you are my heaven || application


Choi Hye Rin


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Your name: Jane

Username/Link: kmusiclover

Activity Level: 9 


Into the New World

Name: Choi Hye Rin 

Nickname(s):  Rin: Jonghyun calls her that as a short way to say her name. 

Age: 17

Birthdate: April 7, 1995

Birthplace/Hometown: Jeju Island, Korea / Seoul, Korea

Languages: Korean (fluent), Mandarin (converational)

Ethnicity: Korean


I am the Best!!

First Ulzzang Choice: Park Bo Young

Picture Links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 || 8 || 9 ||

Second Ulzzang Choice: Jung Yeon

Picture Links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 ||


I Need a Time Machine

Family Background:

Hyerin was born in Jeju Island. Her parents were really young when they had her. Her mother was 19 and her father 21. They got married right after high school and a year later had Hyerin. Her father was finishing college while working and her mother was studying also. So, Hyerin would spend more time with her grandparents. For those first years her family was poor, but they got on. When Hyerin was 6 her younger brother, Min Joon, was born. Even though they weren't that wealthy, they were a loving and caring family. Hyerin loved the countryside and her grandparents. Her father would teach her how to play the piano. They would always take some time, on the weekends to go out to the park for a picknick or go to the beach and walk. When she was 8 her father announced that they would be moving to Seoul, because he was offered a job there in the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra as the main pianist. Her mother had finished her college and had become a nurse. She decided to support her husbands dream and transferred to Seoul's National University Hospital.

After they moved her parents were quite busy with work, and it was hard at first. However, her mother eventually decided to work but part-time, so that she could spend time with her children. They would go to their fathers concert whenever he gave one in Seoul. Her father would still teach her the piano and would even take her and her younger brother to work, were she would see almost all the practices. Hyerin loves it.  In middle school she met her best friend, Hyoyeon. It was a very happy time for her. When she was in her third year of middle school, her father died. He had just called them the night before, saying her had a cold but that he was fine and was going to see the doctor. The day sfter they received the call that he hadn't woken up and had died in the night. Hyerin and her family were devestated, however, she had her family and best friend to comfort her. In her freshman year of high school, Hyerin met a boy. A boy who was both sweet and kind. Her first love. They began dating for a year and a half. She missed her dad but was so happy to have found this person who filled her with happiness. It was midnight, they were both on their way back from their date. Her boyfriend wanted to walk but Hyerin insisted that they should take a cab because she was really tired. They were in a cab, holding hands, Hyerin with her head rested on his shoulder. A drunk driver ran through a red light, as it was there turn, and slammend into their cab. The last thing Hyerin remebers seeing is the lights of the car that were about to hit her boyfriends side, and him turrning to block her, then darkness. She woke up, three days after the accident. Her mother was at her side sleeping, while her brother was on the couch. They both woke up, when they heard Hyerin asking for him. Her mother had tears in her eyes and told her what had happened and that he was dead. After that Hyerin...changed. 

Family Members: 

Choi Tae Jun | 38 | Father | Pianist | OC | They used to be extremly close. He taught her how to play the piano and was always there for her. He would spoil her. They would both spend a lot of time together playing the piano. It became their thing.How they interact

Lee Shin Hye | 36 | Mother | Nurse | OC | Hyerin and her mother have been through a lot together, and they got close. However, Hyerin has a bit of trouble opening up to her since the accident, still her mother always tries to support her and be there for her, which Hyerin is thankful for. How they interact

Choi Min Joon | 11 | Younger Brother | Student | OC | Hyerin and her brother have always had a close relationship. Once Min Joon was born, Hyerin treated him like her little baby and took care of him just like an older sister would. After the accident, she became distant and locked was locking herself away, she was really swallowed in her grief that she forgot about Min Joon's pain. However, Min Joon was able to approach her and was able to make Hyerin talk again. Hyerin then felt sorry for him and has been paying more close attention to her family and close friends. Although she still hasn't open up to people, she smiles whenever she sees her little brother, so he got her to smile again since the accident.


