〖 ⋆ When the Moon Rises ⋆ 〗[Matsumoto, Haruna]


*  means optional
  When the Moon Rises  
[Haru + Charmer]
User Name: kmusiclover
Name: Jane
Activeness: 6
♡ We're A Bit Different
Birth Name: Matsumoto, Haruna 
* Nickname: Haru -  her mother called her that since, it means "Spring" the season were Haru was born.
                  Nana -  Doojoon calls her that, he's the only person who does, he started it as a way to get her attention.
"Stage" Name: Haru
Persona: Charmer
Reason: She is always charming the customers with her smile, her flirty wink and attention that she gives them. 
Age: 19
Date of Birth: April 7th, 1993
Horoscope: Aries
Blood Type: O-
Birthplace: Osaka, Japan
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Japanese-Korean 
Languages: Korean-fluen, Japanese-fluent, English-basic
Character Type: The tough sweetheart
Haru is very a very caring and gentle yet strong and hard-working girl. Since little she's had to grow up fast and take charge. She likes to do everything right (perfectionist) and she always gives her best in everything she does. She doesn't give up easily and tries to be a person who sees life as a "glass half-full". She wants to become strong to be able to protect her family. She is very caring and loyal towards them and her friends. Even though she sometimes appears as cold she is very caring, mostly thinking of others before herself. However, she is not a pushover, she has a sense of justice and hates any type of bullying. She has this sense of protecting her loved ones, since she's afraid that they'll get hurt. She aspires to be more than what she was, and hopes for a life where she and her family can be happy and be at peace. Still, she has a lot of resentment and anger in her, because of her past. She was violent through middle and high school, so for her mom's sake she's trying to change. However, she can be ruthless and cold towards others and has this prejudice of not trusting people easily. She can be stubborn (most of the time) and can be very witty and sarcastic when she's annoyed. She doesn't like when people underestimate her or don't take her seriously, but in fighting she takes advantage of that. She dislikes talking about her father or debt collectors, she can get really mad if you push those topics on her. 
[Happy] - She's usually always in a good mood, however, when she's really REALLY happy she'll be smiling and giggling to herself non-stop. She'll be more friendly and lenient with others. Even when working in the gang she'll occasionally let a smile show and her eyes will become very warm and gentle.
[Sad] - She doesn't get sad or depressed easily because she's actually an optimistic person, however she does have her occasional moments when she feels depressed, and those are when she thinks about her dead father and sick mother. If she feels to much sadness she usually just leaves to be alone, to cry and release her emotions. But she doesn't like crying or showing any weakness in front of people. 
[Angry] - When she gets angry or snaps she strikes a deadly blow to the person who provoked her. However, she's trying to work with her anger since she's trying to forget about how she was when she was in middle and hish school. But still it's hard for her, usually she'll just snap at you (with words) and if not she'll glare at you. 
[Customers] - She's very attentive towards the customers. She greets them with a bright smile, she is very polite and makes sure that they have everything they ordered and are comfortable. She winks at them and even flirts a little, always keeping it profesional. However if she sees a customer who's too friendly with her or her co-workers she'll quickly put them in their place by simply asking them to leave while glaring at them or forcibly escorting them out. 
[Gang Member] - She changes completly when she's working in the gang. Since she has to keep her scary image so that other gang members respect her. She has a cool and calm but intimidating vibe when she's working for the gang. 
» Theme and Water Parks
» Chocolate
» Spicy Food
» Beach
» Cold Weather
» People who do aegyo
» Books
» Martial Arts
» Music
» Closed Spaces
» Cockroaches
» Spiders
» Hot Weather (it makes her irritable)
» Debt Collectors 
Pet Peeves:
» Being awaken by some loud noise.
» People who take or rummage through her stuff without her permission. 
» She hates being touched by strange people.
» Cooking
» Reading
» Listening to Music
» Drawing
» Martial Arts
» Smirks when getting ready for a fight (does it to annoy her enemy, that way they'll charge first)
» Makes her hair into a side braide when working in the gang.
» Even though she winks and flirts with customers, she only does skinship with people she's close to. (her siblings and her best friend)
» She does not smoke and has low tolerance for alcohol, she becomes very friendly and giggles a lot (only Junhyung knows that)
» Favorite food is kimbap.
» She actually eats a lot but gains little weight.
» Her father was killed by a debt collector.
» She is currently studying in Yonsei University, her mother wants all her children to live a happy and comfortable life.
» She is ambidextrous.
» She has been cooking since she was 9 years old, and she's really good at it.
» She has been fighting since she was 12 years old, she hasn't lost in a fight since her first one, which she lost to Junhyung. 
♡ I'm Pretty Enough
Ulzzang Name: Lee Dasom
Ulzzang Pictures

Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Baek Su Min
Back Up Ulzzang Pictures:

Height: 167cm
Weight: 120pounds
Description of Appearance:
  • She is slim, but has a bit of toned muscle in her arms and legs.
  • She has slight chubby cheeks.
  • Her hair colour is dark chocolate brown.
  • Her eye colour is light yellowish brown.
She usually wears chic but comfortable clothing. Tees and either jeans or shorts. She does wear short dresses or skirts but not often. She loves to wear sneakers, converse, boots and/or sandals. Only wears heals and platforms while working in the cafe or on a formal/special occasion.
Casual:  1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5  ||  6 
Formal:  1  ||  2  ||  3  ||
* Additional:

Scars: Haru has two scars.

