Let Me Be Your Soulmate App

        i'm made for you
 » the understanding girlfriend «
 username: kmusiclover
 profile link: click here :D
 ulzzang one: Jang Chom Mi  1  2  3  4  5  6  
 ulzzang two: Song Ah Ri  1  2  3  4  5  6
talk to your friends, talk to my friends, talk to me
name: Choi Hye Rin
nicknames: Rin, Omma, 
foreign names: ~~~~
dob: 04/07/1992
blood type: O
height: 167cm
weight: 50kg
birthplace: Bucheon, South Korea
hometown: Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity: Korean
languages: Korean (fluent), Japanese (conversational) [i put 2 cause she's the leader]
Rin is very hard working, determined, outgoing and friendly. She's really fun and loves to laugh. She likes to tease the members and can be very playful. However, she knows when to have fun and when to be serious. On stage she keeps a calm, cool and charismatic appearance but she still can't help but smile and wink at the fans who support them, therefore the fans gave her the persona Charismatic Cutie. She always gives her best in everything she does, and is a bit of a perfectionist. She's very demanding of herself and can be naggy at times, especially when other people don't listen to her. She is very sincere and affectionate. She does skinship very naturally, like holding hands, hugging, etc but with people she's close with. She's very dependable and caring, always taking care of her dongsaengs but also at the same time loves to act like a dongsaeng towards her unnies/oppas. She is really considerate towards other people feelings but is not a push-over, if she doesn't agree or like something she's quick to speak her mind. She's usually the moodmaker of the group. She usually is the one to relieve tensions or lighten up the mood, making everyone feel charged up again. She can understand peoples feelings but is quite dense when it comes to her own. She's very attentive towards others and likes to take care of them and hear them out when they need someone to talk to, and tries to advise them or help them as best she can. People easily open up to her. She's stubborn and straight foward but very sincere towards people she cares about. She always tries to stay positive and doesn't get sad easily, but if she does she doesn't say anything. She doesn't get angry easily but when she does she's quick to talk or express how she's feeling in that moment and can become quite scary since people aren't used to seeing her that way. 
  • Spicy Food
  • Rilakkuma and Hello Kitty
  • Sleeping
  • Reading
  • Music
  • Amusment and Water Parks
  • Food
  • Stars
  • Rain
  • Cold Weather
  • Kids
  • Anime
  • Coffee
  • Rude people
  • Hot Weather
  • Horror movies
  • Bugs
  • Smockers
  • Waking up early/Lack of sleep
  • Listening to music
  • Watching Dramas
  • Writing/Composing
  • Rapping
  • Hanging out with Friends
  • Playing the piano
  • Cooking
  • She does a lot of gestures with her hands when talking.
  • Bites her lower lip when deep in thought or confused
  • Tends to giggle and avoid eye contact when embarrased 
  • Rolls her eyes when frustrated or annoyed
  • When she's really sleepy or tired she tends to sit down next to someone and lay on their sholder or lap.
  • When angry she mumbles to herself
  • Ruffles peoples hair when she thinks they're cute 
  • She was chubby when she entered the company. They made her go on a diet and excercise routine to lose weight, which she did.
  • She loves eating. Her favorite foods are: kimbap, kinchi fried rice, bulgogi, jajangmyun, ramyun.
  • She's the girl version of rapper Outsider, because she can rap really fast. Her voice when she raps sounds something like this.
  • Even though she's scared she'll still go to a haunted house or see a scary movie but then she'll sleep in to another members bed cause she's scared.
  • She takes her ipod everywhere, that and a book.
  • When she needs to sleep, she needs to sleep or else she'll get really cranky.
  • She's ambidextrous.
  • She doesn't like people touching or taking her stuff without permission
  • She's ticklish.
  • Has asthma.
  • She doesn't last long in department stores, she likes to go in buy what she needs and leave.
  • She can't really take to much alcohol.
 just wanna breakaway
family background
family members: 
father | Choi Tae Joon | 46 | Restaurant Owner/ Main Chef | He's very work and family oriented. He's very passionate about what he does. He's playful and funny, but also very serious when it comes to work. He's caring, nice and dependable. | They are really close. He's really proud of his daughter and can be a bit overwhelming with his love and protection. But whenever Rin feels down he always says the right thing for her to get back on her feet again.
mother | Lee Sun Mi | 44 | Restaurant Owner/Host/Cashier | She's very sweet, caring and nagging. She's always there to make sure everything's up and running smoothly. She likes everything neat and tidy. She's very supportive of her daughters and which to give them the best but also make them work hard and never give up on getting what they want and becoming happy. | They are really close. She naggs Rin a lot. Always making sure she's eating, healthy and well. She likes to make her food and take it to her and her group members. She worries a lot but is very happy that her daughter is making her dream come true.
