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Mia Pérez Lee
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Your name: Jane
Username/Link: kmusiclover
Activity Level:  9/10
Name: Mia Pérez Lee
Nickname(s):  ---
Age:  20
Birthdate: July 3, 1992
Birthplace/Hometown: Seattle, Washington (birthplace) / Seoul, South Korea (hometown)
Languages: English (fluent), Korean (fluent), Spanish (fluent), Japanese (basic) 
Ethnicity: Korean-Spanish
I am the Best
First Ulzzang Choice: Jang Chom Mi
Picture Links:   1 ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5  ||  6  ||  7  ||  8  ||  9  ||
Second Ulzzang Choice: Kim Seuk Hye
Picture Links:  1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5  ||  6  ||
I Will Show You
Family Background: Mia was born in Seattle, Washington. Her father's spanish and her mother is korean. Her parents both met in Seattle and got married there. They lived there until Mia was 6 and her little brother, Many, was 2 years old. Their parents decided to move to Seoul, Korea. She and her family are very close. Her parents are very supportive of them. She was born into a middle class family. She always liked drawing since little, her father said it came from his side. Mia used to be chubby when she was little, and got teased a lot in school because of that. So she decided that in middle school, she would join a sports team and loose weight.
She joined the soccer team and met her best friend, Minho. They would both be in the team and would also be in their school dance club. Minho, defended her a couple of times, but the first was when they wouldn't let her be on the dance club, on their first year, because she didn't have the built for that. After that, they were inseperable, and even went to the same high school, together. Already in her first year in high school Mia had lost a lot of weight. In her third year of high school, she was recruited to be a model for a clothing line called, CherryKoko and so she accepted. Her father didn't really like the idea but as Mia insisted, he gave in only if he went with her and saw the company, and if it looked weird she wouldn't do it. Her mother already knew the brand but decided on her father to go with Mia to see just in case. He went with her to her first photoshoot and saw that it was decent and cute clothing and so he agreed. Since, Mia always loved drawing and sewing she decided to study fashion design. One of her reasons are that she wants to make pretty clothes in all sizes that everyone can wear, because she knows how it feels to look at pretty clothing and not being able to wear it simply because it doesn't suit you or because they don't have your size.
Family Members: 
Alexander Pérez González | 43 | Father | Architect | OC | He loves his work and wants to provide for his family. He tends to worry a lot over his children and is overprotective over Mia. When Manny was little he used to send him as a spy whenever Mia liked someone. He spoils her a bit. Mia and him are really close, he's very loving and caring over them. He gets along really well with his kids and is an out-going and understanding father who just wants to give his children and wife a good and happy life. 
Lee Min Hee | 41 | Mother | Elementary School Teacher | OC | She's hard working, kind, strict, short-tempered and loving mom. She's good at always at reading people and solving problems. She has a lot of patience, except when she's waiting in line. She likes to keep things clean and neat. She's very playful and funny but if you need scolding she will give it and can turn really scary. She loves to cook and buy clothes for her kids. Mia talks to her about everything and tends to go to her for advice on everything.
Manuel "Manny" Pérez Lee | 16 | Younger Brother | High School Student | OC | He's really playful, funny and mischevious but loving and kind-hearted. He's protective over Mia, by the influence of his dad (lol). They both love to tease each other. She bothers him when she's bored and even jumps on him for a piggyback ride, not caring if they're in a supermarcket or wherever, when she's hyper. They fight but then he ends up doing aegyo and she eventually gives in. They have are playful and have a fun relationship with each other. Even though they argue sometimes, they always have each others back. She even goes out with him and his friends, she makes friends with guys much faster than with girls, and he does the same and goes tagging along with her and her friends. Mia spoils him a bit and buys him food when he asks for it, clean up after his messes and buys him videogames. They both play on them, though. 
Best friend: 
Choi Minho | 20 | Best Friend | Member of Shinee | Idol | Minho and Mia have been best friends since middle school. Minho was a very quiet and shy, at first, but once she got close to him she saw a funny, cute and competitive boy. They became best friends and got really close. They are practically like brother and sister. He would go to her house and she to his to play. He has a good sense of humor and can make people laugh. They tell each other everything and give advice to each other. They know how to cheer each other up easily. He's very sweet and caring of her. They both tease each other but at the same time they stick up for each other when others pick on them. He's also the only boy, besides her brother, that she does skinship with. Like gives random hugs, holds hand, and even jump on his back for a piggyback. 
Kim Hyo Rin | 22 | Best Friend | Student at the same University as Mia, studying to be a make-up artist and stylist.  | OC | She is very bubbly, talkative and hyper. Even though she's older, she is a bit childish. Loves to laugh hysterically and have fun. However, she's always there to listen to Mia and comforts her. They take a few classes together and get along super. She's very funny and an all out fangirl. Mia literally had to restrain her from randomly hugging Kyuhyun, when Minho presented them to him. (She's already used to Minho).  
Kyuhyun | 24 | Friend / Oppa | Idol in Super Junior | Idol | He's a funny, out-going, jokester. He hates being bored and would do whatever he can to have fun. he especially loves to tease and prank people. He's really cheerful, never in a bad mood. He's very trustworthy and reliable to his dongsaengs. He's very cute and observant of his surroundings. Mia met him cause of Minho, when he joined the Kyuline. He's really nice and caring towards Mia and is really like an older brother. He loves to buy them food and for them to do aegyo for him. 
