☪ t h e w a l k i n g d e a d ▬ a p p l i c a t i o n


t h e w a l k i n g d e a d ▬

✻ means optional

{ Me, Myself and I

Username : kmusiclover

Nickname : Jane

Activity Rate :

Laptop / PC : 9

Mobile : 7

{ Hello, I Am...

Name : Choi Hye Mi

✻ Nicknames : Min

Birthdate : 7 | April

Age : 18

{ I Am Beautiful

Ulzzang : Kim Seuk Hye 

Back-Up Ulzzang : Park So Ra

Height : 167cm | 5'4

Weight : 53kg | 116 

Markings :

Has a scar on her upper back, from a knife injury. Which she obtained a few days after the apocalypse, by some thugs who were about to attack a mother and her little girl (the same ones from the apocalypse story). 

Min was in the cafeteria, sitting on the floor right in front of the glass windows, eating bread. She suddenly saw two men who were walking a bit funny, one with a knife and the other with a bat, both with bottles of liquor in their other hand. She shook her head and looked a few paces down. Her eyes widened as she saw the mother and the little girl she had helped. She saw that they both suddenly stopped the woman scooping up her child. Min then saw the two men pointing the knife at them. Min's eyes grew wide as they screamed and threatened the mother and the child. Min got up, unlocked the door, locked it behind her and ran as fast as she could, katana in hand, already drawn. She was alredy outside when she heard screams. She ran towards it and saw the two men standing before the body of the woman, who lay there motionless. The little girl sobbing and shacking her mother. One of the men suddenly saw something on the little girls arm and pushed her. Min went over and attacked them. With one swift motion, she brought the man with the bat down, injuring him on his leg. The other was still concentrated on the little girl, Min pushed the man away from the girl and yelled at her to run. The little girl started running. The other man, who was wounded on the leg, managed to stand up and tackled Min to the ground. She had her sword to his throat and threatened him to get off her, which he did. (Min had promised herself to only kill zombies not people, especially survivors) She then kicked him in the groin and on his injured leg. The man with the knife turned to Min and shouted "It has to be done." Min saw that he was about to throw the knife at little girl and the only thing she could do was get in the way. The knife stabbed at her lower back, she gasped from the sudden pain and was brought down to her knees. The man yelled in frustration and ran towards Min pulling the knife from her back and hitting her hard in the head. The last thing she saw before she out was the man with the knife helping his injured friend up and walking past her saying, "That girl should't have gotten in the way. Stupid." and the injured friend saying "Tsk, thanks to her that little girl will turn into another one of those zombie monsters. Whatever, we'll get her then." And blackout. It seemed like hours to Min but it was actually ten minutes later that she slightly woke up because of a male voice. She opened her eyes to see two very round owl like eyes staring at her. "She's lost a lot of blood, but it seems like it didn't puncture any organs." "Is she bit?" another voice asked. "No, but we need to stitch her up now before she bleeds to death. Also, it's getting dark soon." Min felt a hand turn her to her back, she yelped in pain. She saw the blurr of a face, the boy with the owl like eyes cried out, "Gently, Kai." The guy who was carrying her called Kai rolled his eyes. "We should go into that building." Kai said as he walked towards the cafeteria building. "Kyungsoo, grab her sword." He nodded to Min's katana that lay on the ground, the round eyed boy was pressing both his hands on Min's wound, "Chanyeol you grab it, I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment." The tall figure called Chanyeol picked it up. They arrived at the cafeteria. "Lay her on the table." Kyungsoo told Kai, who obliged. Kai then proceeded to take out the first aid kit. While he helped Kyungsoo take care of Min's wound, Chanyeol looked made sure where the doors where and if they were safe. Then he found a shelf with more first aid, which he took. 


