[OH! My, Me!] ✖ Hello, My Kitten ▬ {Park Min Ah}



[OH! My, Me!] ✖ Hello, My Kitten ▬

{Park Min Ah | The Playful Neko | Yang Seung Ho }




✖ general aspect of life


username: kmusiclover
afflink: Click Here Juseyo~ :D
english your first language?: No.
✖ hello, nice to meet you
full name:  Park Min Ah 
nickname(s):  Min, by her friends short for her name. Minnie, by Seung Ho
birthday & age:  07/04/1993 | age 19 
birthplace:  Osaka, Japan
ethnicity:  Korean-Japanese
languages:  Korean, Japenese, English
occupation:  She works part-time at SOUL, a korean traditional restaurant.
eduaction:  She is in her second year of college, in Yonse University.
✖ you know you like me
personality: Min is very hard working and reserved. She likes to set goals for herself and doesn't mind being alone. People often see her as an anti-social person, however she is very out-going, cheerful and friendly. She just takes to herself and doesn't socialize much. She prefers it that way, don't get me wrong she has friends. But only close friends. She doesn't open up to anybody that easily. But she is very loyal and caring to her friends and family. She loves animals, ever since she was little but her parents didn't alow her to have any pets since she was a bit alergic to fur. Still, whenever she could, she would visit zoo's, animal pet shops and animal shelters. She is very reserved, and doesn't like to show her weaknesses. She doesn't get sad or depressed easily but when she does, she keeps to herself. She doesn't like to cry in front of people. She can be a bit witty at times and make sarcastic remarks but she doesn't get angry easily. She is laid-back when it comes to housework but when it comes to her work or studies she can be a bit uptight, always wanting to do her best in those areas. She isn't the type of person to give up easily in any situation, she's stubborn, once she sets her mind up to do something she'll do it. Min hates any type of bullying. She really can't stand it, her temper flares, her smart mouth acts up and she quickly puts a stop to it. However, this has gotten her into trouble many times. In matters of romance, Min is quite dense in that area. She doesn't really believe in that whole scenario of soulmates or love at first site. Still, her whole world is about to turn upside-down once she meets her neko.
  • Animals
  • Pay Day
  • Hayao Miyazaki Films
  • Spicy Food
  • Chocolate
  • Rilakkuma and Hello Kitty
  • Manga
  • Theme and Water Parks
  • K and J Dramas
  • Talking random walks
  • Bullies
  • Cleaning
  • Coffee
  • Insects
  • Talking about her parents
  • Falls asleep while listening to music and hugging her rilakkuma pillow.
  • Speaks sarcastically when annoyed.
  • Pouts when angry or upset.
  • Plays with her hair when she's daydreaming.
  • Playing the Piano
  • Eating
  • Tae Kwon Do
  • Acrobatics
  • Drawing
  • Being alone in the dark.
  • Cockroaches.
  • Death of a loved one.
  • Studying and Working
  • Acrobatics
  • Piano
  • Stubborn or rather never gives up.
  • Always tries her best at everything.
  • Tries to maintain a positive outlook.
  • She doesn't think much 
  • Dense when it comes to love.
  • Talking about her parents.
  • Smart mouth gets her in trouble.
  • She plays the piano since she was 7.
  • She knows acrobatics.
  • She can cook really well but only does it when she feels like it. (However that's changed since she has a very hungry food-loving neko) 
  • Is studying to be a veteranarian.
  • She's actually an heiress.
  • She has taken personal defense and tae kwon do.
  • Whenever she's sad she goes to a theme park to clear her mind.
  • She met her best friend, L, when they were 12.
  • She is an only child.
  • Never has had a boyfriend.
  • Her first kiss was accidental, with L.
  • More friendly to animals than with people.
✖ you don't know me!
background: Min was born in Osaka, Japan. Her mother was japanese and her father korean. Min's grandparents from her father's side didn't approve of them, so her parents decided to elope. Her father moved to Japan along with her mom and a few years later Min was born. She had never met her korean grandparents until her parents died. Her parents died when she was 11. Her grandparents from her fathers side came to the funeral, and picked her up. She didn't want to go with them but she didn't have any other family she could stay with because her grandfather from her mothers side was already gone and her grandmother was living in a home because she had early alzimers. So Min had no choice but to go with her korean grandparents to Seoul, Korea. To Min's surprise her grandfather was really warm and kind, but