The Black Order Application


The Black Order Application
                                                                                               Who Will Win?

[Ren + The Black Rose]
Careless, Careless, Shoot Anonymous, Anonymous
User Name: kmusiclover
Name: Jane
Activeness: 6-7. Yes I'm almost always on the computer, 5 when I have exams though.

We Base Our Personalities From A World Made Of Numbers
Birth Name: [Kurosaki] [Yuko] 
*  Nickname: [Yuu, her parents called her that. Kuro Ren, given to her by her mentor as a pseudonym.]
Preferred Name: [Ren]
Age: [19]
Birth Date: [April, 7] 
Gender: [Female]
Blood Type: O-
Character Type: Kind, Hard-Worker, Perfectionist, Reckless, Protective, Strong Willed, Shy
Yuko is hard working and a perfectionist. She likes to do every job without fail. She aims to be the best and is sometimes misundertood because of that. People see her as a serious and cold hearted person because of her outer apperance, she has this image of always being very professional and not letting feelings get in the way. However, that is an image to protect herself from others and maintain distance. She is actually a very sweet and kind person. She's just a bit shy and that is why she seems cold but once you get to know her she'll open up to you, bit by bit. She's very protective and loyal of her loved ones. She can be reckless, especially when she sees her loved ones getting hurt her anger gets the better of her, she becomes violent, and she'll go for the kill without hesitating. She has a strong will, or stubborness, about her. She is not good listening to others when she feels she's right, or her gut tells her othewise.     

Attitude: 7/10 she's realistic. (0 being pessimist / 10 being optimist)
Grudge: 7/10 (0 being none whatsoever / 10 being yes a lot) 
Patience: 8/10 (0 being low tolerance / 10 being very patient) 
Temper: 6/10 she can get a rage to kill if she sees a loved one being tortured, attacked or killed.
(0 being she'll start flipping tables / 10 being very good temper) 
Popularity: 7/10 (0 being not at all / 10 being very popular) 

» Reading
» Spicy Food  
» Listening to Music (it relaxes her)
» Fighting
» Sleeping
» Cold Weather 
» Crowded Places
» Waking up early
» Cleaning
» Rude People
» Coffee
Pet Peeves:
» People who bump, brush by her or touch her.
» People who wake her up.
» People who get to close and breath on her.
» Star Gazing
» Reading
» Playing the Piano
» Kendo
» Karate
» Making fists and biting her lip when controling anger.
» Rolls her eyes when annoyed.
» Smiles or laughs randomly at times, because she suddenly remebered something funny.
» Being Helpless (not being able to help or do anything)
» Thunder (She tries not to show it. It was a thunderous and stormy night when her parents died.
She was 8 and already lived with her mentor, one time he had to leave her alone because he had a mission. It was night and she was alone there was a thunder storm it was the first year she was alone, without her parents, without her mentor. The storm was very powerful and frighting, she cried everytime there was thunder. She fell asleep hugging herself and while crying. So whenever she hears thunder she gets frightens cause she also remembers that night when her parents were killed and where she almost died as well.)
» Losing her loved ones
» Hand to Hand Combat
» Sword Fighting
» Can change sword between hands (if she gets tired in one hand she can change it)
» Can comunicate in many languages (due to her traveling with her mentor when she was little)
» Eagle Eyes (she has a very good vision even at night)
» Her emotions can get the best of her.
» People who use aegyo on her.
» Her loved ones.
» Thunder Stroms.
* "Talents":
» Flexible. (which helps her with her fighting. she can do the split.) 
» Knows the presure points of the human body.
» Knows how to heal wounds and or cuts.
» Has good reflexes. (through training and experience has learned to dodge bullets, knives and swords thrown at her)
* Trivia:
» Likes to sleep, can fall asleep anywhere and talks in her sleep.
» Likes watching snow fall
» Doesn't like to show her weaknesses.
» Doesn't like crying in front of people
» Favorite Color: Blue
» Favorite Foods: Ramen and Sushi
» She has a soft spot for kids and animals
» Swears in different languages.
» Never uses aegyo, but loves cute things. And has a weakness when people use aegyo on her.
Why Don't We Look Each Other In The Eyes Anymore
Ulzzang Name: Baek Su Min 
Ulzzang Pictures
1  /  2  /  3  /  4  /  5  /  6  /  7  /

Back Up Ulzzang Name: Park Sora
Back Up Ulzzang Pictures
1  /  2  /  3  /  4  /  5  /


Height: [170 cm]
Weight: [126 pounds]
Description of Appearance:
  • Slim. 
  • Long, slightly wavy, black hair.
  • Her eyes are grey, but when she's angry they get jet black.
* Additional:
  • Scars:

Has a scar on her eyebrow. She got it in a fight, a knife was thrown at her and she barely dodged it. This was in her start out trainee years.

Has another scar on her upper back near her shoulder, were she was shot. She got it while on her first mission, they ambushed her and shot her. 

  • Tattoo:

Has a runes tattoo on her left wrist. Meaning: "All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wonder are lost." 

  • She always wears a black cross necklace, her father gave it to her on her 6th birthday, to keep her safe and watch over her. Before fighting she kisses it.
Now Answer Me And Tell Me Why People Change
Yuko's parents were actually from the Order. They were in the Asian Branch. Her mother was in the science section, while her father was an exorcist, General Kurosaki, who fought and killed akumas. Once her mother found out she was pregnant, she decided to leave that life and give her baby a safe and Order free home. The father left the branch also and they "retired" from the Order. She lived a normal life until the age of 7 when her parents were murdered by akumas in front of her, trying to protect her. She was saved by Froi Tiedoll, who was a friend of her fathers, loved to travel and coincidentally was on his way to meet her parents. She was taken in by him and was trainned to one day join the Order. Froi Tiedoll became her father, her friend, her mentor. He changed her name to Kuro Ren. He didn't like to stay put in one place, so they traveled a lot. At the age of 15 Froi Tiedoll took her to join the Black Order in the European Branch. 

