We Got Married Apply


✦ ℳ 


|We Got Married!|

Kim Hye Mi



Username: kmusiclover

Nickname: Jane

Profile link: Click Here ;)

Activeness: 9-10


|I'm Amazing. Period.|


Korean Name: Kim Hye Mi / Spanish Name: Sofía Kim Rodríguez

PersonaThe Charismatic Geek


Birthday: 07-03-1993

Birthplace: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Hometown: Seattle, Washington, U.S.

Ethnicity: Half-Puerto Rican, Half-Korean

Languages: Korean-fluent, Spanish-fluent, English-fluent


|I am the Best.|

Ulzzang name: Jung Min Hee

HQ Pictures: *  B  E  A  U  T  I  F  U  L   *

Back up: Kim Soo Yeon/Mint

 B  E  A  U  T  Y 


She likes to wear short and jeans with cute tees. She loves to wear cardigans and hoodies. She prefers to wear sneackers, converse and platforms instead of heels (can wear them but usually its only to perform). She wears comfortable clothes, but she prefers and loves to wear her costume pj's at the dorm.

At home: 1  2  3  4  5  6

Casual: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10

Formal: 1  2  3  4  5  6

Height: 167cm

Weight: 53kg


Tattoo : On her left wrist. 


|Me, Myself, and I.|


When she's happy, she smiles a lot. She loves to have fun and laugh. She'll talk a lot give everyone a smile. Also she likes to hug people and will have a lot of skinship. She'll also sometimes randomly start singing and dancing.  


She doesn't get angry or depresed easily. She hates to see someone being bullied, her temper will flare and she'll give you a piece of her mind. When she's sulky its usually because she's on her period, so don't mess with her because then you'll really see her mad. If she argues with someone she'll end up leaving the room and needing her space, after a while she'll patch things up, make up and forget about it. She doesn't like to cry in front of people. She only gets sad when she really misses her mom and dad.

Personality details:

She is funny, caring. hard-working and outgoing. She thinks she's shy but she makes friends quickly and is easy to approach. She captivates people with her genuine smile and people are quick to open up to her. She is very loyal to her friends. She knows when to have fun and when to be serious and practice. She loves to take care of her dongsaengs but also loves to act like a dongsaeng herself to her unnies. She is very charismatic on-stage but when she's off-stage she's very dorky, funny and sweet. She loves indie stuff and is a geek. She doesn't like to make others uncomfortable. She is really considerate of other peoples feelings but she is not a push-over, if she doesn't agree or like something she's quick to speak her mind. The way she acts you think she'll be all open to love and all but she's actually pretty dense, shy and nervous. When she really likes a guy she doesn't like to show it. Still she's a closet romantic.


Family members:



Father || Kim Tae Hyun || 12/9/1965 || 47 || Loving, Funny, Sweet. || He's always there for her. Spoils her. He would do anything for Hye Mi. 

Mother || Ana Rodríguez Medina || 04/17/1969 || 43 || Warm, Caring, Motherly, Open-minded || She supports her daughter in everything she does. She lectures Hye Mi but what mother doesn't lecture her daughter. She also loves to call and visit Hye Mi whenever she can. She's not only mother but a best friend, Hye Mi tells her mother everything and is very open with her.  



Only Child.


Family Background:

Hye Mi was born in Puerto Rico. Her mother is Puerto Rican and her father is Korean. They remained in Puerto Rico until Hye Mi was 11, then they moved to Seattle, Washington because of Hye Mi's fathers work. Hye Mi and her parents, in holidays, always visited Korea and Puerto Rico. Before entering High School Hye  Mi told her parents that she wanted to go to High School in Seoul, South Korea. She was sent to a live with her grandparents from her fathers side. At first she went with the intention of studying and learning her other culture and language. One day she was out with her friends and a scout from JYP Entertainment saw her. He gave her his card, but she took it as a bluff and didn't pay much attention to it. She then decided to participate in her school's dance and signing competition for fun. She won first place. The same scout came to her again with the offer, this time she went to the auditions with her grandfather who spoils her and supports her in anything she does, she went and passed. 



