B2ST and the B2UTIES Application


{b2st} and the

Shin Na Na the viture of Charity


about  you

username: kmusiclover

aff link: {click here}


the   beauty
name: Natalia Shin Perez / Shin Na Na
nickname: None.
age: 19
birthday: July 3, 1993
birthplace: Seattle, Washington
hometown: Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity: Korean-Puerto Rican
languages: Korean-fluent, Spanish-fluent, English-fluent
job: Student at Yonsei University, Part-Time Job at a Korean Style Restaurant, Volunteers at a Childrens Orphanage.
can'  t    c  hange   me
Nana is a very cheerful, optimistic, friendly and sincere girl. She looks after others and is really selfless. She thinks to much about others before herself and keeps things to herself, in fear of burdening others. Even though she's been through a lot she still manages to smile a lot and look at the bright side of things. She likes to help others and be there for them. She is really grateful of what she has. She loves playing the piano, but hasn't been able to since her mother died. She doesn't get sad or depressed easily but when she does she doesn't like others to see her that way. She is caring and kind towards others, especially her loved ones. Still, she has a strong character, even stubborn at times. She doesn't get angry or annoyed easily either, however, when she does she can have a smart mouth about it. She doesn't like confrontation, but whenever she sees bullying her blood boils and she can't help but intervene. 


  • Chocolate
  • Kids
  • Stars
  • Helping People
  • Eating
  • Snow
  • Animals
  • Cooking
  • Musicals
  • Strawberry and Banana Smoothies


  • Coffee
  • Corrupted People
  • Bullies
  • Cockroaches
  • Selfish People
  • Hot weather
  • Liars


  • Bites her bottom lip when nervous or uncomfortable
  • Rolls her eyes when annoyed
  • Takes a deep breath to clam herself when frustrated
  • Hugs a pillow when sleeping
  • Giggles to herself when remembering something funny or amusing


  • Listening to music, especially indie songs
  • Reading (especially scifi books)
  • Watching K-Dramas
  • Playing the Piano
  • Cooking
  • Writing


  • Being helpless (not being able to help or do anything)
  • Losing a loved one
  • Horror Movies


  • Bright and Genuine Smile
  • Generosity
  • Hard-Working
  • Her cheerfulness


  • Thinking to much about others before herself
  • Keeps things to herself
  • Trying not to show her weaknesses
  • Covering sadness with a smile


  • Playing the Piano
  • Cooking
  • Working with kids


  • She hugs a rilakkuma pillow while sleeping
  • She hasn't played the piano for 2 years, since her mother died
  • Second year of college, mayor in elementary education, wants to be an english teacher
  • Favorite Color: Blue
  • Volunteers at an Orphanage
  • Has been living on her own for two years now, since her mother died.

