The Escape || Seo Jaehee

Seo Jaehee's Escape
  charmander ┆ 8.5 ┆ The Talent
 Name: Seo Jaehee
 Nickname: N/A
 Birthday: 07/25
 Age: 17
 Blood Type: B
 Face Claim and Gallery/5+ Images: Park Yong Hee | Gallery
 Backup Face Claim and Gallery/5+ Images: Kite | Gallery
Jaehee is stubborn and and outspoken. She lets people know what she likes and doesn't ever change her mind from that. Once she had her mind set on something, nothing stops her from doing or achieving it. Jaehee is very persistent, driven, and determines. She becomes easily passionate at things but if there is something that she has to do that she is not passionate in, nothing you can do will get her off the couch to actually do it. She's either extremely active or extremely lazy depending on what you need her to accomplish.
Jaehee is very vocal in her opinions. She gets into a lot of debates with others simply because she cannot stand it if someone accuses her of doing something wrong when she did not. She always has to defend her side or opinion or else you will never hear the end of it. Jaehee is different from everyone else because she doesn't care about what other people think about her. She only cares about what she likes which is why there is so much friction between her and others. She's very individualistic (but not because in that sense she is so similar to her father).
She's content with her life because she knows that she's lived her life the way she wants to and not how others want her to. She makes her own decisions (she's a rebel like that) so that allows her bright personality to come out. She's smiling all the time (unless you get her mad) because she knows that right now, she's happy where she is. She's herself and no one can tell her otherwise.
At the same time, it makes her seem self-centered. Her passion to live the way she wants often forces her to make decisions that are the best only for her and not neccessarily for others. Her decisions are decided by what she thinks are the best for her. She does not always think about other people and how they are affected not because they don't care but because she's scared that if she does not protect herself, no one will.
She has sort of a trust issue with others. She can never bring herself to give someone her full faith in them because she has been let down by other peoeple before.
The earliest memories Jaehee ever had, she was always holding a ball of clay. She was born into a family of potters. Her ancestors were potters and her father believed in keeping that tradition in their bloodline. Their family was reknowed around Korea for their traditional Korean pottery and anyone from polititians to celebrities would buy their pottery for as much as $20,000.
Jaehee, in that sense, was always different from the other kids in their town. Instead of going and playing football with the kids during break, her father ensured that her teachers called her in to practice more pottery. For years, pottery was all she knew and before you knew it she became a prodigy. She mastered every style of Korean pottery from that of the Joseon Dynasty to modern, contemporary pottery. She was even skilled enough to come up with new techniques that blended the styles of the different time periods to create one harmonic piece.
Her parents wanted nothing but to nurture that talent in their daughter. Usually, parents are hesitant for their kids become artists but by the point she was in middle school, they knew that she created a strong enough platform for herself that she could become a professional potter like her ancestors. They pushed her to go into any one of the S.K.Y. Unuversites in Seoul so that she could study other art techniques from other cultures which she could bring back to their workshop and expand their work.
She, however, doesn't want to. She's tired of making pottery all day and doesn't care about the money or fame. The passion that she once had making pottery as a kid is gone because now it's no longer about making what she's inspired to do but making something a customer would want to buy. She just wants a simple life in Hongdo without any problems. It's ironic how that dream of a simple life is exactly what is giving her so many problems. 
Seo Jaesun | Potter | 45 | He's very controlling and agressive as well as outspoken. He knows what he wants and exactly how it should be done. He will tell you if you are doing something he doesn't like. He doesn't care about how other people think about him. | Jaesun forces Jaehee to keep the tradition of pottery in their family even though he knows for a fact that she doesn't like it but still pushes her because thats what he wants. He constantly argues with Jaehee and there are times when the two are just so mad at each other that they don't talk anymore, for weeks even.