sibling | Choi Hye Mi | 15 | student | She's cute, bubbly, straight foward and funny. She has a really laid back and easy going personality. She's really clumsy and naive but is a really loyal and thoughtful person. | They are really close. They argue and fight but have each others back, always. They miss and love each other a lot. Mimi loves to bug Rin and Rin also likes to bug her, its mutual. They talk a lot and tell each other everything. Plus Mimi likes to go with her mother to deliver food to Rin because she loves going to the company and bumping into, cn-blue and ft island.  
the allies: 
best friend | Choi Min Hwan | 20 | idol/ft island | He's really playful, outgoing, sweet and funny. He's very open and honest. He's bright and cheerful. He's a mood maker and doesn't like being bored, which makes him like pranking people and joking around. However, he's protective and always there when you need him and if you need comfort he's always there to lend his shoulder. | They have been really close ever since she entered the company. They play together, hang out and even practice together. They are friends, he's the maknae of his group and she's the leader of hers, so he acts a bit childish around her. They know how to cheer each other up and are always there for each other. They both use aegyo and skinship with each other. They're very close, some people mistake them for a couple, which they are not. While others, since they have the same last name, mistake them for siblings, which they practically almost are.
friend | Han Sun Hwa | 22 | idol/secret | She's very blunt, talkative, straight foward, bubbly, cheerful and funny. She loves to laugh and have fun. She's really funny always brightening the mood and making people laugh. She's really caring and sweet, an awesome unnie who takes good care of her dongsaengs. | They are close. Rin goes to her for advice and they tell each other everything. They hang out and have fun. She's very funny and Rin always goes to her when she's down, Sunhwa lifts up her mood really quickly. She's like a caring older sister. Always looking out for Rin. 
friend | Jung Yong Hwa | 23 | idol/cn-blue | He's very playful and mischevious. However, he's very caring and loyal towards his loved ones. Even though he's greasy sometimes and loves to tease; he's warm, understanding and attentive. | He's like a mischevious older brother, he's always been really nice to her, and they have a really cool oppa-dongsaeng/sunbae-hoobae relationship. He teases her but is very quick to buy her food or anything, when she does aegyo for him. He gives her advice and helps her with anything she asks him too. 
the enemies 
rival | Soyou | 20 | idol/sistar | She's self-centric, judgemental and pokerfaced. She's extremly clingy and hates doing things on her own. She doesn't like people who tower over her and likes attention. | Rin doesn't like the fact that she's pockerfaced. Rin used to like her and look up to her as a sunbae but then she saw her being nice to another idol and then starting to talk bad about her behind her back. Soyou didn't really pay much attention to Rin, but then she saw that Rin, as well as the other members of her girl group, were getting popular, as a leader and with the boys, Sunggyu. And now that both of them were going to be in a show together did not go well with Soyou.
 i'm feeling y and free 
trainee company: FNC Entertainment
duration of training: 4 years
trainee history:
Rin started her trainee life when she was 16. She was accepted by the company, through an audition. Rin had a decent singing voice, could dance but she had awesome rapping and people skills, which was what really got her in. The first years were dificult, with her maintaining her good grades at school and training everyday. However, she made it work somehow. Also when she left home to live in the dorms, she really got homesick but since she was working hard to debut she tried looking at the positive side. She got along really well with others, and didn't have problem making friends. Plus she met her best friend, who really helped her a lot. She was made to go on a diet and excercise routines, which she really disliked. But she worked really hard to make it. She met her sunbaes, Ft Island and CN-Blue, which made her really happy.   
position list: 
  1. Leader, Main Rapper, Sub Vocalist
  2. Lead Rapper, Sub Dancer
  3. Main Dancer, Sub Vocalist
  4. Lead Dancer, Sub Vocalist
  5. Jack of all trades
  6. Lead Vocal and Sub Dancer
 will you be the other one so we can equal two 
desired girlfriend plot: 
  1. The understanding girlfriend
  2. The bold girlfriend
  3. The dominant girlfriend
  4. The romantic girlfriend
  5. The innocent girlfriend
  6. The jealous girlfriend
desired partner: 
  1. The awkward boyfriend - Kim Sunggyu
  2. The mysterious boyfriend - Lee Howon/Hoya
  3. The dorky boyfriend - Jang Dongwoo
  4. The two sided boyfriend - Lee Sungjong
  5. The greasy boyfriend - Nam Woohyun
  6. The childish boyfriend - Lee Sungyeol
 show me, show me
guests that you want to have show up
your friends:
Han Sunhwa (secret)
Choi Min Hwan (ft island)
Jung Yong Hwa (cn-blue)
partner's friends:
Yang Seung Ho (mblaq)
Ryewook (super junior)
 take a bow, cause the show is coming to an end 
i hope you like her :D
finally an infinite apply yay xD
if there's anything i need to fix or change please let me know and i'll get on it right away :)
requests: if i have some when the story starts i'll pm you :)



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