Legendary Travelers



Choi, Hye Rin
 stubborn rebel dreamer






name tag 


☂ USERNAME : kmusiclover





☂ NAME : Jane







ice statue 


❉ ULZZANG : Park Ji Young

❉ PICTURES : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 ||




❉ PICTURES : 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 ||



❉ DESCRIPTION : Hye Rin is not that tall she's 5'4 and 125 pounds. She has wide round honey colored eyes and long light brown hair that sometimes when the sun hits it, it makes it look like it has highlights. She likes to leave her hair loose or tie it in braids (could be one or two depending on her mood). Even though she spends her time in an island as well as the ocean she's not tanned at all, she has this milky white complexion. Hye Rin has a birthmark which all of royal blood have. And she has a scar on her left eyebrow. Hye Rin, when she's in her human form on the island she usually wears long or short comfortable dresses and/or t-shirt or tube top and skirts. And she'll usually go barefoot however she has and can wear shoes but since she's in the water or on sand most of the time she hasn't really had a chance to wear them a lot. However, when she's in her mermaid form she just wears a tube top







when the day is on 


☀ NAME : Choi Hye Rin



☀ NICKNAME : Rin, Rain, Rainnie



☀ AGE : 19



 LIFESTYLE : Hye Rin loves swiming with the dolphins and exploring the island. She gets in trouble a lot with her father since she's always out of the hidden city and on the island either learning from the few people who're there to teaching some of the  children how to swim and getting into fights with the sirens. However, these past few days she's been avoiding going to her home and spends most of the time in the island.  



☀ HISTORY : Being born as the eldest and in the royal family, she's always having high expectations upon her and never given her own freedom. 

Hye Rin's been restricted of many things since she was little. A princess doesn't do this or that, were words that she almost always had to hear. So she turned out a to be a bit of a rebel and would always go out of the palace and explore. She would explore the hidden city at first but then when she was 8 she was out playing with her pat dolphin when she saw for the first time, the island. She had heard about it and about 'humans' because of her mothers bedtime stories but it was the first time she had been there and seen it. She remembered that her father had told her that once on land mermaids can change into human, and so she changed and experienced having legs for the first time. She learnt how to walk, run and she was shown how to hunt for food there. And in return she would help the people who were sick or injured with her healing powers and taugh many of the island children how to swim, also telling them to be aware of the sirens. She met people from other worlds who taught her many things and told her many stories about the other worlds, which sparked her curiosity and thirst for adventure.

On her 16th birthday her father annouced to her that she would be getting married soon. They argued and she ran away, to the island (which she has as a retreat and her own place).  There she met a mysterious man who was floting in the water, she thought the man was drowning and rushed to him, saving him. He then introduced himself as the "Red Guitarist". He told her that he was a person who could grant anything she desired. She then told him about who she was and what she was going through. What she thought would be freedom turned out to be something much worse. And so the Red Guitarist stole her father's consciousness.


☀ WORLD : Gullia (Tropos)

☀ SELECTION : Mermaid (Techie)








Weather forecast 


☁ STOLEN : father's conciousness (putting him in a deep sleep which is bringing imbalance to her world)




Hye Rin is a very stubborn, curious, straight-foward and rash girl. She's always wanting to know more about everything and explore everywhere. She had a nany which she drove mad becuase of her constant sneaking off. Which got her into trouble most of the time, I guess you could say she was a bit of a rebel.  She's very stubborn, what she calls perseverant. She can achieve anything she sets her mind to. She's very straight-foward always saying what's on her mind, most of the time she acts before thinking.

She can be a bit witty and sarcastic with her remarks especially when she's annoyed with someone. However, she's a kind girl who likes to help people and is considerate of how others feel. Hye Rin's a strong girl both emotionally and physically, however she's a bit clumsy and not as strong as she is in the water. She's very friendly and out-going. She loves to hear stories about the other worlds and dreams of when she can go explore them. She likes to day-dream a lot. She's very observant, having good eyesight and hearing.

Hye Rin is not a person to think badly of people, in fact she's rather guillible and can trust people too easily. She's an optimistic person who does not easily get sad or cry. But she does not hold her emotions in, for example if she's mad, sad or happy you'll know it. She expresses everything she's feeling. She's a bit innocent and childish when it comes to romance. She gets nervous and a bit scared. She usually wants to see him but at the same time wants to run as far away as she can from him. She tends to be a bit cold, reserved and snarky with him. However, once she gets to know him and accepts him she starts opening herself up to him.  





  • dolphins - she loves swimings with them
  • kids - thinks they're cute and likes to teach them how to swim
  • stories - she loves to hear or read stories about the other worlds or just adventure stories
  • sushi - one of the first foods she tried when she arrived at the island and she loved it
  • snow - she likes to do snow angels and play in the snow
  • stars - likes to day dream while stargazing
  • chocolate - because its delicious




  • Sirens - she doesn't really get along with them, since most of them focus on drowning people
  • Hot Weather - she hates hot weather it can make her irritable
  • Enclosed Spaces - makes her feel uncomfortable.
  • Being forced into things (like an engagement)
  • Loud Noises - it's annoying
  • Bullies - she hates seeing someone making others feel bad or hurting them



☁ FEAR :

  • Her father dying or any loved one.
  • Heights 




  • Stargazing
  • Exploring
  • Reading
  • Listening to music




  • Humming when happy
  • Rolls eyes when annoyed
  • Biting her lower lip when deep in thought
  • Pouts when upset




  • She's the eldest of 4.
  • She's left-handed.
  • Her father has been in a deep sleep for 4 years.
  • She's engaged.
  • She can't tolerate alcohol that well, she rambles a lot, has constant giggles and can't walk straight.
  • She has very good eyesight and hearing.
  • She can speak 4 languages.
  • She's really clumsy and slow on land.
  • She can manipulate water, ice, snow and the weather because of her father, who has the same abilities and passed them down to her.  








