Really?! Job and other crap

I feel like such an idiot.  DBSK was one of my favorite groups before Super Junior and I had no idea that they disbanded.  After it was brought to my attention, I googled it.  It's been a few years?....once again dealing with money, slave contracts and etc.  (Misses Hangeng)  Wow...Who else has been disbanded?  I really gotta catch up on my Asian bands.




My job....remember how I said I was training Monday and Tuesday night?  Well...I trained last night and the girl seemed like she would be able to do it.  I got woken up at 4:30 am and 6:00am (my  mother too)  because one of my clients went off the deep end and she couldn't handle him.  The new girl left me a text message this morning at 7:00 am saying that she called the Supervisor and said she couldn't work tonight.  So she may not be coming back to my house that I work in.


The other girl that was going to be taking my off days for 3-11 pm shift may not be working at my house either.  Me and both of the Supervisors talked about her yesturday too.  For two days of training all she did was stand/sit and watch me while I did everything.  And I made a comment about one of the clients grandmother.  I honestly don't think she will like this girl.  So the supervisors said they may move her to another house as well. 


So I'm pretty much back to square one.


I also found out what the pay is going to be if I become a Supervisor.  Right now I make $9.00 an hour and I get paid over time.  So depending on how many hours of overtime, I tend to make about $1100.00 every two weeks.  If I become supervisor, you don't get over time pay.  It's a set salary of $800.00 every two weeks.  But if we end up getting two more people that will actually stay in our house and work, and I lose the over time,  I'll be making about $720.00 every two weeks.   



So, I'm suppose to have Wednesday and Thursday off...We shall see...I have no idea who is going to work tonight, since the new girl called in.  gotta love my job, my life...I go to work, I come home and sleep.  Have no time to meet new people or even find a boyfriend.  This is why Amy has no life to speak of.


So once again, updating may be on hold.  I will do what I can to write a little here and there. I may end up requesting a few days off from work just so I have some free time.


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Keep your chin up. <3
A toast to the workaholics ._.
Workaholic not by choice but by circumstance though.