Basic Taste Application-Primrose0930



[your character picture 500x250]

SaltinessSong Ivy




Your username and link: Primrose0930

Activity rate: 9

How should I call you? Jess




Birth name: Song Ivy

Korean name: Song Jae Hwa

Stage name: I.V

Nickname/s: Jae or Just Ivy

Ethnicity: French-Korean

Birthdate:  September 30, 1993

Age:  19

Astrological sign: Libra

Birthplace: Neice, France

Hometown: Paris, France

Blood type: B+

Height: 157 cm

Weight: 45 kg

Languages spoken:French, Korean( Both fluent), english(Conversational/fluent), and Japanese (Basic/conversational)




Ulzzang name: An Su Kyung

Pictures: 01 ♡ 02 ♡ 03 ♡ 04 ♡ 05 ♡ 06 ♡ 07 ♡ 08 ♡ 09 ♡ 10

Back-up ulzzang name: Song Ah Ri

Pictures: 01 ♡ 02 ♡ 03 ♡ 04 ♡ 05 ♡ 06 ♡ 07 ♡ 08 ♡ 09 ♡ 10 

Extras(tattoo/piercing/skar/birthmark/etc): Her Tattoo( I cant find the picture, but it's a quote) : I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul." (on her back) and her ear piercing.

Style: Ivy prefers up to date and modern clothing with accessories galore. from dresses to skinny jeans, and from gym shorts to mini shirts, ivy is comfortable in anything having grew up in the city of romance and fashion. Anything that is, except turtlenecks, shes never liked  those. They're to tight and uncomfortable around her neck.

Pictures: 01 ♡ 02 ♡ 03 ♡ 04 ♡ 05 




Favorite color: Purple

Favorite number: 3

Personality: Ivy is a natural mother, she's sweet, caring and is quite fond of protecting everyone, even if she's the youngest.  She likes to listen to everyones problems, no matter the time or place.  But she tends to be a little too honest, and doesnt realize that her blunt words actually cause pain.  She's quick to apoligize if someone confronts her and she finds herself in the wrong, however, if she feels that she did nothing wrong, she will stand her ground.  Ivy  is extremely stubborn, if she is told to do something or go somewhere, she will sit herself on the ground and refuse to move with her arms crossed over her chest.  She's a natural clutz, always tripping over her own feet or someone elses.  She has a habit of stopping in her tracks and glaring atwhatever tripped her, then moving on. Ivy is always willing to lend a hand to help or her shoulder or lap for someone to nap on.  Alongside with her stubborn nature,Ivy has a habit of getting violent when she's mad, she may look small, but she can pack a punch when she wants too.  Just like a mother, she's willing to risk anything to protect her friends and family.

How she acts: Whenever Ivy is happy, she blushes uncontrollably. When she's furious, she'll clench her teeth and make a fist while she glares at the thing shes mad about. When she's confused or thinking, she'll bite her lower lip and look up at the sky. When she's bored or slightly annoyed, she'll drum her fingers on the desk. When she's stressed, she'll crack her knuckles and neck and try to keep paying attention although she usually ends up drifting off into space.

Background: [Your character story before becoming a SM trainee][be the more detailed you can]

Non-idol talents: 




♡Makeup/ nail art


♡Cherry/rasperry flavored anything


♡Music so loud it hurts

Dislikes: [minimum 7][maximum 10]

Hobbies: [minimum 5][maximum 10]

Habits: [minimum 4][maximum 10]

Trivia: [minimum 5][maximum 10]




Trainee years: [it has to be over 5 years]

How you become a trainee under SM Entertainment? [be the more detailed you can]

Your trainee life: [be the more detailed you can]

Pre-debut works: [optional][maximum 5]




Positions: [look at the list in chapter two]

Back-up positions: [look at the list in chapter two]

Persona: [be creative! And say why she is know for this persona]

Fanclub name: [be creative! And say why her fanclub has that name]

Instrument/s: [optional, maximum 3][Instrument (profissional/hobbie/basic). < format]

Idol specialt/y/ies: [minimun 1, maximum 3][artistical abilities other than the obvious ones like rap, sing, etc.]

Singing sample links: [minimum 1, maximum 3 "from same artist, please"][look at the masterlist in chapter one to see who is already taken/can't be a SM artist]

01 ♡ 02 ♡ 03 [hiperlinked]

Dancing sample links: [minimum 1, maximum 3 "from same artist, please"][look at the masterlist in chapter one to see who is already taken/can't be a SM artist]

01 ♡ 02 ♡ 03 [hiperlinked]

Rapping sample links: [optional][minimum 1, maximum 3 "from same artist, please"][has to be the same artist from your singing sample]

01 ♡ 02 ♡ 03 [hiperlinked]

Instrument sample: [optional][minimum 1, maximum 3 "not necessarily from same artist"][can't be from SM artists]

01 ♡ 02 ♡ 03 [hiperlinked]