{The Long or the Short of It

Personality :

Min is a very kind and caring girl. She's friendly and out-going. She's what people call perseverant but what Kai calls stubborn. She always gives her best in everything she does and doesn't give up that easily. Min is forever the optimist, always looking on the bright side of things, she's very hopeful. She doesn't like conflict but doesn't run away from it either. She can be very impulsive or rash, acting before thinking. Her emotions can get the better of her sometimes. She's the second eldest and has had a feeling of responsibility and is very caring. She worries about others and is very sincere with her feelings. Even though she puts on a happy and strong front, she has her moments when she feels sad but prefers to cry on her own. She can be a bit bossy at times and strict. She really gives off a mother-like feeling, always nagging at her kids, praising them, cooking for them and protecting them. She can get irritated and annoyed at people, especially arrogant people who think too much of themselves. She just doesn't like them and will show it. Min is very reliable and trustworthy, she's someone you can depend on. However, she doesn't depend on people as easily. She's can be very witty and sarcastic, especially when she's annoyed or irritated. If angry she can become cold, distant and snarky.Since the zombie apocalypse she hasn't changed much but she has changed. All people do when they're in those situations. She becomes a bit more alert and not that trusting. She becomes touchy when they ask her about her family and prefers not to talk about it yet. The only thing she'll say is that she has to find her brother. She's used to blood because she used to spend time in the hospital with her mother but still she's not used to killing zombies yet. Event though she does it, she's not used to it and prefers to avoid it unless absolutely necessary. 

Background :

Min was the second of five. She was born in Busan, South Korea. Her father was korean and her mother korean-japanese. When Min was born her father was already a senior police officer and her mother a nurse. When Min turned 3 her father had already ascended to chief inspector. Also, the twins were born (both boys). She and her older brother were like twins pretty much themselves, only being 2 years apart, they were each others best friends. He was still very protective of her and the twins. The argued but got along. The twins would be very annoying sometimes but she loved them. Finally when she turned 7 her little sister was born. She loved when the whole family was together it was really loud and warm.  

She pretty much had a normal life, however her father always taught them how to defend themselves. So all of his children had to learn some form of self-defense. He said that the world wasn't safe and that it was never less to learn and know how to defend yourself. She admired her father a lot and for a time wanted to be a police officer just like him, however, her mother took her one day to the children's hospital and that's were she knew that what she wanted to be was a doctor. After that she visited the hospital often and helped as best she could.

She was in her last year of high school and had applied to Seoul's Yonsei University. She had to go to Seoul, to take the exam and make the interview. Her parents and younger siblings were still in Busan, while her older brother (since he studies at Yonsei University too) was at Seoul, accompaning her. For some strange reason her mother had a bad feeling the whole day before, she told Min before she went outside that she should take her katana. Min looked at her skeptically but since her mother insisted she took it with her. Her father then said that it would be lucky for her since she has won first place with that sword that she could pass the exam. Min simply rolled her eyes thinking that she would look weird walking around with a sword on her back but since she was just as nervous for the exam and interview she thought that maybe her parents were right and it would bring her luck. 

Apocalypse Story :

The day of the apocalypse she was on her way to take her exam and interview to enter Seouls Yonsei University. Her brother had accompanied her. They hadn't watched the news or heard anything. Min and her brother were supposed to go back to Busan after the exam and interview. Still, they both walked towards the gates of the University completly oblivious to the fact that at that moment the news was annocing the strange plague that had arrived, flooding every hospital in Seoul. And the strange random killings happening in the streets by some people who were thought to have died and suddenly awoke and became vicious, bitting at anything in their path.

Min was in the room were they were supposed to take the exam. Min's brother was outside of the classroom, on a bench, waiting. About three hours later Min was finally walking out of the interviewers room. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and turned it on (for they needed to turn it off during the exam and interview) she saw 10 missed calls, all from her brother. She found it odd and called him back, the first 2 times he didn't answer. Min's heart was beating fast for some reason, she saw people walking very quickly out of the classrooms, talking to people on their phones with worried and scared faces. The third time her brother answered, she heard him panting and before she could say anything he asked her where she was. She got worried because of his panting and unsteady voice and all the screaming and chaos in the background and so she asked if he was ok. He screamed at her, asking her again where she was. She told him almost crying, she didn't know what was going on but she knew something bad had happened. He heard her sniff and softened. "Stay there, I'm coming."