Anything Tim Burton  







Music (indie, rock, classical, techno, k-pop)

K and J Dramas


Banana and Strawberry Smoothie

Idol Boy Groups (too many to mention)

Water and Theme Parks

Spicy Food 





Rude People


Heights (doesn't mind roller coasters though)


Hot Days









She is a good listener and knows when to play around and when its serious.

She likes to train so she can improve her skills.

Likes to maintain a her spaces clean.

Smiles a lot.

Does aegyo but only with those she's really close with.

When she's really happy, she'll start jumping up and down while giggling.



She pouts unknowingly.

She rolls her eyes when annoyed or exasperated.

Talks in her sleep.

Has to sleep with a lot of pillows to hug or she can't sleep that well.

She grew up until she was 11 in Puerto Rico, in that culture you greet people giving a kiss in the cheek so she sometimes forget and greets people like that. 



She was an Ulzzang before she became a trainee.

She plays the piano. Learned when she was 9. 

She curses in Spanish.

Favorite color: Blue.

Has a dog named Jack.

She's afraid of cockroaches, she denies it, but she even cried one time.

She can't drink alcohol, she becomes a "kiss monster". 

Her ideal guy: Cute smile, warm but playful eyes, has a nice body (abs), is caring and hard-working.

Her idol: Lee Junho, 2PM

Instead of drinking coffee in the morning she drinks water and on december hot chocolate.

She likes action, romance and comedy movies.

She's never had a boyfriend before.

Favorite Foods: Kimbap, Ramyeon, Kimchi Fried Rice, Mandu

Even if she eats a lot she wouldn't gain weight. 

She's good at cooking, so she sometimes cooks for the other members too, gaining the tittle of "mom".


|Let's Fly, Fly High|



Jokwon || Aug/28/1989 || 22 || Fun, Easy to talk to, Joker || Jokwon is like on of the girls, he gives you advice on guys and is very fun to hang out with. You'll never get bored. He's can be a flirt and very manly, at times. But he doesn't do that with Hye Mi, their just really good friends.

Junho || Jan/25/1990 || 22 || Sweet, Cute, Sincere, Friendly, Hard-Working || Hyemi and Junho are from the same company and are good friends. He was very friendly and approched her first. He helps her with her singing, sometimes. And she admires him very much. 

Suzy || Oct/10/1994  || 17 || Cute Dongsaeng, Friendly, Playful || Suzy is a very cute dongsaeng, she loves Hye Mi's cooking and uses a lot of aegyo with her. Hye Mi looks at her like the little sister she never had and takes care of her. Suzy calls Hye Mi "umma" instead of "unnie".



The BEST Friend:


Taecyeon || Dec/27/1988 || 23 || Cute, Huggable, Loyal, Playful, Friendly || He loves to do aegyo. Hyemi and him have been best friends since she entered the company. He was quick to befriend her and show help her around. They both sometimes speak english with each other, especially when they don't want other people to understand their conversation. Instead of a "Beast" to Hyemi he's more of a "Teddy Bear" cause he's a reliable, cute and huggable oppa.

Hyuna || June/6/1992 || 20 || Cute, Bubbly and a Dork || They both love goofing around and are really close like sisters. They tell each other everything. They sometimes do embarrasing stuff in public and are known to be loud and playful. Still Hyemi sometimes acts like she's the older one when in fact its the other way around. 


Rival: None.


|The Color in my Life|

Love interest/Husband: Yang Seungho

Age: 24

Birthday: Oct/16/1987


Caring, Warm, Sincere, Cute, Funny, Manly, Hard-Working 

How do you act around each other?:

They already had a sunbae-hoobae relationship. However, that's about to change when they enter We Got Married. They began to be very close with each other. She begins to open herself up to him and he in turn begans to be very attentive and take care of her. He acts like a gentleman around her. As she opens up to him she starts doing aegyo for him, which to her is a big deal, cause she finds it embarrasing. Hye Mi finds Seungho very manly. He is sometimes really surprised by her skinship acts, but finds them cute. They have disagrements and argue sometimes but Seungho, is so sweet, he gives in to her. Hye Mi calls him oppa (which makes him grin like a pabo) and he calls her Hye Mi~ah. They use jagiya, yoebo and aegi(baby-this one is said by seungho) only on special occasions.