  • On her right eyebrow, she got it from one of the debt collectors who threatened her father, while holding her with a knife, she tried to pull away and was cut.
  • On her lower back, she got it in a fight. Her best friend, Junhyung was fighting and was about to be stabbed, she blocked him, her back turned to the attacker while she watched Junhyungs eyes look at her and grow wide after realizing what had just happened.  


  • Has a tattoo of a butterfly on her left wrist, to her it means tranformation. 


♡ A Sad Song
Haru was born in Osaka, Japan. Her father was japanese and her mother korean. She has two younger siblings. Her father was conned. He owed money to some loan shark. When she was eight her father was killed, leaving her, her brother (who was 4 at the time) and her pregnant mother with the burden of the debt. Debt collectors came knocking at their door every day. Haru's mother tried her best, she had taken 3 jobs and had her children, who were still young, to look after. She begged for time but they were ruthless. They were like that for 3 years until her mother decided to run to Korea. Haru was already 11 when they moved to Korea. She hated seeing her mother so tired and worried. Haru helped with her siblings, she practically was the one raising them, but hated that she coudn't do more to help her mother. So once they got to Korea Haru decided to get strong and protect her family. They settled in Seoul.
When Haru entered middle school (she was 12 years old) she met her best friend Junhyung who was a rookie fighter. He was cold to her but she had seen how he fought and wanted to become strong like him. She saved him from being stabbed and they got really close. They made a pact to be best friends forever and become strong together. Once in high school Haru was already known for being a fearless and ruthless fighter, along with her right hand man, Junhyung. She never bullied anyone and didn't go on picking fights, however she always put a stop to bullying and if they challenged her she would accept if she felt like it. She didn't really want to make or belong in a gang but she did have loyal followers.
However, in her second year of high school her mother started beocming very sick. She collapsed and was taken to the hospital. There she was diagnost with early stages of kidney cancer she needed surgery but they had no money to pay for it. Haru was desperate, she had 2 jobs, high school, her siblings, and her sick mom to look after. That's when she decided to ask for money to a gang she had heard of. She went to them and they gave her the money she needed for surgery. Her mother was able to get the surgery and was receiving treatment. However, in return for having lent Haru the money, she would have to work for them not only in some Cafe, but she would have to be part of their gang also. 
Reason for Joining Gang:
She needed to pay them back, because they had lent her money for her mothers surgery, so she had no choice but to join.