persona: Bright Smiling Star


this  is  her  past

Nana was born in Seattle. Her mother is puerto rican and her father is korean. There parents met in college, in Seattle. They were a really lovey dovey couple. They moved to Korea when Nana was 5 years old. She's always been a really cheerful girl. At the age of 7 she heard for the first time her father playing the piano. There parents had just put her to bed, however she couldn't sleep. Suddenly she heard music, she grabbed her rilakkuma pillow and followed the sound. She followed the music to her fathers studio. As she looked in through the opened door she saw her father sitting on a stool playing the piano, her mother was sitting down beside him, her head over his shoulder. Nana sat down on the floor and closed her eyes, she had never heard such a beautiful sound before. She then fell asleep on the floor. Her parents found her, smiling her father carried her to bed. After that Nana decided to play the piano, just like her dad. She and her dad would always sit down together and play, while her mother listened with her eyes closed and a smile on her face. When Nana was 17 her mom died in a car accident. Nana and her father were devestaded. Her father became distant and cold. She started living on her own, him sending her monthly allowence. That first year was the hardest for Nana, her father became distant, she and her father stopped playing the piano. For they were reminded of her mom.  
Shin Tae Joon | 46 | Buisness Man (CEO) | Father | Nana and her father were really close. They shared a mutual liking to play the piano, and that was there time to truly connect. However, when Nana's mom died, it was really a hard blow to him. He loved his wife a lot and misses her. He loves Nana but doesn't know how to face her. Since Nana reminds him so much of his wife it's painful for him to be with her. Two years have past and now he feels sorry for his daughter and doesn't know how to face her. Nana also feels awkward when it comes to her father, but she misses him a lot. She just doesn't know how to tell him and she's afraid that she'll become a bother to him and leave her too. 
Sofía Perez Amador | 42 (when died) 44 (if alive now) | Teacher | Mother | Her mother was a very cheerful and bright person. She always had a happy air to her. She always suported Nana in everything she did. She and Nana were really close, Nana would talk to her mom about everything, and her mom would always love to hear Nana and her husband playing the piano. It was so beautiful to see them share that gift together. 
Park Ye Jin | 20 | Student at the same University and works Part-Time at Korean Styled Restaurant with Nana | Best Friend | Ye Jin and Nana have been best friends since high school. Ye Jin and Nana are more than best friends, they're sisters. Ye Jin was the one who was there for her, especially when her mom died. If it wasn't for her Nana wouldn't have been able to deal with it as well. Ye Jin invited a lot to her house. Ye Jin always found her house to noisy but Nana liked it, she felt very warm there. Ye Jin is the second eldest of 5, an older sister, two younger twin brother, and the maknae, sister; plus her parents. 
Park Cheon Dung / Thunder | 21 | Singer | Oppa/Friend | He looks shy and reserved but he's actually very funny and friendly. He's like a caring older brother to Nana he's always taking care of her. He makes her laugh and when she's down he gets all silly, forgeting his image to make her laugh.
Kim Hyuna | 20 | Singer | Unnie/Friend | She is really bubbly, goofy and friendly. She acts like a younger sister, even though she's older. She has a lot of aegyo and uses it a lot with Nana. Although she's childish she never hesitates to help Nana in whatever she needs. 
rivals: None.

