Gyu just gained more adoration from me

I was just derping around Youtube and searching random stuff and then I saw a vid of RockerGyu and then boom!

I started searching for radio covers by Infinite and then I stumbled upon a playlist,, it's "Sunggyu Radio Covers" and after watching the first few, I began to respect LeaderGyu ALOT more. Even though he is my bias and I already love his voice, It's just now that I realized how nice his voice was... Before I always said that Woohyun's voice was better and all - I'm not saying that his voice isn't nice now! - but I saw that he can also sing songs that Woohyun can and also high notes. His voice is really cool and unique for me ;w; 

He desverves more luv~~! <3 <3



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aeries_amethyst #1
You know bb, it just occurred to me that your name is based off of the fact that you're Sunggyu biased XD Like yes it's obvious I know, but like I was having a slow day ok lol :P

Sunggyu is an adorkable flawless awesome being that deserves all my love and adoration with his beauty, talent and epic personality *spazzes*

I think what I love most about him are his eyes :3 I find them so enchanting! I have a for eyesmiles! *flails* They give me feels! ^__^

As for Woohyun and Sunggyu's voices, I like both of them in different ways :) Gyu's voice gives me so much feels because it's so emotional and unf unf unf XD Woohyun has a y powerful voice but Gyu can tap into that too ok! He's just that awesome! I'm so glad he's my bias! XD

My god... I just saw another vid ;____; dammit screw his voice it's ruining my bias list sooooo bad. He's going back to one....;feature=related
his voice just fits every single genre...
Yeah.. agree with you.
Even though I'm gyu bias, I always thought that woo has more powerful voice. But, now after watching immortal song 2.. Everything changed <333