Musically Beautiful Application


usically eautiful


Song Jae Hee || Payphone

Don't ask questions 

Username: Primrose0930

Profile link: Link :)

What can I call you?: Jess

Activity rate: 8

Who am I? 

Character name: Song Jae Hee

Nickname(s): Jae or Jj-Jae is for her friends because its easier than saying Jae Hee and Jj was a childhood nickname given to her by her best friend

Age: 18

Date of birth: 09/30/94

Blood type: B+

Height: 5' 2"

Birthplace: Boston

Hometown: Seoul

Ethnicitiy: Half Korean and Half American

Languages: Korean (fluent) English (Fluent)  Japanese (Conversational) and French (Conversational/basic)

No one in the world can replace you 

Ulzzang name: Song Ah Ri

Pictures:  1   2   3   4

Back-up ulzzang name: Park Hyo Jin

Pictures: 1   2    3

Style: Casual ( 1    2    3   4)

Work ( 1   2   3   4)

Formal (1   2   3   4)

Anything else?: She has four piercings, two in each ear, she always always always wears the heart necklace her love gave her, and she has a tatooo (that no one knows about) on her lower back. (Tattoo)

Untying these heartstrings 

Personality:  Jae is a natural mother, she's sweet, caring and is quite fond of protecting everyone, even if she's the youngest.  She likes to listen to everyones problems, no matter the time or place.  But she tends to be a little too honest, and doesnt realize that her blunt words actually cause pain.  She's quick to apoligize if someone confronts her and she finds herself in the wrong, however, if she feels that she did nothing wrong, she will stand her ground.  Jae  is extremely stubborn, if she is told to do something or go somewhere, she will sit herself on the ground and refuse to move with her arms crossed over her chest.  She's a natural clutz, always tripping over her own feet or someone elses.  She has a habit of stopping in her tracks and glaring atwhatever tripped her, then moving on. Jae is always willing to lend a hand to help or her shoulder or lap for someone to nap on.  Alongside with her stubborn nature, Jae has a habit of getting violent when she's mad, she may look small, but she can pack a punch when she wants too.  Just like a mother, she's willing to risk anything to protect her friends and family.

Sum-up of personality: She's kind of bipolar.  She's very protective of her friends and family.  She can be sweet and caring.  She's stubborn and violent. She's not afraid to back down/

Background: Jae has a simple background.  Her parents were always busy with work, so she learned to fend for herself quite easily.  However, whenever her parents weren't home, which was more so during the long hourse of the day, Jae was picked on and bullied for being inoocent and 'naive'. Jae never really wanted to confront her parents about this problem, believing it would just blow over.  However, it didn't, the tormenting conitued and Jae put up with it until one day, she finally put her foot down.  Even to this day, her parents don't know about her troublesome childhood, but they do try to spend more time with her.


*Music so loud it hurts

*Pink roses

*the color purple

*Laying in the sun

*The sound of rain



*Horror movies

*Snakes (Fear)

*People with an ego

*spicy food


*When she's thinking or frustrated, she'll bite her lower lip

*When shes furious, she'll make a fist with her hand and punch almost anything close by

*When she's happy, she'll blush , no matter how small it is.

*When she's bored, she'll drum her fingers on a hard surface

* When she's just annoyed, she'll take out her headphone and put them n her ear, but she won't play music, she just wants the person who annoyed her to stop talking.


*Playing piano




*Great with kids

*Paints her nails a different color every week

*Double kointed

As soon as you drop your guard, you'll be entranced 


Father- Song JiHoo; 52; college english professor; soft spoken, tempermental, caring, but is often in his own world.  He has a somewhat distant relationship with Jae Hee, he doesn't really know what to say or how to act around her since he doesn't get to spend much time with her.

Mother- Song Jade (American); 48; baker; loud, outspoken, motherly towards everyone, and very sweet.  Out of the two of the parents, Jade has the closer relationship with Jae, only becuase, being a girl, she knows what topics to talk about with Jae and what her daughter likes.

Siblings: None, only child.

Best friends:

Bang 'Mir' Chanyeol; 20; college student but part time bartender; sarcastic and teasing, but always over protective. They have a very brother-sister relationship, he always teases her and pushes her around, but they both know he has her back 24/7

Lui Amber;19; student; tom boyish, adventurous, jokester, and loving.  There isn't a single thing these two don't know about eachother and they always love horsing around with eachother


Kim Jongin (Kai); 18; student; quiet, respectful, aloof, and always making jokes.  These two have always had good times with eachother, and they had no problem dropping formalitoes.

Choi JinRi (Sulli); 19; bubbly, sweet, but kind of 4D,  Sulli is always finding ways to make Jae laugh, and sometimes it just doesn't make sense, and other times, its at the wrong place and wrong time.  But Jae adores this girl and loves having her around.

(Fr)enemies: [(rival or enemy, same thing) name; age; student/occupation; short personality and relationship with character]

Bae (Suzy) Suji; 20;  she's a coworker alongside Jae, bitter, egotistic, and taunting.  They have a very tense and strained relationship, being coworkers, they have to be civil or they could lose their job, but it kills them on the inside.

And you play it coy, but it's kind of cute 

First love interest: Lee Taemin

Age: 19/20

Student/profession: Student -Studying dance/theater and job- Because of the story line, he works as a business man

Personality: Taemin is a very social guy, he loves surroudning himself with people and having a good time.  He's rather chatty and always has something to say, whether it be nice or not.  Taemin can be very childish too, and not to mention stubborn, however, he's thoughtful and has a hard time expressing his feelings to others.

How did you two originally meet?: Jae was laying in a park and Taemin was playing soccor with a group of friends nearby.  He kicked the ball too hard and tried to warn Jae, but she had her headphones in and she coudln't hear him.  So the ball hit her and gave her a bloody nose.

How you (would) act with each other: Taemin would always scold Jae for being careless but apoligetic and sweet for hitting her while Jae is always embarreessed around him because she didn't pay attention.

I keep you with me in my heart 

Why does your love interest only use a payphone to contact her?: While his friends were conving him to move on, they tried taking his phone, but he wouldn't give in.  During their fight over the phone, the phone went flying and landed in a glass of water (or whatever they were drinking).

Why did the two of you 'end' it in the first place?: Her parents didn't approve of their relationship and were moving away, so they made it so they couldn't communicate.

Do you remember him when you see him a year later?: No

What is your reaction?: She finds him familiar, but other than that, she treats him like a complete stranger/co-worker

I'm smiling for you 

Back-up love interest: Choi Minho

Age: 22

Student/profession:  student-studying business and music job-same as above.

Personality: Honest and can sometimes be very blunt and straight forward.  He's kind but people often mistake his kindness for flirting. He's protective and clingy, but loves a good laugh.

How you (would) act with each other: very comfortable and kind of like a brother-sister relationship.

All of my change I spent on you 

Position in store: model

Back-up position in store: clerk

How did you come across the job? While Jae was trying on the clothe during one of her shopping trips, the manager thought she looked like a doll and offered her the job as a model.

How long have you been working there?: 2 or 3 years

Are you good friends with the other girls?: yes

How close are you with them?:  Jae feels close enough to the others because she loves to mother and take care care of everyone, no matter what the age!

Then I'll have to say goodbye 

Scene requests?: A scene where Taemin accidentally spots her tattoo (Remember,  no one knows about it)

Comments and questions: If anything's wrong.... please inform me!

Password: PASSWORD!


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Thank you for applying! (I know I'm late on this >.<) but thank you for fixing everything and resending your app link :)