 iam  a  b2uty

ulzzang name: Kim Soo Yeon
picture links:  1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5  ||  6  ||  7 
back-up ulzzang: Byeon Seo Eun
picture links:   1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5  ||  6  
style: She wears casual but chic clothing. She likes to wear tees, jeans and shorts. She likes to wear cute pajama's. And for dorm and work out clothes, she likes to be really comfortable.
casual   1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5  ||   6  || 
formal   1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||   5  ||
pajama's   1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  ||
dorm wear  1  ||  2  ||  3  ||  4  || 
work out  1  ||  2  ||  3  || 
height: 5'4ft
weight: 121lbs
birthmarks?: none.
scars?: none.
tattoos?: has one tattoo, on her left wrist, of a musical note
piercings?: the normal, one on each ear. 
anythinig else?: nope.
bonded to you , l  i te raly
love interest: Son Dong Woon 
love interests deadly sin: Greed
love interest personality: DongWoon is a really cute, playful and out-going guy. He used to be very helpful, caring and gentlemen like. However, as B2ST got popular he started getting greedy and losing bits of himself. He concentrated to much on fame and became materialistic, and possessive over his things. He wouldn't share anything with anyone or really cared for anyone, as he did before. 
how does he treat you?: He found it annoying at first, being bound to some girl he didn't even know. He then started teasing her and even became possessive over her. However, after he got to know Nana he found himself wanting to make her laugh, wanting to give her things, being protective over her and even caring for her. 
how do you behave around him?: Nana was absolutely schocked to learn about the curse. However, being the optimistic and cheerful girl she is, she didn't hesitate to offer a helping hand to Dong Woon. It was really difficult for her at first, because Dong Woon was not being cooperative at all and he even became possessive over her, which she straighten out quickly. She acts strong when she's with him because he needs a firm hand. Still, she's always there to pick him up when he's down and offers a comforting hand. Nana showed him that giving is also receiving and took him to an orphanage. Nana then saw who he really was and started to feel something more for him.
scene request?:
A scene where Nana takes Dong Woon to the orphanage. He's awkward at first but then a little girl who doesn't talk gets attached to him and he slowly starts to open up. Nana then sees how he smiles and plays with the kids, she's thinking of how much he's changed, when suddenly he looks at her with a genuine smile, that she's never seen him show her before. There she realizes how much he's changed and how much her feelings have changed. She realizes that she may have feelings for him.
Scene were Nana plays the piano again, for the first time since her mom died, for Dong Woon. She sits down and starts playing, Dong Woon watches her from behind but then sits next to her. Still keeping his eyes on her. As Nana's finishing the song, her eyes start watering and tears slowly roll down from her eyes, as she remembers her mother. Dong Woon slowly reaches out and wipes them.
A scene where Nana is watching television in the living room and suddenly Dong Woon comes in, sits next to her on the sofa and snatches the remote away from her and changes the channel, cause he claims that a movie that he really wants to see is about to start. Nana sits there pouting at him. The movie starts and suddenly Nana realizes that its a horror movie, Nana doesn't want to see it because she's afraid of horror stuff. She doesn't say anything, gets up and is about to leave when Dong Woon asks for her to stay. She sighs but sits down again. She quickly grabs her pillow and hugs it tightly. There already half way through the movie, and Nana has already jumped and even shrieked a couple of time. Making Dong Woon look at her in surprise and worry, he suddenly decides to change the channel. He dismisses her gaze by saying that the movie was boring. That night Nana couldn't sleep at all, she was scared even with the lights in her room on. She went to the kitchen and saw Dong Woon, he was going to his room, she was too embarrased to ask, so she just followed him. As he opened the door of his room, he turned and saw Nana behind him. She was blushing but still wouldn't say anything. He looked at her confused, and asked her what was wrong. She looked at him, and started to ask if she could sleep with him. His eyes widened. She saw that and quickly fixed what she said, while blushing, that she would sleep on the floor with a matress, because she was scared to sleep alone. He then remebered her reactions when they were watching the movie, and felt bad. He then agreed. Nana quickly went in with the matress ready in hand and quickly laid it out on the floor and slept fearing that he would change his mind. Dong Woon then offered to sleep in the floor and give her the bed. She said no, but he insisted. However, she didn't budge since she thought he was bothering him enough. So he decided that both of them would then sleep on the floor. He laid down a matress beside her and they fell asleep. Nana forgot to brong her rilakkuma pillow. The next morning Dong Woon woke up to see Nana hugging him. 
back-up love interest: Yoon Doo Joon 
back-up love interests deadly sin: Wrath
back-up love interest personality: He is fun, kind and warm. He is a true born leader. However, he has been feeling very pressured and angry. He starts scolding and gets too angry with the members, and everyone around him. Even getting rages from time to time. 
how does he treat you?: He was really frustrated and angry at the situation. He was cold and distant. Still, as time went by and he got to know Nana, he slowly started to open up to her. He became caring and nice to her.  
how do you behave around him?: She was a bit scared of him, at first. Since he could snap at anything. However, she tried her best and didn't give up. She realized that what he needed was confort. Nana was sure to be there for him and make him feel less pressured. She realized then that he was actually a very nice and kind guy, who was just going through a tough faze.  
scene request?: 
Nana tries to soothe Doo Joon but he snaps at her telling her to leave him alone. She then takes him to one of the practice rooms in Cube Ent. She sees a piano and dives for it. She turns to look at him and suddenly hugs him. She feels his body become very tense. She sits him next to her on the stool and begins to play. As he listens to her, he starts to clam down and feels a piece of mind. He remembers who he was before B2ST debuted and slowly leans his head on Nana's shoulder, his eyes closed, but a really peaceful expresion on his face.
her virtue
virtue?: Charity
why is she this virtue?: She thinks more of others than herself and is very selfless. She is sincere in everything she does, and does not look to gain, but to give.  
how will she help her love?: She helps him find himself again. By supporting him, beliving in him and helping him in ways like taking him to an orphanage. Always encouraging him to follow his dreams but to not lose himself in the process. She is never fake with him and tells him when she doesn't like something or when she sees him acting to greedy. 
the hidden string color?: Baby Blue #33ccff
anything else?: nope :)
this   is   your   last   cal l
comments?: if the scene request is too much, you don't have to do it lol i kinda went a bit crazy there. i'm just so excited xD, b2st at last. anyway i really like your idea for the story. hope you like her and hope i get picked.
questions?: nope.
anything else?: ah, if there's something i need to fix or change please tell me :D





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