Dark Angel application


1.) Character Name: Min Jae Hwa

2.) Picture


3.) Personality  Jae is a natural mother, she's sweet, caring and is quite fond of protecting everyone, even if she's the youngest.  She likes to listen to everyones problems, no matter the time or place.  But she tends to be a little too honest, and doesnt realize that her blunt words actually cause pain.  She's quick to apoligize if someone confronts her and she finds herself in the wrong, however, if she feels that she did nothing wrong, she will stand her ground.  Jae  is extremely stubborn, if she is told to do something or go somewhere, she will sit herself on the ground and refuse to move with her arms crossed over her chest.  She's a natural clutz, always tripping over her own feet or someone elses.  She has a habit of stopping in her tracks and glaring atwhatever tripped her, then moving on. Jae is always willing to lend a hand to help or her shoulder or lap for someone to nap on.  Alongside with her stubborn nature, Jae has a habit of getting violent when she's mad, she may look small, but she can pack a punch when she wants too.  Just like a mother, she's willing to risk anything to protect her friends and family.

4.) Age 19

5.) Bias from one of the groups SHINee's Taemin!

6.) Why should I pick you? My character would be super fun to work with, and you can always adjust her characetr if you dont like it.

7.) What are you Dark Angel, Demon, Light Angel, Human? Human


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