came to help her.

She loves to eat. Her favorite foods are: kimbap, kimchi fried rice, ramyun, jajangmyeon.

She hates cockroaches and spiders, she finds them disgusting and just ewww.

She's afraid of dark places, like haunted mansions and horror movies, but she won't admit it. 

When little she used to be chubby, but then she entered the track team when in middle school.

Plays the piano since she was 9.

Studies at Yonsei University and works at a restaurant as a part-time job.

She loves to take random walks in the city, while listening to music.

She can't take much alcohol, only 3 glasses, if more the giggles start.



{} beautifulstrangers;
                      only to them i shall give my      mercy



{you're closest to... } 

[  ] the perfectionist 

] the carefree soul (Even though they're total opposites, they get along really well, both being the oldest of all the sisters. She likes the fact

that she can be really carefree but sometimes she gets frustrated because of that. But, all in all, the carefree soul, helps Rin out a lot.) 

[  ] the ultimate tomboy

[  ] the little princess

 ] the wallflower 

[  ] the enigma

[  ] the innocent one


{you doesn't get along with... } 

[  ] the perfectionist 

[  ] the carefree soul

] the ultimate tomboy (Since the ultimate tomboy gets into trouble a lot, Rin has to keep a watchful eye on

her, always. Rin loves her but is one of the sisters who she spends most time nagging at.)

 ] the little princess  

[  ] the wallflower

[  ] the enigma

[  ] the innocent one


{best friends} Himchan | 22 | B.A.P 

{personality} Himchan is very outgoing and fun. He's playful, kind, caring and protective. 

{relationship} They're really close. She sees him like an immature older brother, who's always there for her and cares

about her but is very playful and likes to make fun of her. They've been best friends since elementary school. He would

go over to her house and play. They know how to cheer each other up. They both tease each other but at the same

time stick up for each other when others pick on them. He's the only boy who she does skinship with, like give random

hugs, hold hands and even jump on his back for a piggyback ride. Even though he's older he usually does a lot of

aegyo for her. Even though they argue sometimes, she really can't stay mad at him. They're like siblings. 


{friends} Hyoyeon | 23 | SNSD 

{personality} She's very bubbly, talkative, caring, funny and honest. 

{relationship} They tell each other everything and give each other advice. They are really close. Hyoyeon is very caring

towards her and likes to . She takes care of Rin like an older sister.   


{rival} Nana | 21 | After School | 

{reason} They don't like each other, at all. 

Nana doesn't like the fact that she sees Minseok and Rin together. She hates the fact that Rin always gets top grades, that people like her and

that she's friends with one of the cutest guys on campus, Minseok, who happens to be Nana's ex-boyfriend from high school. 

Rin doesn't like how Nana acts all innocent and nice in front of people and then talks bad about them behind their back, she doesn't mind 

that she talks bad about her but she does when its about her sisters. And now that Joon Myun entered the picture Nana's even more jealous.

However, Rin ignores her and tries to avoid seeing her, so that there's no conflict and blood shed. 



{} tellmeyourwish { i'm your genie }
                                        that's right. i love you, i believe in you


  use your character's p.o.v to answer these set of questions. and erase this note later      


{your favourite colour} blue

{your favourite number} 1

{your favourite word} Seriosly? / You know why! / Be good! / Fighting!! / Omo / Aigoo / Yah!! / You can do it! / What did I

tell you? / I told you so / Good girl / You did good / I love you / Thank you

{your favourite quote} "Hard work will definitely be rewarded, the rest is to believe in yourself." (Sano Izumi, Hana Kimi)

{three things you have with you now}

[ one ] purse

[ two ] phone/ipod

[ three ] book

{reorder the list of words below. first priority to last}

[ 2 ] love

[ 1 ] family

[ 3 ] friends

[ 6 ] career

[ 9 ] popularity

[ 8 ] talents

[ 7 ] wealth

[ 4 ] happiness

[ 5 ] health

{your ideal type} A charming, caring, hard-working, kind, bright, honest, loyal, playful gentleman. With a warm smile and

a gentle gaze. That shares same interest, who's funny and makes you laugh. Who's protective and sweet.

{do you believe in love at first sight?} no. Well, because you can be attractive physically to someone but you don't really

know who they are until you meet them and see their personality. People say that it's more physical than emotional or

personality wise but Rin doesn't believe that. Rin believes that you fall in love with who that person is not with the

person you imagine them to be. 