VVIP, Rock with Me

Best friend:

Kim Hyoyeon | 18 | Best Friend | Student (in the same class) | Idol - SNSD | They've been best friends since middle school. Hyerin and Hyoyeon have been inseperable ever since. They were like sisters who always told each other everything and have each others backs. Even though, Hyerin isn't as cheerful since the accident, Hyoyeon is like an older sister towards her that protects her and is very caring towards Hyerin. Hyoyeon is very funny and staright foward, she always has a smart and amusing comment about everything. 


Oh Sehun | 18 | Friend | Student (in the same class) | Idol - ExoK | Sehun was her boyfriends fraternal twin brother. They were friends first and then Hyerin met his brother which was nothing like the quiet and reserved Sehun. After the accident, she couldn't really see or be in the same room as Sehun, because he reminded her of him. Sehun became very sad cause he and Hyerin had been really close friends. Still, after much insisting he was able to see her. Now, they remain as friends but he tries not to bring any subject about his brother. He's very protective of her, she misses him but feels that he blames her as she blames herself.


Park Jiyeon | 18 | Frienenemies | Student (in a different class) | Idol - Tara | They used to be friends since middle school, however, once they entered high school they fell in love with the same boy. She didn't forgive Hyerin for being his girlfriend and blames her for his death. She still holds a grudge over Hyerin and is one of the girls that bullies her. 


I’m Original~

Plotline Applying for: Blue - I Will Try to Fix You.

"She's the quiet girl who's always full of secrets. She's refused to get close to anybody or even believe in love for over a year, ever since her first love died suddenly in a car accident. She's the girl who tries to hide herself to avoid heartbreak. He's the bad boy with a heart of gold who feels his reputation wouldn't be good for a girl like her. But will he be just the thing she needs to believe in love again?"

After that, Hyerin...changed. She wasn't the cheerful and happy girl she once was. She started shutting out, her friends. She transferred to another high school in Seoul. Both of her friends followed her there, Hyoyeon and Sehun. They were both determined to be there for her. She wouldn't talk and would always prefer to be left alone. She wouldn't go out anymore and would stay up in her room, crying. Hyerin felt guilty but no one knew since she wouldn't talk to them. Her mother was getting worried, but didn't know what to do, since Hyerin wouldn't talk to anyone. Her little brother, who hadn't really talked to her just watched from afar finally got the courage to enter her room, he laid down beside her and hugged her, tears falling from his eyes. Hyerin started crying and hugged him back saying "I'm sorry, Min Joon ah." Those were the first words she said since the accident. From then on, she started talking again, to her brother, mother, Hyoyeon and Sehun. However, she wouldn't get close to anybody else and didn't talk as much as she did before. She's scared of getting close to people, getting hurt by them and losing them. 

However, on her first day of her last year in high school, everything changed, cause she met...him.


Hyerin's a very cheerful, happy and caring girl. She loves her family and friends. She's very emotional and feels things very deeply, her father used to say that it was becuase she was a musician. Hyerin is very hard working and reserved. She likes to set goals for herself and doesn't mind being alone. She takes to herself and doesn't socialize much. She prefers it that way, don't get me wrong she has friends. But only her two close friends. People see her as being antisocial, quiet, weird and emo, however before the accident she was really friendly and didn't mind people coming near her. She doesn't open up to people easily, or at all. But she is very caring and loyal to her friends and family. She is very reserved and doesn't like to show her weaknesses. Whenever she feels sad or depressed, meaning whenever she's thinking about him or her father and feels like crying, she keeps to herself. She doesn't like to cry in front of people. She can be witty at times and make sarcastic remarks but she doesn't get angry easily.

