My fairytale- Primrose0930


personal information
username |  Primrose0930
name | Jess
character's information
name | Lee JaeHwa or Jae
dob | 09/30/93
height |  160 cm
weight | 49 kg
ulzzang | Lee Eunji
ulzzang pictures |  1   2    3    4    5
back-up ulzzang | Song Ah Ri
backup ulzzang pictures | 1  2   3
personality/ Jae is a natural mother, she's sweet, caring and is quite fond of protecting everyone, even if she's the youngest.  She likes to listen to everyones problems, no matter the time or place.  But she tends to be a little too honest, and doesnt realize that her blunt words actually cause pain.  She's quick to apoligize if someone confronts her and she finds herself in the wrong, however, if she feels that she did nothing wrong, she will stand her ground.  Jae  is extremely stubborn, if she is told to do something or go somewhere, she will sit herself on the ground and refuse to move with her arms crossed over her chest.  She's a natural clutz, always tripping over her own feet or someone elses.  She has a habit of stopping in her tracks and glaring atwhatever tripped her, then moving on. Jae is always willing to lend a hand to help or her shoulder or lap for someone to nap on.  Alongside with her stubborn nature, Jae has a habit of getting violent when she's mad, she may look small, but she can pack a punch when she wants too.  Just like a mother, she's willing to risk anything to protect her friends and family.
likes |
*Pink roses
*Romance novels
*loud music
*Romance movies
*painting her nails 
*The color purple
*The smell of sweat pea
*kissing in the rain
dislikes |
*Horror movies
*people with an ego
*cold weather
*rap music
* coffee
hobbies |
*Reading.writing romance fantasy books
*playing piano
*watching romance movies
best friend(s) | Sulli/ They met at Jae Hwa's singing lessons/ closest as two can get.  They have zero secrets between them and know eachother better than they know themselves
Joon/ Jae was wondering around the building when she ran into Joon and knocked him over, casuing him to get a nasty bump on the head./ These two are over protective brother-little sister close. 
friend(s) | Victoria, amber, Sunny
love information
love interest one | Lee Taemin
how you met | JaeHwa was pouting in a cafe, drinking a smoothie, when she got a call from her dad to return home, she quickly stood up from her seat, and knocked Taemin's coffee over, spilling it on his shirt.
backup love interest | Choi Minho
how you met | Jae Hwa was laying in a park when Minho was playing soccor with a couple of friends.  Having her music blaring, she couldn't hear Minho telling her to watch out.  Sure enough, it hit her in the face, giving her a bloody nose.
the first love |  Mir
how you met | At the mall, when Jae Hwa and Sulli were eating in the food court, Mir was sitting at the table beside them. He asked her the best place to shop because he was 'new'
the second love |  Jaejoon
how you met | Jae Hwa was at the movies with Joon, and when he left to get her some popcorn, someone tried stealing her purse, thankfully Jaejoong was standing by and was able to stop him before he got away.


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