Carry On
Personality: Mia is a perfectionist. She always thrives to give her best in anything and everything she does. She's the type of person who expects a lot of herself and can sometimes be to hard on herself. However, she's more understanding towards others and likes to lend a helping hand. She is a caring, friendly and out-going, but she's very stubborn. She's a head strong sort of girl, who always voices her opinion and can be very impulsive sometimes. She simply hates bullying,  and is not one to just sit back and watch either. Her temper flares and she's not afraid to step in and support the person. She dislikes seeing people cry, and is quick to comfort them. She's very loyal and kind to her friends and family. They call her "omma" sometimes because she's can be caring, nagging, strict and motherly at the same time, towards her friends. She loves to laugh at jokes and have fun, however she's a person who expects a lot from herself so she tends to work hard for what she wants and can sometimes forget to sit down and take a breather. She doesn't get angry or upset easily but when she does she likes to express her feelings in that moment, for she doesn't like to hold grudges. She's very artistic and passionate. Her emotions can get the better of her sometimes. However, Mia has a strong character and doesn't like to show her weaknesses, and especially cry in front of people. Since little she never did, cause it was embarrasing for her to have people look at her when she cried. She is affectionate, likes to give random hugs sometimes, especially when she's feeling down, that usually lifts her mood up again. She doesn't mind skinship and does a lot of it with the people she's close with, like her family and friends. However, she does get a bit shy when its with a guy that she likes. She is very understanding towards people's feeling and is very good at giving advice but is dense when it comes to her own feelings. 
  • Spicy Food
  • Dancing
  • Modeling
  • Video Games
  • Soccer and Running
  • Kids
  • Eating
  • Music
  • Water Parks
  • Roller Costers
  • Hello Kitty and Rilakkuma
  • Watching Dramas
  • Coffee
  • Waking up early
  • Bullies
  • Cheats
  • Losing
  • Loud Noises
  • Hot Weather
  • Dancing
  • Model
  • Reading
  • Listening to music 
  • Cooking
  • Playing the piano
  • Drawing/Designing
  • Whenever she feels tired or sleepy she sits next to them and lays her head on their shoulder or lap
  • She does a lot of hand gestures when she talks
  • Hugs her plushie or someone when sleeping
  • Rolls her eyes when annoyed
  • Mumbles to herself when upset or angry
  • Bites her lower lip when deep in thought
  • Talks a lot when nervous 
  • Has never had a first love because she's always been focused on succeding her goals.
  • She loves to food and love to eat. Her favorites are kimbap, kimchi fried rice, bulgogi, ice cream and chocolate.
  • She can practically sleep anywhere if she's really tired. She just needs to lean on someone and she'll get knocked out.
  • She's afraid of cockroaches. (finds them disgusting)
  • Used to play soccer in middle school.
  • She's blood type O.
  • Favorite color: blue
  • When little used to be chubby and got bullied for that.
  • She's a part-time model and is currently a student in Fashion Designing.
  • She always makes time for excercising. Likes to run or walk in the park while listening to music.
Love Song
Love Interest: Kim Joon Myeon / Suho || Exo-K
Age/Birthdate: May 22, 1991 (21)
Personality: He's really nice, caring and charismatic. He's very responsible and reliable. He makes people feel at ease and safe. He always takes the lead and guides other well. When a problem presents itself he knows how to take control and fix the situation. He's very confident in whatever he does, which make everyone in the group follow him without question. He's serious when he needs o be but likes to tease and have fun whenever he can. He's always there for his loved ones and is very open-minded. He unconsciously thinks to much about others before himself. Suho is very quick to understand how other people feel, so he's quick to catch on. He isn't the type to get mad or annoyed easily, only when he sees other people bullying or messing with his loved ones is when he gets really angry and doesn't stay quiet but is quick to defend them. He's a gentleman that surprisingly gets jealous easily. He's also has this playful and manly side to him and a charming irresistible smile.
How do you interact?: When they first met it was definetly awkward, however, Suho tried his best to make it less. Mia seeing this felt touched and relived. She slowly started opening up to Suho and Suho in turn with her. Suho becomes very caring and protective over Mia. They surprisingly get along really well and are like close friends. However, they do have their moments of dissagrements and can argue sometimes. They like teasing each other. Suho, was being very cautious about skinship, cause he didn't know how Mia would take it. However, when he saw how close she was with Minho he got really jealous. He saw how naturally they did skinship and didn't like it. So he decided to grab Mia's hand. Mia blushed and got nervous. He saw this and started grinning like a babo, while Minho simply rolled his eyes, laughing at them, and called them the "Babo Couple". 
Back Up Love Interest: Jung Dae Hyun || B.A.P
Age/Birthdate: June 28, 1993 (19)
Personality: Daehyun's a really funny and charming guy. He's considerate, slick and cunning. He can have a bit of a short temper when other people pick on his friends and isn't the type to just sit there and watch while they're being bad mouthed. He's really shy and awkward at first glance, however, once you get to know him, you'll see that he's very out-going and firendly. He's always making jokes and making the people around him laugh. He rarely gets serious but knows when to be. He's really observant about his surroundings and considerate to the people around him. He's very sincere, likes to help people and hate to see them upset.  
How do you interact?: There first meeting was super awkward. Mia tried her best to talk about anything and make it less awkward but Daehyun, being the mischevious guy he is, liked how Mia got all nervous and decided to by making it more awkward. Mia still tried her best until Daehyun said something that gave himself away. Mia then got mad at him for teasing her, like that. In the end, they ended up fighting. Their relationship gets better, while time passes, cause Daehyun later felt bad and decided to make it up to Mia.
Baby: ~ Emma Kim is just too cute ~
Ulzzang baby name: Becky Miso
Wedding Dress: the dress: front and back || shoes || hair style || flower accessory || 
Suggestion/Comments: This was really fun to fill out :D 


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