SM Paradise: EunMi's Interactions


hi!!! lol sorry it took me a while but now is the only time i got to use my computer XP
haha so this is what eunmi thinks about the other members and how she treats them....
Cho SooMin:
 -EunMi finds her annoying because she talks too much but not to the point where she dislikes her or anything. EunMi would just ignore her.
 -EunMi is scared her because she likes to drink a lot, but doesn't show it. If she sees SooMin drinking or coming home from drinking then she will avoid her or stay in her room.
Maeng MiYoung:
 -There is an awkward atmosphere between the two.
 -Doesn't talk to her
 -EunMi doesn't have a real problem with MiYoung but she doesn't feel comfortable around her either.
Hwang SeonJi:
 -EunMi finds her innocence amusing but it makes her sad because it reminds her of the brother she was supposed to have, but she doesn't tell others that.
 -EunMi doesn't know much about SeonJi because she never approached her. She can only see what SeonJi is like by watching how she interacts with others.
Kim ChoonHe:
 -EunMi tries to avoid ChoonHe because of all her cheerfulness and energy.
 -EunMi doesn't like her pranks and often becomes very angry afterwards, but not to the point where she cries. She just locks herself in her room.
 -EunMi gets annoyed by her aegyo.
Moon JinHong:
 -EunMi avoids staying with JinHong especially when she is with others because JinHong gets too loud.
 -EunMi acts as if she is annoyed by JinHong and will snap at her if JinHong cracks a joke but really EunMi enjoys it and tries her hardest not to smile at them.
 -If JinHong tries to have a heart to heart conversation with her, EunMi always finds a way to get out of it. She's not ready to open up to anyone yet.
Im HwaYoung:
 -EunMi doesn't talk to her because HwaYoung talks too much.
 -If HwaYoung approaches her to talk and EunMi isn't in the mood then EunMi wil get up to leave even if HwaYoung is in mid-sentence. EunMi isn't trying to be rude. She just feels HwaYoung shouldn't wast her breath on EunMi since she isn't really listening.
 -EunMi's reaction to HwaYoung's pranks is the same as her reaction to SooMin's pranks.
Kim HeeMae:
 -EunMi feels the most comfortable around HeeMae because she is also Filipino and will sometimes speak to her in Tagalog.
 -EunMi respects HeeMae because she is the leader.
Lee HyunAe:
 -When HyunAe tries to talk to EunMi, she only gives her one-word responses.
 -EunMi does not like the pranks HyunAe makes and gets annoyed by them.
 -At night, EunMi will bang on HyunAe's room to tell her to stop playing the music so loud.
oh and i was looking over my application and i realized there were A LOT of typos... sorry!! just to make it clear EunMi lived in BUCHEON with her dad and grandmother not BUSAN.
thanks again for choosing me!!!!!! :)


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