Acting sample links: [optional][minimum 1, maximum 3 "not necessarily from same artist"][can't be from SM artists]

01 ♡ 02 ♡ 03 [hiperlinked]

How do you interact with the rest of Basic Taste members? [take your personality in consideration]

How's your relationship with other SM artists? [take your personality in consideration]




Family[max 5 members, no idols allowed]

Relationship ┊ Dead/Alive ┊ Name ┊ Age ┊ Occupation ┊ Personality [be the more detailed you can] ┊ Description of appearance [be the more detailed you can] |How you treat each other [be the more detailed you can] ┊ Extras [optional][anything else you want to add] ┊  Interaction rate [in a scale from 1 to 10]


Best friend[max 1, only idols allowed]

Idol group name/solo artist: [preferably from SM, but can be from other agency too]

Name: [look at the masterlist in chapter one to see who is already taken]

Personality: [be the more detailed you can]

How did you two meet? [be the more detailed you can]

How do you treat each other? [be the more detailed you can]

Extras: [optional][anything else you want to add]

Interaction rate: [in a scale from 1 to 10]

Friend/s[max 2, only idols allowed]

Idol group name/solo artist: [preferably from SM, but can be from other agency too]

Name: [look at the masterlist in chapter one to see who is already taken]

Personality: [be the more detailed you can]

How did you two meet? [be the more detailed you can]

How do you treat each other? [be the more detailed you can]

Extras: [optional][anything else you want to add]

Interaction rate: [in a scale from 1 to 10]


Idol group name/solo artist: [preferably from SM, but can be from other agency too]

Name: [look at the masterlist in chapter one to see who is already taken]

Personality: [be the more detailed you can]

How did you two meet? [be the more detailed you can]

How do you treat each other? [be the more detailed you can]

Extras: [optional][anything else you want to add]

Interaction rate: [in a scale from 1 to 10]

SM mentors

Super Junior mentor: [look at the masterlist in chapter one to see who is already taken]

Personality: [be the more detailed you can]

How was your first encounter? [be the more detailed you can]

How do you treat each other? [be the more detailed you can]

Extras: [optional][anything else you want to add]

Interaction rate: [in a scale from 1 to 10]


Girls Generation mentor: [look at the masterlist in chapter one to see who is already taken]

Personality: [be the more detailed you can]

How was your first encounter? [be the more detailed you can]

How do you treat each other? [be the more detailed you can]

Extras: [optional][anything else you want to add]

Interaction rate: [in a scale from 1 to 10]


SHINee's member: [look at the masterlist in chapter one to see who is already taken]

Personality: [be the more detailed you can]

How did/will you meet him? [be the more detailed you can]

How is your relationship? [be the more detailed you can]

How do you act around each other? [be the more detailed you can]

Why do/will you like him? [be the more detailed you can]

Extras: [optional][anything else you want to add]

Interaction rate: [in a scale from 1 to 10]

Back-up lover/Back-up lover-to-be

SHINee's member: [look at the masterlist in chapter one to see who is already taken]

Personality: [be the more detailed you can]

How did/will you meet him? [be the more detailed you can]

How is your relationship? [be the more detailed you can]

How do you act around each other? [be the more detailed you can]

Why do/will you like him? [be the more detailed you can]

Extras: [optional][anything else you want to add]

Interaction rate: [in a scale from 1 to 10]

Abilities rival[optional][max 1, only idols allowed]

Idol group name/solo artist: [preferably from SM, but can be from other agency too]

Name: [look at the masterlist in chapter one to see who is already taken]

Personality: [be the more detailed you can]

How did you two meet? [be the more detailed you can]

Why did you become rivals? [be the more detailed you can]

How do you treat each other? [be the more detailed you can]

Extras: [optional][anything else you want to add]

Interaction rate: [in a scale from 1 to 10]

Love rival[optional][max 1, only idols allowed]

Idol group name/solo artist: [preferably from SM, but can be from other agency too]

Name: [look at the masterlist in chapter one to see who is already taken]

Personality: [be the more detailed you can]

How did you two meet? [be the more detailed you can]

How is her relationship with your lover/lover-to-be? [be the more detailed you can]

How do you treat each other? [be the more detailed you can]

Extras: [optional][anything else you want to add]

Interaction rate: [in a scale from 1 to 10]

Pet/s[optional][max 2, only small animals allowed]

[Picture  of yout pet 250x125]

Name ┊ What kind of animal it is, and, if it has one, state breed ┊ Age ┊ Extra details of appearance [be the more detailed you can] ┊ Personality [be the more detailed you can] ┊ How he acts around you [be the more detailed you can] ┊ How he acts around others [be the more detailed you can] ┊ Extras [optional][anything else you want to add] ┊  Interaction rate [in a scale from 1 to 10]




Any comments or suggestions? [say what is on your mind!]

Any scene requests? [If you request a scene I promise I'll try to put it in the story. But if it's not possible please don't be mad at me]

Password: Pigbunny!


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