{do you believe in genies?} no. Rin is very practical, so when it comes to fairy tails and mystical creatures she can be a bit

skeptical about these things. 

{list down your strengths and weaknesses}

strenghts: Hard-working /  Quick thinking / Dependable /  Caring / Protective / 

weaknesses: Can be a bit too perfectionist and demanding / Easily puts assumtions of others / Stubborn / 

{secrets and insecurities} Rin often feels lonely and tired. She feels too much pressure and wishes to take things easy,

but she feels to responsible for her younger sisters and feels that she has to set an example. Therefore, she never lets

them see her when she gets lonely, tired or sad. 



{} `whatisLove?;
                 I need you and you want me



{your genie} Kim Joon Myun / Suho  

{how did you act around each other?} When they first met, Rin couldn't believe that he was actually a genie, and

thought he was a crazy person. However, when she saw the rest of them and her sisters she started to believe.

It wasn't a very nice first meeting, Rin had to admit when she first saw him and he smiled at her, her heart skipped a

beat, but then when he introduced himself to be a genie she was certain that the guy was nuts. So she didn't really

pay much attention to him and was just in denial. However, he tried his best to get close to her and have her open up

to him. She did so after seeing that he was actually very nice and caring. 

{relationship} They have an awkward relationship, at first. Rin was in denial (because it was a situation which wasn't

practical and out of her control) so she didn't really pay much attention to Joon Myun and tried to avoid him. 

However, he tried his best to get close to her and have her open up to him. Since he's careful and calculative he tried

to approach slowly, still it was even dificult for him that she could be so stubborn and hot headed sometimes, that

they tended to argue. However, as time passed and they got to spend more time with each other and as they got to

know each other little by little they became close. Joon Myun likes to teases her and watch her roll her eyes at him.

Their relationship grew and they unexpectadly started falling for one another. 


{another genie you're close with}

] jongin 'kai'

[  ] joonmyun 'suho'

[  ] sehun

[  ] baekhyun

[  ] kyungsoo 'd.o'

[  ] xi luhan

[  ] chanyeol


{reason} They both have similar caring but head strong personalities and so even though they make fun of

each other and argue, they get along suprisngly well, since Kai is very helpful to her. They have a noona-

dongsaeng relationship. 


{a genie who is not in good terms with you}

 ] jongin 'kai'

[  ] joonmyun 'suho'

[  ] sehun

] baekhyun

[  ] kyungsoo 'd.o'

[  ] xi luhan

[  ] chanyeol


{reason} He's too greasy for her and they often clash, since they're both very competitive. They are like



{love rival}  Kim Min Seok / Xiumin 


{who is he to you?} Senior / Co-worker (they go to the same university and work in the same restaurant as part-time)

{how did you act around each other} She gets nervous around him, but still manages to act cool and composed. She

thinks he's cute and really sweet. 

{relationship} They are in good terms. They talk a lot and are good friends. He always helps her with homework or shifts. 

He even walks her home when they get out really late. 



{} justletoutthebeast;
                               everything gets in slow motion



{rate your activity level} four

{comments} I really like the story and the characters. Hope you like my app and good luck with the story :D ah!

anything i need to fix or change please tell me and i'll get on it right away. 

{suggestion / requests}

- A haunted house scene, they all go to the amusment park and make bets to see who doesn't get scared in the haunted house. They go in pairs.

They all lose but when Rin and Suho go in, Suho sees Rin really scared for the first time and she holding onto him. He tells her everythings fine and to

trust him, he'll protect her. They were passing a bridge and hands started grabbing at their feet, Rin lets out a supressed shriek and is about to start

crying, when Suho suddenly grabs her and lifts her up princess style. They get really close after that. 

- A scene where Rin is really overwhelmed with everything that's been going on, her school, sisters, love life, the genies, etc. She decides to go out

and have a few drinks, of course, Suho tags along. She drinks more than 3 glasses and starts giggling and mumbling random stuff. Suho carries her

on his back to their home, and on the way she starts telling Suho all of her worries and starts crying on his back. Suho puts her down, turns around

and hugs her. She falls asleep in his arms while crying. He then starts carrying her again back to the house.

- Suho gets jealous of Minseok and her too familiar relationship with Himchan. They argue and he suddenly kisses her.  

{password}  Tell me your wish (lol he looks like a puppy ^^ so cute)





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thanks for applying c:
so far.. there's nothing wrong so thankyou for that!