The phone line went dead. She was near the cafeteria, she saw people crowded near the tv and saw a news reporter covering the Seoul area and explaining how a man had suddenly had what they thought was a heart attack and suddenly he started moving again getting up slowly. Another man went over to him to ask if he was ok and the man suddenly attacked him, bitting him in the neck. Suddenly it changed to report from a hospital who had had over 30 patients with some sort of virus, 15 of them reported dead and suddenly comming back to life and attacking the nurses, doctors, and other patients. She looked away not bearing the sight of it. She was feeling dizzy and nauseous. She couldn't belive her eyes and yet it was happening. She suddenly remembered her family and asked a girl who was next to her watching the news if there had been any news of this happening in other cities, such as Busan. The girl looked shook her head saying that the news that have been reported were only from the Seoul districts. At that moment, she heard her name being called out. She turned around and saw her brother running toward her, with sword in hand. Suddenly there were screams coming from the entrance. Her eyes widened as she saw a heard of people running and about 20 people slowly dragging themselves, faces covered in blood and some with even dislocated arms or legs. Her brother saw it also and facened his pace. He reached her and gave her her sword, she strapped it on her back again and ran with her brother towards the street, holding each others hand. The streets were crowded, people were bumping into each other, Min saw a little girl being seperated from her mother. She unconciously went and helped the little girl, Min picked her up and pushed the crowd aside, finally giving the little girl back to her mother. However, she turned to see only a sea of people but her brother was nowhere in sight.    


Likes :

  • Hello Kitty and Rilakkuma
  • Chocolate
  • Spicy Food
  • Stars
  • Beach
  • Kids
  • Eating
  • Korean and Japanese Dramas

Dislikes :

  • Cockroaches
  • Bullies
  • Smokers
  • Loud noises
  • Crying in front of people
  • Coffee
  • Sleeping Alone

Hobbies :

  • Judo
  • Listening to Music
  • Reading
  • Stargazing
  • Drawing
  • Cooking

Habits :

  • Rolls her eyes when annoyed
  • Pulls her hair up into a ponytail when cooking or fighting
  • When angry, she clenches her jaw, making her hands into fists and sends death glares.
  • When sleepy she starts rambling random things
  • Sleeps with her pistol at one side and her katana in her arms
  • Does a lot of hand gestures and is comfortable with skinship (but gets nervous when its with someone she likes)

Fears :

  • Her family or any loved one dying
  • Dark Places
  • That they'll never find a cure
  • Not being able to find her family

Trivia :

  • Knows how to whistle (usually uses it as a warning)
  • Is ambidextrous.
  • Took Judo since she was 13
  • Her parents won her a Katana sword when she was 15, and had won first place in a national competition. (she never really expected to use it)
  • Before being seperated her father taught her how to use guns and crossbows.
  • Her father's a chief inspector.
  • Her blood type's O+
  • Her mother was a nurse. She taught her how to cure a person if they got a cut, bullet wound, cold or broken bone.
  • Doesn't talk about her family, it's a very sensitive subject for her.
  • She doesn't take alcohol that well, she starts giggling and does a lot of skinship.
  • The two she befriended really quickly were Chanyeol and Kyungsoo 

Favorites :

  • Favorite Colors: Blue 
  • Favorite Movies: Hayao Miyazaki's Films (all of them)
  • Favorite Music Genre: Indie, Indie Rock, K-Pop
  • Favorite Foods: Kimbap, Kimchi Fried Rice, Ramyeon, Mandu, Jajangmyeon, Bulgogi, Samgyupsal, Pajeon
  • Favorite Drinks: Water, Banana and Strawberry Smoothie, Hot Chocolate, Banana Milk
  • Favorite Desserts: Anything that has chocolate 


{ All Around the World

Birthplace :

Busan, South Korea

Hometown :

Busan, South Korea


{ Every Woman to Herself!

Main Weapon : Katana


Off-Hand Weapon : 9mm gun suppressor (silent pistol) *She finds this weapon later on.