Written in Stone 



Choi Jae Suk | 45 | Father | Alive | He's a kind and righteous king but a bit strict when it comes to his children. He cares a lot for them and is very loving still he belives that since they're the royal family they should set an example, so he expects a lot from his children. 

Kim Sun Mi | 42 | Mother | Alive | Kind, warm and motherly. She's very loving and supportive of her children. She loves to read them stories and cook for them. She gives them more freedom and time for themselves, encouriging them to dream.  

Choi Hye Mi | 14 | Sister | Alive | Girly, kind and talkative. She's very upbeat and out-going. She can be a bit spoiled sometimes but is very nice and helps her mother with the twins, when Hye Rin isn't there. 

Choi Tae Joon (twin) | 10 | Brother | Alive | Serious, smart and cute. He's very down to earth and loves reading about everything. He's known for his outstanding academics.  He can be a bit cold with words and expresing his feelings but has a very kind and warm heart. He and his twin are very different but they're inseperable.

Choi Min Joon (twin) | 10 | Brother | Alive | Bubbly, funny and cute. He's quite the jokester and very clever. He's laid-back and fun. He's very optimistic and always tries to lighten up the mood.




☄ LOVE INTEREST : Suho / Jun Myeon

☄ SECOND INTEREST : 1. Lay / Yixing, 2. Chanyeol, 3. Xiumin / Min Seok



☄ LOVE SCENE : Truthfully Hye Rin liked Suho first although she didn't really want to admit it or think about it, she hasn't really fallen in love with anyone before so it was akward and scary for her when she realized it.

  • A scene were Hye Rin gets dehydrated and Suho saves her.
  • A scene were Hye Rin was about to trip and Suho caught her but ended up falling on top of her, kissing her accidentally.








Party time 


✿ BACKGROUND : On the island, she met  a man from a world called Elohagid. He taught her a martial art called kung-fu. The island bacame her means of freedom, adventure, learning and escape. It's not like she disliked her family, on the contrary, they were very loving and close. However, things got complicated when she turned 16. Her father annouced that she was to be married, to a person which she knew nothing about and had never met before. 




  • She can whistle.
  • She can talk to sea creatures/animals.
  • Has the power of healing and manipulating water.
  • Really fast swimmer.
  • Singing.




  • Weak against hot weather, can dehydrate.
  • Can be too hasty or rash at times.
  • Runs slowly and can fall since she's clumsy.
  • Heights, she feels really helpless and vulnerable, since in the water you can't fall.
  • Her family, she'd do anything for them.



Healing | Magic Defense | she puts her palms together and them places both her hands on or above the person's wounds | it heals whatever wound they have. from a bullet wound and a stab wound to a broken bone, frozen toe, a fever or a cold. | 9

Manipulating Water | Magic Offense / Defense | she does a lot of martial arts movements to control the flow of the water and her attack. can use only her mind but hasn't reached that level yet. | can manipulate liquid, ice, snow or any type of water like element to attack and defend herself. | 7

Weather Control | Magic Offense | she uses her hands and in a big sweeping motion she can make thunder or even a twister hit the person she's attacking | it can conjur up rain, thunder, clouds, twisters and even hurricanes. but she's only mastered rain and thunder, she still needs to practice but she's afraid to learn the hurricane one cause it can cause agreat disaster if she doesn't control it well. |  5

Enhanced Sight and Hearing | Defense | for the hearing she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. for the sight she simply does the same except at the end she opens her eyes and their colors changed to a pale blue. | it helps her hear and see better and clearer. that way she can sense things a few minutes before they happen. therefore having good reflexes. | 9




Offense 6/10 
Defense 9/10 

Mana 6/10 
Marksmanship 2/10 
Speed 3/10 
Stealth 2/10 
Strength 6/10 
Stamina 8/10 
Endurance 8/10 

Reflex 9/10 




Tranquility 2/10 [she's more act first think later]
Intelligence 7/10 [she's smart as she reads a lot and loves to learn]
Fortune 7/10 [she's lucky]
Bravery 8/10 [even though she's scared she always charges and gives her best]
Trust 3/10 [she used to trust people a lot but since she met the red guitarist she's been doubtfull of people]
Trustworthy 7/10 [people actually trust her a lot since even though she doesn't show it she cares and always helps]
Observation 9/10 [she has good observation skills]
Following Orders 1/10 [she's never one to follow orders, she's a free spirit]








☂ ❉ ☀ ☁ ☄ ✿


■ IDEAS : Umm not right now, but if any pop into my mind, i'll let you know in the comments :)



■ END : If it's necesary, i'll understand *sigh* lol



■ COMMENTS : i really liked the idea for this story. it's really interesting and i can't wait for it to start. :D i love the fact of the all the worlds and beings in them, plus i love sci-fi and anime and it really reminds me of it, the style. plus exo is in it xD if there's anything i need to fix or change please let me know :)



■ DONE?  i love bluetealatte!











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