he was almost never around since he was the CEO of a company. Her grandmother, on the other hand, was rather cold and indiferent towards her. She was never mean but didn't like to be with Min too long in a room or anywhere in particular. So Min was always alone. Min was expected to inherit her grandfather's company, however when she graduated high school, Min told her grandparents what she wanted to be and that for college she would like to live on her own in an apartment. Her grandmother quickly opposed, but her grandfather decided to make a deal with her, Min would live in an apartment on her own and she would study to be a veteranarian, however she would have to study some classes for buissness, after she'd graduate she'd work for him for a few years and would still be the heiress of the company. Min agreed.
Bestfriend |  Myung Soo / L | 20 | Yonsei U. Med Student | He's a quiet, dorky, funny and gentle guy. | He always supports Min in everything she does and was the one who got her to open up with the world. Min tells him everything, he's like an older brother to her. She always goes with him for advice and is the only person that she truly trusts. 
Close Friend | Sun Young / Luna  | 19 | Yonsei U. Student Fashion Design / Works part-time at the SOUL restaurant  | She's very fun, loving and bubbly. | She admires Min a lot and cares for her. They met in high school, she was being bullied by Gyuri and Min helped her. They then became really close friends who got each others back. 
Park Gyuri | 20 | Yonsei U. Buissness | She's very arrogant always looking down on people and makes fun of them. Typical spoiled brat. | Min does not like Gyuri at all and does not hide it. Whenever she sees Gyuri she ignores her completly cause she knows that that's what Gyuri hates the most. Gyuri, on the other hand, always smiles at her and throws nasty comments at her. They glare at each other most of the time. But Min always wins with one of her witty comments, leaving a very frustrated Gyuri behind.  | When Min was in High School, she didn't like to tell people who her grandfather was because they would always treat her diferently when they knew, either up to her or bully her. So she kept to herself. However, one day she saw Gyuri bullying a girl (Luna) and stepped in immediatly. Gyuri was really annoyed by her, she was about to slap her when Myungsoo stepped in. Gyuri then grew more annoyed because Myungsoo was her crush. She started to look for information about Min. Gyuri's father knew Min's grandfather and they met one day in Min's grandparent's house. After that, Gyuri saw her in school and started taking to people about Min bahind her back. Making up rumors. At first, Min ignored it, which made Gyuri more irratated and so she resorted to bullying. That was when Min started defending herself. She didn't back out. They go to the same university but different mayors. So they don't see each other often but do occasionally bump into each other. (On purpose because Gyuri makes excuses to go see Myungsoo)
✖ my love, my love,
neko role:  The Playful Neko 
how did you meet your owner/neko: Min was working the night-shift at her restaurant, that day. She went to throw out the trash, and saw a cat sprawled on the floor heaving. She quickly kneeled down beside it, the cat feeling someone approach opened his eyes and hissed with the little strenght it had left. Min didn't pay attention to it's hissing and quickly checked him, she saw that he was injured. She gently picked him up, he scratched her on her left arm but she didn't care. She then placed him on the table, cleaned his wound and bound it. She then proceeded to bring him some food, cause he looked skinny and weak, like he hadn't eaten in days. The cat quickly began to devour it's food. Glancing up at her from time to time. She smiled at him and patted his head. As he finished he looked up at her, his pupils becoming round, walked up to her and where he had scratched her. She grinned saying to him "It's alright, I'm fine."  She looked around his neck but he had no collar. "Must be a stray." she thought and suddenly became very sad, she thought about how he was alone and hurt. "How 'bout you live with me?" she suddenly exclaimed to the cat, who looked at her as though her understood. "Did...did this cat just smile?" she thought but then dissmised the thought. She picked the cat up and took him to the nearest animal hospital, then took him home, ignorant to the fact that her whole life was about to change.
love interest:  Yang Seung Ho
his age: 24 soon to be 25 (on oct 16)