Seo Hana | Housewife | 42 | She wants what is best for Jaehee, even if Jaehee does not believe that it is the best for her. She constantly worries over the wellbeing of the family especially due to the rift in the relationship between Jaehee and her father. She has an inability, however, to put herself in others' shoes. | She fusses over Jaehee to go to college in Seoul despite her not wanting to go. She does not fight with Jaehee but Jaehee has an obvious grudge towards her mother for keeping her from staying.
Which plotline is she closest to? Why?:
"The Watcher" because they both understand the difficulties of having the deal with family members whose dreams don't necessarily line up with theirs. They get each other more than any of the other plotlines do.
Which plotline is she most distant to? Why?:
"The Mother's Daughter" because she's sort of jealous of how she can be so close to her family and not have any arguments. She wants a quiet, simple life like that. Jaehee is tired of all the fighting but won't give up. "The Mother's Daughter" doesn't need to spend all that extra energy like Jaehee does.
How did she meet the other girls?:
She was always there. Born and raised in Hongdo, they went to the same elementary, middle, and high school. Jaehee is slightly distant from the girls because despite going to the same school, she never got to hang out with them during break.
-fresh air
-the smell of clay
-flowers (specifically irises)
-running (like track and field)
-she curls her hair around her finder when she's nervous
-Her emblem is an iris. All her favorite works have an iris engraved on the bottom.
-An iris represents inspiration. Only her favorite works get the iris because it reminds her which ones she actually enjoyed making and which pieces were made because she had to.
-Her clothing style is very simple. She sticks to just jeans an T-shirts. Nothing flashy.
-She never really got good grades but because of her reputation as a pottery prodigy, the S.K.Y. Universites are offering her a full scholarship to study the art history of pottery and visual art despite her not going to college until next year.
-She's an outdoor person because staying inside reminds her constantly of how her parents always made her always work.
 Name: Do Kyungsoo
 Birthday: 01/12
 Age: 18
 Blood Type: A
 Back up Lover: Byun Baekhyun
 Birthday: 05/06
 Age: 18
 Blood Type: O
He's very caring and selfless. He only cares about others' needs and desires, often forgetting about his own. He hurts often but doesn't like telling others because he doesn't want to be a burden. He would rather have himself hurt than others. As a result, he is very quiet, as if he is always hiding something. He doesn't really talk to people he doesn't know so peoples' first impressions of him is that he is stuck up and arrogant, as if he thinks that he is better than them.
He only really talks to people that he is close to and even then his doesn't talk much. When he does talk though, it is so completely hilarious, as in gut-busting, rolling on the floor laughing hilarious. He never actually meant to be hilarious. It's just that his comments are so blunt and unexpected that they end up being hilarious.
He isn't one to correct people if they are wrong. He doesn't want to hurt them by accident. What he doesn't realize is that sometimes correcting people is what is best for them because if they do do something wrong, it could hurt them even more. 
How they met:
The two are neighbors and their parents have been neighbors even before they were born so the two practically grew up with each other. Their parents would often spend dinner at each others' house so the kids would have to come along to. Jaehee, being the only child, would always spend time at his house to play. When Jaehee first went to school, her parents entrusted him to bring her to school and back safely, since he was a year older.
How they interact:
The two are extremely close. You can always see them together. It's as if they're joined at the hip. When they aren't together, they are constantly on the phone with each other. The two love just stolling the fields with the cows and hanging out with them. Their favorite place to go is the barn where the baby calves are kept.
He was never really good with school work and studies so despite being a year older than her, he would often go to Jaehee for tutoring.
They've been together for so long that they could hang out in each others' rooms with the doors closed and their parents wouldn't even mind. They act like brother and sister with each other, though his parents wish that they were something more. 
-his family owns a cow farm next to Jaehee's home.
-he is not going to college but is instead staying on the farm to learn how to run it from his father.
-he has an older brother named Seungsoo (or if it's Baekhyun then its Baekbeom) who is already in college in Busan since he didn't get into any of the S.K.Y. Universities and Busan is closer to Hongdo than Seoul.
-he loves animals
-family for him is the most important thing in life.
Everything Else
Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Anything!:
Nope! I think I'm good!


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