Family Members:
Yamada Sakura || 26 (when killed) 45 (would have been) || Mother || 10 || Caring, Protective, Happy || Died || Yuko doesn't remember her parents that well, she can see images of some happy moments she spent with them and the night they died. Blocked memories.
Kurosaki Toru || 32 (when killed) 51 (would have been) || Father || 10 || Warm, Protective, Fun, Happy || Died || Yuko doesn't remember her parents that well, she can see images of some happy moments she spent with them and the night they died. Blocked memories.
Die, Kill, Fight, Shout, This  Is  It. A War
Thorn || It can be a sword, gun, or/and throwing knives || It's 2 metal cuff bracelets on each wrist. It gives supernatural strenght and she can throw really hard punches with it. || 9 || Crystal Type || Since she has two cuff on both her wrist, she can have two weapons at the same time. Example: sword and gun, knife and sword, gun and knife. Or just one weapon. She controls it, so depending on the situation.
Back - Up Innocence:
       Cutter || It turns into a metal gauntlet with sharp claws, that can summon long silver strings and shred her opponents. || It's a chain web bracelet that she wears on her right hand. || 9 || Equipment Type || 
Whe she uses the gun, she does not need to reaload for it regenerates its own bullets when its clip is emptied and the bullets never stop until they reach their target, so do the throwing knives. 

Using it: She prefers hand to hand combat. She won't start using it but she'll finish the fight with it, so 9.

Intelligence: 9/10
Strength: 9/10
Speed: 8/10
Stealth: 9/10
Endurance: 8/10
Resolve: 7/10
Intuition: 8/10
Reflexes: 9/10
Observation: 7/10
Perception: 7/10
Bravery: 8/10
Agility: 9/10
Team Work: 5/10
Following Orders: 6/10
Gathering Information: 7/10
Persuasion: 6/10
Trust: 3/10

* Additional Details:
At Some Point We Became Trapped  In A Smart Prison
Original Branch: European
Training Time: Yuko has been training, since she was 7, for 8 years apart from the order with her mentor and guardian, Froi Tiedoll. She then was asked by him to join the Order in the European Branch. She joined the order when she was 15.
She got in the Order because she was brought in by her mentor Froi Tiedoll, who sorta adopted her when her parents died and was her trainer. 
Order Life:
Order life wasn't that hard for her since she had already experienced training and didn't mind being alone. She has found it amusing and interesting. She has made companions, which was hard at first and she still prefers solo missions, but she has gotten used to it. 
Mentor: Froi Tiedoll || 9 (he's a very kind father-figure but is a very strict mentor) 
She gets in trouble sometimes for following her gut instead of the orders. She only uses her powers when she's on a mission. She doesn't like confrontations but if she gets attacked or into an argument, which can happen when she gets annoyed, she defends herself using hand to hand combat. 
 She wears this insignia on her jacket.
 She wears the sleeveless black cotton crop top. On the black crop she wears the insignia. 
She then wears black high waisted legging jeans and black combat boots.
Usually during missions she wears a mask. 
I f Only We Can Make New Relationships
The One: Wisdom, Suho
Relationship: From friends, to enemies, to lovers.
Ren and Suho were childhood friends, however when she learned he was a Noah, she blamed him a bit for her parents death. After that, they didn't meet again until she had entered the Order. She was on a mission, and bumped into him there. Ren and Suho always fought, she saw him as a rival. However, whenever they fought he never attacked her first or wounded her. He got wounded trying to protect her, she attended his wounds and that was how they slowly started to connect again. He already had feelings for her and she started to fall for him. 
The Second One: Judgement, Lay
Relationship: From enemies, to lovers. 
Lay and Ren hated each other. He would always try to jeperdize her, as they fought for innocence they were equally matched sometimes she would win and sometimes he would. They sorta have a love-hate realtionship. 
* Additional Details: At the final battle he had to choose between her and the Noah's. He chose to fight alongside her. After that they she would leave the Order and  
* Scene Request:
A scene where he protects her and gets wounded. She then tends to his wounds. 
A scene where he sees her fear of thunder and comforts her.
A scene where they kiss.
The rest I leave to you authornim :D
Full Of Envy Behind That Anonymous Mask
Ice Princess - Citizens look at her and see a beautiful but cold girl.
Black Rose - Exorcists call her this because she is really pretty and even gentle at times but can fight really well and be deadly.  
Position in Group:
She is most like a mom. Cause she will take care of others and is very warm, caring and protective of her friends. But she can have a strong temper and be strict at times, and can scold.
Both. When she fights in a group she tends to be more defense and when she fights solo she's more offense. However, sometimes she uses both depending on the situation.
9 || She is really strong in battle, she's been fighting since she was 7.

* War Cry / Motto
Turn Back
Comment: Password: MAMA
I hope you like and pick my character. And please tell me if I need to fix or change something.
* Suggestion:
Ending: Happy Ending!
Sacrifice: I shall take your "Don't feel pressured to say yes at all."  to heart and say no, but it is your choice your the author and if you feel that for the story you need to kill her, well i'll understand :)
Sorry For The Long App!
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