Hyerin hates any type of bullying. She really can't stand it, her temper flares, her smart mouth acts up and she quickly puts a stop to it. This is something which hasn't changed and has gotten her into trouble many times. Making the girls who bully, start bullying her. However, she doesn't care if its directed at her. She isn't the type of person to give up easily, she's stubborn, once she sets her mind up to do something she'll do it, at least that's how she was before the accident. Now she doesn't really have lots of motivation to do what she likes because she feels she doesn't deserve it. She feels really guilty about her first love death. She feels if she only didn't insist on them going in that cab. In matters of romance, she doesn't want anything to do in that area. She's closed herself off from the whole soulmates and love scenario. She hasn't smiled or laughed since the accident and she believes that her first love was her only love. Still, her whole world os about to turn upside-down once she met...him. 


  • Reading
  • Being by herself
  • Daydreaming
  • Cold Weather
  • Music
  • Spicy Food
  • Chocolate
  • Cute things
  • Rain


  • She doesn't like people getting close to her
  • Bullies
  • Crying in front of people
  • Boys who hit on her
  • Drunks / Drinking
  • Cars
  • Coffee
  • Crowds
  • Insects
  • Taking about her father and boyfriend


  • Reading
  • Playing the piano
  • Taking walks
  • Listeing to music
  • Composing


  • Bits her lower lip when nervous or deep in thought
  • She's always got her headphones on because she loves to hear the music but its also an escape and a way to ignore others.
  • She taps her fingers onto a surface whenever she's making up music
  • Talks in her sleep
  • Rolls her eyes when annoyed or frustrated
  • Likes to daydream while listening to music or while taking walks


  • Plays the piano since 2 years old.
  • Is a very good cook and does most of the cooking for her and her brother.
  • Has a photo of her and her first love in her wallet.
  • Always wears a bracelet, given to her by her father.
  • Likes the pastel colors
  • Favorite Food: Kimbap


What are your plans after high school?: Her plans were to be a pianist like her father. But after her father died she hasn't been able to go near the piano, not even when she was with her first love, did she play the piano. So it's been 3 years since she played it.  

What is your biggest fear?: Her biggest fear is losing another person she loves.

What are you most dedicated to?: She loves to play the piano and compose music. But hasn't played it in 3 years. 

What do you want to do with your life?: She wanted to a pianist for the same company as her father, Seoul's Philharmonic Orquestra. 

What is the thing you want to do most before you die?: N/A


I’m Genie for You, Boy

Love Interest: Kim Jong Hyun / SHIN ee 

Age/Birthdate: 18 / September 1, 1994


Jonghyun is one of the most popular boys in Hyerin's high school. With his stunning good looks and killer stare, he is known as the school's bad boy. He has a cool, collected appearance most of the time, partially because he's so naturally handsome, partially because his outer persona is stoic and unreadable. He receives constant attention from girls, but doesn't seem to take any interest in them seriously, he only winks, smiles and flirts with them. He's a bit of a playboy but doesn't ever have a serious relationship or gets close to them. Those who don't know him think he's judgmental, cold, distant and unapproachable, but he's actually a very sweet, caring and warm person once you get to know him. He's really playful, loves to tease, joke around and laugh. He may seem very cold, brutal, self centric, straight foward and stubborn at first, however, Jonghyun is someone who's very loyal and protective over his loved ones. He'll be the first person who steps into danger to save the person he cares about and stands for those who are right and are doing good. Just like a knight, he is dependable. He's very energetic, athletic and hard working. He hates seeing people upset, and hates to see his loved ones get hurt or cry. Even though he can be rather cocky and arrogant sometimes, he's actually a gentleman who's really sweet and gentle. However, at the same time, he likes rough-housing and messing around with people, always tesing and poking fun at his loved ones. He's a bad boy with a heart of gold.