How do you want to "meet" each other?:

They meet at Everland Theme Park. Seungho was told to search for his wife. They gave him clues on where his wife would be.

Is it awkward at first?:

Oh dear! Yes, indeed. They had met before but only in passing. Since Seungho was her sunbae she had to greet him when they bumped into each other at inkigayo and other concerts, however they weren't close. At first Hyemi was shy and Seungho was nervous, however, he took the lead and tried to make her feel relaxed and comfortable. After a while they began to be very comfortable around each other and joke around and laugh.

How do you both "crack the ice?:

Seungho decides to go to the Haunted House. Hyemi was really scared but didn't admit it, saying she was fine with it. But, once they enter the haunted house both get scared out of their wits, still Seungho remains calm and he protectively takes hold of Hyemi's hand and pulls her towards him. Hyemi shrieks and hugs Seungho's arm as if her life depended on it. They got out of the haunted house laughing, Hyemi out of relief that they made it out mostly. After that they just casually held hands and Hyemi had begun to show her outgoing, playful self.


Back up: Lee Junho

Age: 22

Birthday: Jan/25/1990


Sweer, Friendly, Caring, Sincere, Hard-Working, Gentlemen

How do you act around each other?:

They are from the same company and are very good friends. Hyemi is very playful with Junho and he likes to . He is already used to her skinship. Since Hyemi is best friends with Taecyeon she's gone to the boys dorm a lot. Junho always asks her to cook for them. They already had an oppa-dongsaeng relationship and were close to each other, still since they got married it was a little awkward at first. 


|Hey, Can U Smile?|

What Company are you from?

SM Entertainment

T.O.P Media

TS Entertainment

YG Entertainment

JYP Entertainment

Woollim Entertainment

How did you become a trainee?:

She was scouted when she was 15 by a casting agent, when she was out with her friends. At first she didn't go beacuse she didn't think much about it but after performing in a dance and singing competition in her school and winning, the same scout was there and made the offer again, leaving the information about the next auditions. This time she went with her grandfather and got accepted into JYP Entertainment.

Trainee life & history:

It was really hard cause she missed her parents a lot. She got homesick sometimes but she kept remembering that this was her dream and so she will do her best and make her parents proud. Her dancing and singing improved a lot, while training. She's had sleepless nights and tiring work-outs. Even though her training was hard she still maintained good grades in school and was able to graduate high school with honors. 

What are you like with other trainees?:

The Bossy One

The Umma

The Appa

The Little Sister

The Diva

The Trouble Maker

The Outcast

Why do you want to be on WGM?:

Hyemi always watched the shows and always found them funny and cute, so she wants to be in "We Got Married" to experience married life, she thought it would be interesting.

Comments + Suggestions?:

I hope you like her :D If theres anything I need to fix please tell me. 

Scene requests:

A scene where they fall asleep together on the bed (like khuntoria xD) and wake up with Hyemi (bad habit) hugging Seungho.

A scene where Hyemi is celebrating Seulong's birthday (she bakes him a cake) and performs for him on the piano. Seungho then joins in and they end up playing together.

A scene where Seungho hears in a program (that was before we got married) that Hyemi says that her ideal type is Junho of 2PM and he becomes sulky and jealous. Hyemi then reminds him of his photo with Kara's Gyuri. And they have a cute, little fight over it. But make-up quickly afterwords.

A scene where Hyemi goes to J-Tune Camp to bring her home made cooking to Seulong and Mblaq and meets her funny, goofy in-laws.  

A kiss scene too, juseyo. ;)

Mission requests:

The couples do a Horror Special.

They couples to a 1N2D Special in a Resort.

The password:

We Got Married Season 6

My Hubby =^.^=

( his smile is so beautiful \=*o*=/ )


, Ari



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