his personality:  Seung Ho is a guy who's very caring, funny, nice but he's playful, energetic, straight-foward and all over the place. He acts imature for his age most of the time. He loves to eat, play with video games and tease Min. He really likes to sleep on her lap while she plays the piano. He's very honest and straght-foward with his feelings. Even though he's a bit immature, he looks after Min and ususally thinks about others before himself. He's always playful and up-beat but he's very reserved when it comes to talking about himself. Still he's slowly opening up to Min. He doesn't use aegyo much except when it's convenient for him, still he has a very geniune smile who'll melt the heart of any girl.
how he acts around you: He always wants to play with Min and wants her full and undevided attention. Whenever she doesn't he pouts and becomes sulky. As his form of revenge he starts teasing her. He loves when other people compliment him, play and give him any form of attention. However, he's a very good judge of character and knows who to play with and who to hiss and scrath they're eyes out. He loves to make his mistress smile and can resort to being a goof ball if it will make her smile at him. He also, unexpectedly, has a romantic and gentle side to him, which he shows only to Min. Whenever he feels that Min's down he decides to take her out and go on adventures with her. 
how do you behave around him:  Since Min found out that he wasn't just a normal stray cat, it has been caotic. He's much older than her and very manly but acts immature sometimes. Which makes her nervous around him, since he's very unpredictable and she doesn't know what he can do. So she never leaves him alone at home and takes him everywhere she can. She's very strict with him but loves to play with him, when he's in his cat form but when he turns into his human form she can get a bit shy. She gets embarrased sometimes when he's in his human form because of an incident that happened when he was in cat form. Since when he changes into a cat she forgets that he's actually a guy, it was the first night when she accidentaly walked in her underware all over the house. So that was embarrasing, amusing for him, since he grinned and about it. But despite everything, he's always been there for her and has alwyas made her day, so it was inevitable that she would slowly, unexpectadly grown to like him and even love him.
love interest 2:  Lee Junho
his age:  22
his personality: same.
how he acts around you: same.
how do you behave around him: same.
✖ and this is me... 
ulzzang name:  Song Ah Ri
ulzzang links:  1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5  ||  6  ||  7  ||  8  ||  9  ||
ulzzang name 2:  Kim Seuk Hye / Joo
ulzzang links:   1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5  ||  6  || 
casual:  1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5  ||  6  ||  7  ||
formal:  1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5  ||  6  ||  
pajamas:  1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5  ||
swim wear:  1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5  ||
home wear:  1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5  ||  6  ||
work out:  1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  || 
date night:  1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5  ||  6  ||
other:  1  (she doesn't need to wear them,  just wears them cause she thinks their cute) ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5  ||
height:  5'4ft
weight:  115lbs
birthmark: A star shaped birthmark on her left wrist.
scar(s): Has a scar on her right eyebrow.
tattoo(s): None.
piercing(s): She has the normal piercings, one in each ear.
other: ---
✖ hello&goodbye~
suggestions: ---
comments: I had so much fun with this application :D Can't wait for the story to begin. If there's anything you want me to fix or change please tell me :)
questions: None, that I can think of right now.
scene requests: 
  • The scene were she finds him.
  • The scene were she finds out that he isn't just a normal cat. Their first night at the house, she sleeps in her tank top and underwear. Suddenly the cat jumps on the bed and she lets him sleep next to her. The next morning she opens her eyes to see herself in the arms of a semi guy. She screams and pushes him off the bed. He hits the floor with a loud thump and cries in pain. She grabs a pillow waiting. He sits up rubbing his head, still sleepy. She sees him and screams again while throwing the pillow in his face.
  • A scene were they go to a theme park together.
  • The scene were he gets jealous of L, because she went out to play with L and not him.
  • A scene were they kiss. (kkk :3)



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