How did/will you meet?:

They met on the school's roof. Well, Hyerin was eating her lunch and fell asleep while on the roof, she liked the roof cause she liked to be alone and no one came to the roof, that's what she thought. What she didn't know was that there was already a young man sleeping on the roof, who heard her. He looked up and saw Hyerin who was listening to Beethoven's, Pathetic. She had her ipod without her headphones, she always did that in the roof, and always had a new song. It wasn't the first time that he had seen her, but it was the first time that she had fallen asleep. It was pretty windy that day and he saw that she wasn't wearing her jacket, so he took off his and placed it on her, he then left the roof. Hyerin woke up, when she heard the bell rang, saw the jacket and thought it was Sehun's. She was in the hallway headed for their classroom to give it to Sehun, they bumped outside the classroom door in the hallway. She showed him the jacket but he told her it wasn't his. Then, Hyoyeon told her if she had checked the name, that was usually always sewn on to the jacket, and so Hyerin did and saw that 'Kim Jong Hyun' was sewn on it. Hyerin didn't know who he was because she didn't pay attention to the people who were her classmates, except for Hyoyeon and Sehun. But Hyoyeon, clearly knew who it was, and so did Sehun. Out of nowhere, a hand grabbed the jacket from Hyerin's hand. And there she saw him. He looked at her and smiled, then he entered her classroom. 

At the end of the day, Hyerin was walking to her house when a couple of girls cornered her. They pushed her against the wall and demanded to know why she had Jonghyun's jacket. They started pulling her hair and poking her hard on the head. One was about to slap her when her hand got caught by Jonghyun. He glared and scolded them. They left. He then turned towards Hyerin and asked if she was allright. The rest I leave to you authornim :D.


They are not together. At first, Hyerin was very annoyed by this boy who was teasing her and following her everywhere. Plus, his cocky and arrogant attitude, his flirty ways with the girls and his cold glare weren't very attractive to her. She doesn't want to get close to him. Even if he's making her heart beat fast and making her smile whenever she thinks of him, she keeps her distance and doesn't wish to open her heart for him, she's scared of getting hurt again and hurting him. Jonghyun, on the other hand, wants to know everything about this mysterious girl. He unconsciously finds himself thinking about her, teasing her, wanting to see her smile and protecting her. However, once he found out his feelings for her, he's scared that his reputation could cause her harm or for people to bully her (especially girls) more. Still, he wants to protect and take care of this fragile, kind and beautiful girl.


How do you interact?:

Upon meeting, Jonghyun took and immediate and very obvious liking to her. Hyerin isn't particulary amused by him. Moreover, his being close to her makes her very aware of her insecurities, so she's a little uncomfortable around him. At first, Jonghyun would simply talk a lot around her and she would walk very fast ignoring him. She becomes clumsy and tries to find excuses to get away. Unfortunately, her awkwardness around him just amuses him even more. After they started becoming close, Jonghyun would always dote on her and would worry about her getting herself into trouble and will stop worrying when she's safe by his side. He's always messing and joking around with her, she's slowly and uncounciously opening up to him and acknoledging him more. She can get annoyed with him and start teasing him too, he simply smiles like an idiot cause he got some emotion out of her. Jonghyun is very sweet, gentle and warm towards her, he lets her see that side of him which he rarely shows. He can get very affectionate with her, hugging her suddenly, holding her hand or putting his arm on her shoulder. At first, she was outraged by this and would through a fit, she still does, but after she got used to it, she simply shrugs him off and glares at him. They are protective of each other.   


Back Up Love Interest: Kim Jong In / Exo-K

Age/Birthdate: Same as Jonghyun

Personality: Same as Jonghyun

How did/will you meet?: Same as Jonghyun

Relationship: Same as Jonghyun

How do you interact?: Same as Jonghyun


Baby, Goodnight

Comments: I really hope you like her :D and good luck with the story! Ah, if there's anything I need to fix or change, please let me know and i'll get on it right away ^^

Scene Requests:

A scene request when Hyerin plays the piano for Jonghyun. (that would mean something, as if she were confessing to him in her own secret way and him realizing that he loves her)


I choose Mree - Lift Me Up hope you like it. Hear the lyrics, I think it explains their love for each other perfectly :')



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