Yup...I freakin' knew it would happen....



Ok, I worked my off day Wednesday for a few hours like I said I would.  Not too big a problem...I get home that evening about 7:30 pm, talk to my mom for a little while and go to my bedroom and try to write....can we say writer's block?  I tried to write a little on several of my fics, and NOTHING would come out.  I'm a little pissed off right now.


Thursday I had off, but spent it in Bryan from 10 am to 9pm, running errands and such for my mom...So I was unable to write that evening too.


Friday ...  I was suppose to have off since I came in Wednesday...So did not happen.  State was back in town, so my supervisor wanted me to be there because they (STATE) like me and I can handle them pretty well.  So I just got home a few minutes ago. 

I have to be up at 5:45am (which is just a few hours away) to work 7 am - 3pm.  Whether I leave at 3pm will be decided on whether or not the stupid little girl that works 3pm-11pm even shows up.


She almost didn't show up yesturday because she DIDN'T want to work.  One of her sisters made her come to work.


I also got called to come into work yesturday too, but since I was in Bryan, my other supervisor decided not to have me come in.


Tonight my friend/supervisor came over to the house I work and we talked.  She is thinking about having me work Monday thru Friday 3-11 and letting me have weekends off.  I told her to that would be awesome.  I would even be willing to work 6 days a week and give me at least one weekend a month off.  She is suppose to see what she can do.  We plan to talk more about that tomorrow and on Monday when she comes over to work on the new monthly schedule.


So right now we are dealing with writer's block.  I will try to work on my stories and hopefully something will come out of my brain and onto the computer screen. 


Off to bed now. 


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I hope you get enough rest. Workaholic or not our bodies really need to slow down sometimes. Stressing about work (like what happens to me most of the time) can cause writer's block. I'd suggest you go watch some SJ vids to help relax and maybe (hopefully) get some ideas and inspirations.
Fighting! <3