{ Lost and Found

Found By : Kai, Chanyeol, Kyungsoo

Location she was in :  


She saw that there weren't many people in Yonsei University and it was the only place she knew and was close to. The cafeteria was empty, she made sure of that. She saw that there was food and a bathroom. Plus it was in the second floor, with glass windows that let you see what was happening down below. She bolted the doors, except for one door which led to one flight of stairs that only let upwards towards the roof, just in case she needed a quick get away. 

Location she was in :  

Outside the Cafeteria. Where she was stabbed. 

Reaction :

She was scared at first, she woke up laying on a table, her shirt laying on top of her, her back was in pain and strange guys surrounding her. A boy with dark hair and eyes stared down at her, "She's awake." he called. She was ready to attack, if it were not for the sudden pain she felt on her lower back. She remembered what had happened. "Don't move to quickly." the boy with the round owl like eyes, pushed her gently back down, he started explained everything to Min as calmly as he could. She felt surprised and relieved to have knowledge and hope that maybe more people are out there trying to survive. Maybe, just maybe, her brother and family are still alive also. 

Willingness :

She was hesitant at first, not really trusting this group of boys who all looked dark, weird and cold. Still, at least Kyungsoo was there, he seemed nice and approachable and made her feel comfortable and relaxed. He's probably the main reason why she went with them. She was starting to have her doubts about them but then he told her that the place wasn't safe anymore and that it would be best for her to go with them. He seemed so sincere that she couldn't say no to his pleading. Although, even though she didn't like them she would have still gone with them, at least she would be able to get out of where she was alive. 


{ I Love You!

Love Interest : Kim Jongin / Kai

How well do you get along? :

At first, they have a very awkward relationship. Min finds Kai cold and she even thought at first glance arrogant. Kai on the other hand, doesn't really want to pay that much attention to her, only thinking that she was annoying and was upset that she almost broke his nose. Still, there was something about her that he sensed was different and for some reason he felt drawn to her, however, he didn't pay much attention to it. They got close but it took a lot of time and effort. She tried approaching him first, but took offense when he didn't talk, thinking that he was ignoring her. She argued a lot with him because of that. Plus, D.O also explained a little bit how Kai was and that it was very hard for him to open up to people, even with them. So, she decided to try and talk to him everyday, whenever she could. The awkwardness turned comfortable and they unconciously started getting along better, they still argued but he would talk to her more. The thing that really made them close was when Kai accidentally saw Min changing her shirt. He got really nervous and it was the first time he felt helpless and couldn't move. Suddenly, he saw the scar on her back and his eyes began to softened. The scar didn't seem old, the wound wasn't still all closed yet. He was lost in thought when Min turned around, already in her shirt. Their eyes met, she was about to yell at him when she saw the expression he had in his eyes. It was the first time she saw deep emotion in his eyes. And with that he turned and left. From then on he became more protective and aware of her. He even was beginning to start conversations with her and the most shocking part for everyone was that he even started smiling. (when he looked at her)   


Do you like him at first? : No

If no : The first impression of him wasn't good. He was really quiet and unapproachable. He was a beautiful boy but he scared her a bit. She never knew what he was thinking and he would never smile.


Does he like you at first? : No

If no : He doesn't really think anything about Min, just that she's another survivor. Although, he does find her courage when she went to save that little girl, stupid and reckless. 


Who falls first? : Surprise Me :D

{ I Love You Too!

Love Interest : Zhang Yixing / Lay


How well do you get along? :

Lay was welcoming and nice. Even though he was a bit shy and quiet. While Min quickly started talking and asking questions, always with a bright smile on. So, first-name basis.  


Do you like him at first? : Yes

If yes : Min found him cute and interesting. He was quiet at first, but as Min saw him interracting with the other guys she saw a funny and caring side to him, which she liked. 


Does he like you at first? : Yes

If yes : He likes the fact that she's very open and out-going. Her smile was very warm and he felt like he could be comfortable around her.


Who falls first? : ?

{ I'm Not Going to Let You Go That Easily.

✻ Comments / Suggestions? :

Omg! I'm really excited with this story xD zombies and exo = <3. I'm a fan of the walking dead series too.

Please tell me if i need to change or fix anything, i'll do it right away. Still, I really hope you like it :D  

Password : Exo-K  ||  Exo-M


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