Matsumoto, Arata || Father || Buissness Man || Kind, Funny, Friendly, Warm || He was always good to Haru. She was his baby girl so he spoiled her a bit. He was always there to play with her and take care of her. At least, that's what she can remember of him. || Died
Park, Min Ah || Mother || Worked 3 jobs. Waitress (at a restaurant/part-time), Cashier (at a mall/part-time) and her certified job as a Teacher || Caring, Hard-Working, Kind, Optimistic || They really love each other, but feel sorry for one another. Her mother wants her to live a bright and fun life without worries. And Haru wants her mother to live a relaxing and happy life without having so many burdens. || Is recovering from her surgery and is soon to leave the hospital. Haru convinced her to only work as a teacher, in turn Haru would only have one part-time job (the one at the cafe, which she gets payed but not much and the gang, which she does for free. Because she is paying off a debt) and study hard in the University. || Her mother doesn't know about her gang life.
Matsumoto, Jun / Zelo || Little Brother || Student in High School (15) / Gang Member || Caring, Serious, Cute, Warm || Zelo always acts cute and innocent in front of Haru. He tries to act all tough and manly sometimes but Haru just thinks that's even more cute and pinches his cheeks. If he gets all annoying Haru simply head-locks him. They only have 4 year age difference so they get along really well and love each other a lot. He helped Haru as best he could, with their younger sister, so that Haru could help their mom. They've been through a lot together. ||  However, he hasn't told Haru that he's in a gang. Haru will totally scold him when she finds out.
Matsumoto, Hana || Little Sister || Student in her first year of Middle School (12) || Cute, Bubbly, Kind || She looks at Haru as a mom like figure. She admires her and loves her very much. Haru takes care of her, cooks for her and their brother and acts very warm and caring with her. || 
* Best Friends
Yong Junhyung/B2ST || Student at the same university as Haru / Gang Member || Quiet, Caring, Calm, Sweet, Loyal || They have been best friends since middle school. They know everything about each other and always have each others back, they trust each other. He only acts dorky, cute and sweet with her, but when he's in the gang he acts cold and reserved.
* Friends
Seungyeon/Kara || Student || Bubbly, Crazy, Loud || She always very perky and happy. She makes Haru's day, cause she reminds Haru of Hana, her little sister. Seungyeon's always tagging alongside her and tells her everything. She looks very small and cute but she has a stubborn personality and never lets anyone bad mouth her friends.
Frienemie || Sunggyu || Gang Member || He's very arrogant and bossy. He acts all superior, thinking he's better than everyone. He can be nice whenever he wants to but it's really rare. He's impatient and has a really short temper. || Haru and Sunggyu are very noisy when they're together. They have never gotten along. They always argue and never agree about anything. || Haru and Sunggyu were friends in middle school (even before she was friends with Junhyung) he was nice and funny towards her but he was too bullying towards others and Haru never liked that. One day she called him out and had it out with him. He scowled and shoved her, ignoring what she said. He then became distant and annoying. Slowly rising to the top of the school fighters, wanting to become a kingka. However, to be able to reach the top he had to defeat Junhyung who was also one of the top fighters. They were fighting and Sunggyu was about to lose, he was angry and took out a knife. He was about to stab Junhyung but Haru got in between and ended up stabing her instead. From then on there relationship has been on and off. Sunggyu feels guilty for having stabbed her, jealous because of her relationship with Junhyung and regretful because he wishes they could still be friends. || He feels that he can still talk to her is by fighting and arguing with her. || Haru doesn't really hold a grudge against him but she doesn't trust him and hates the fact that he's always bullying and mistreating people.
* Other Relationships:
[Were you in a past relationship? Or currently in one? Or anything else?] [Relationship with Character || Name || Age || Occupation || Few adjectives to describe their personality || Short description of how you two act around each other || Reason for this 'relationship' (like why you broke up or something)(or why you're together) || Anything else important?]
♡ Mystery TYou
Reason for Working at the Cafe:
She was recruited to work in the cafe because it was part of the deal she made when she borrowed money from them.
Main Position at Cafe: Waitress
Back-up Position at Cafe: Cook
Specialty: 1st choice, because she is good at entertaining, flirting and attending to the customers needs. 
                2nd choice, because since she was little she has had to take care of her siblings and cook for them, therefore she developed good cooking skills and can make delicious meals, plus desserts.
♡ Words I Couldn't Bear To Say
The One: Doojoon || B2ST || No
The Second One: Seungho || Mblaq || Yes
Relationship: Lovers
Second Interest: Woohyun || Infinite || No || Flirt, Cute, Funny, Talkative, Friendly
Third Interest: Daehyun || B.A.P || Yes || Reserved, Kind, Protective
Interactions: At first it's a sort of love-hate relationship between them, since Haru was never thinking about falling for someone, so she was very unprepared and surprised. He was very caring and funny but at the same time flirty, sarcastic and always teasing her, so they ended up arguing. Still, even though he wasn't in a gang he was strong and was protective of her. Even when she tried to act tough he was there to watch out for her. Which she liked cause she felt that she could depend on someone. After, they got to know each other they started realizing their feelings for one another and became very caring and warm towards one another, even though they still teased each other. 
Ideal Type: Haru's ideal type is a person who has a kind and caring personality, a warm smile and gentle but mischevious eyes. A person who'll be there for her and that'll make her feel safe. If he has a nice body that would be a plus but she doesn't really mind too much about that.
* Additional Details: [Anything else you want to mention? Anything else about this/these guy(s)?]
♡ You Say You Know Me
Gang Name: KB / Killer Butterfly (name because of her fighting skills and her tattoo)
Persona: Deadly Charm
Reason for Persona: She was know for that because she could be charming but when she was angry or working in the gang she could turn into a cold and deadly enemy.
What You Were Known For As Part of the Gang: She is known for being a fearless fighter. However, she tries to control her violent impulses and just gives them death glares, which usually works but if not she then resorts to fists.
Intelligence: 8/10
Strength: 10/10
Speed: 9/10
Stealth: 6/10
Endurance: 9/10
Resolve: 6/10
Intuition: 8/10
Reflexes: 8/10 
Perception: 7/10
Bravery: 10/10
Agility: 8/10
Team Work: 5/10
Following Orders: 4/10
Gathering Information: 7/10
Persuasion: 8/10
Trust: 5/10
Behaviour to Gang: The only thing that changes is that she can act more cold and intimidating, and not think too much about using her fists. 
Behaviour to Customers : She acts very charming and cute towards the customers. Always making sure everythings in order. 
Part of the Gang or Cafe: Since Haru is trying to cut herself from the gang life she tries to interact more in the cafe but still finds herself being used to spend more time as a gang memeber. 
♡ A Good Bye
Comment: Ballons - DBSK, that's the one that popped into my head xD lol
* Suggestion: [Anything to make the story better? I'd be happy to hear it! Something you think should happen? Something the girls should have that I should add?]
me: *dead*




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