Stars Ahead SM New girl group App


AFF Username:

Profile Link: HERE!!!

What's your name?: Choc


I want to know more about you~

Name:Han Min(韩敏/한민)

Nicknames: Hangeng the second

Age: 20


Birth place:China,Heilongjiang


Ethinicity: Chinese

Languages: English,Mandarin,Korean,Japanese

Background: Born in China,Beijing, At age of 3 moved to Beijing with her brother(Hangeng) becuase he needed to learn dancing.Moved to Korea at   11 with her brother.

Family: Han Zheng|52|Deaseased|Father

                 Zhang Hui|48|NA|Mother

                 Han Geng|28|Singer|Brother

Idol Best friends: Hyoyeon(SNSD),Onew(SHINee)

Idol friends: Dara(2NE1),Daesung(Big Bang),Jo Kwon(2AM),Kris(EXO)

Rivals: -

Looks aren't everything~

Name of Ulzzang you're using: Yeon Ji Hee

Backup Ulzzang's name:Park Hyo Jin

Picture links: 1 2 3 4

Backup Picture links: 1 2 3

Hair colour: Brown

Favourite nail varnish colour:Summer colours

Style: Casual,Simple.

Style links:  1  2 3

It's what's inside that counts~

Personality: Sporty,outgoing,cute,fun,Someone that everybody would love,takative( sometimes annoys people),naive,gullible,a bit clumsy,TROLLER.(Like me!)

Persona: Gullible Troll(Can troll well, but falls for trolls and pranks easily)

Likes: -Chocolate

-Ice Cream

-Small animals(pets)




Dislikes:-Dancing(Cuz her skills are like TOP)

-Quiet places


-High places

-People who get annoyed easily by her trolls

Habits: -Sings randomly to annoy people

-Bites fingernails when she is thinking of something(etc. Difficult Math sum)

-Scratch on anything around her(Non living thingetc.table) when she angry/annoyed(Cat in disguise?XD)

Trivia:She is afraid of huge dogs.

            She loves kittens but hates them if they scratch(Cats probably.Or maybe herself.)


When love takes over~

Love interest: Onew

Age: 23

Backup love interest:Daesung

Age: 23

Relationship: Crush

How you met:

Onew:Introduced by Hangeng when she was 18.

Daesung:Senior in university

How you act together:

Onew:He takes great care of Hanmin  and protects her like Hangeng.He is also Hanmin's punching bag.Or mayber the only human that gets scratched by Hanmin.Hanmin would only have the guts to scratch Onew.Not even Hangeng.Beacause only Onew can baer with her crazy scraching.She do feel bad, but she just can't help it.She's the only girl(Not including Mother and sister) Onew is closest to.Onew also shares his happiness and upset times with her.Sometimes they can even read each other's mind.Especially protecting each other from falling...They are definitely the clumsiest people on Earth.

Daesung:They joke aroung alot, and troll each other alot too.Sometimes, Daesung get very annoyed when she talks about Onew in front of her.She always thought that he was just joking around...Who knows?

Everyone is talented in something~

Stage Name: Hanmin

Fanclub name:Minis

Fanclub colour(s): chrome yellow

Desired position:Lead vocal

Backup position:Main Rapper

Singing links: 1 2 3

Dancing links: 1 2 3

Rapping links: 1

Specialities/Talents: Singing,Rapping,Drawing,Imitation


Anything else~?

Anything you'd like to tell me: Nope!

Comments:Hope you'll pick me!XD

Suggestions for group fanclub name/ debut album songs/etc.: Fanclub name:Shooting stars


What's the password???: Onew


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