Protecting Tree of Life / Application


{ Mission : Protect Tree of Life }

✻ means optional


"Me, Myself and I"

Username : kmusiclover

Nickname : Jane

Activity Rate :

Laptop / PC : 9 - 10

Mobile : 5 - 10


"Hello, I Am..."

Name : Lee Hye Rin

 Nicknames : Rin

Birthdate : 07 / 04

Age : 19


"I Am Beautiful"

Ulzzang : Byeon Seo Eun

Back-Up Ulzzang : Kim Soo Yeon / Mint

Height : 167cm

Weight : 50kg

✻ Markings : She has two markings (or more specifically Nephilim Runes), on both her wrists. Both represent life. This one is on her left wrist and this one is on her right wrist.

Natural Form : Her true form is a human body with white angel wings and white long hair. 


"The Long or The Short of It"

Personality :

Hye Rin is kind, cheerful, caring, good-humored, optimistic and fun. She is very loyal and caring towards her friends and family. She always uplifts the mood. She is considered a strategist for she is good at finding new ways to do things and is always analyzing both sides before making a decision, although sometimes she can be a bit reckless. She likes to talk and share what she's thinking, which can get her into trouble sometimes. Rin loves to laugh and have a good time. She embraces life.

Rin is very confident in what she does, which makes others follow her without question. She's very enthusiastic with everything she does and perseverse in every situation that is presented to her. She likes a challenge because she says that she'll be able to learn from it. She's very supportive of others and hard on herself.

Rin really hates seeing people being bullied. She doesn't like conflict but has a sharp tounge and a quick temper when she sees bullies or something unjust. She is quick to interfer and put a stop to it. She rarely gets angry but when she does she becomes cold and spiteful. She only went into a blind rage once, and discovered her forbidden power, when her mother died. She's scared of that power because she can't control it yet. She doesn't like to seem weak or cry in front of other people, whenever she's sad she distances herself from other people. 

Background :

Hye Rin was born in Exo Planet, Sector: Morning Star, Subsector: Lucio. Her father, Michael, is one of the head guardian angel who lived in Lucio, her mother, Alice, was a healer who lived in Maeistas. They both met and fell in love. Her mother moved to Lucio to be with Rin's father and there she gave birth to Rin. Michael knew that Rin, was one of the chosen protectors and his wife being one of the few advanced healers, he knew that they couldn't stay in Exo planet since it would be dangerous for both of them.

When Rin was 3 years old he sent them to a planet called Earth. He, however, remained behind to fight and prepare for when his daughter would return to fufill her mission. Alice didn't want to leave her husband, but after he explained everything to her she decided to go, for her daughters safety. Alice and Rin arrived in a place called Seoul, South Korea. Rin was raised there. They were able to live there without any dangers. Rin's mother didn't tell her about who she was or where she came from. Rin had always known she was not normal because her powers were really active and she even had an animal spirit. Still whenever she questioned her mother about it, her mother would say that when she turned 18 she would explain everything to Rin.

Rin had not seen her father since she was 3. She did think about him often and wondered if he thought about her. Rin loved her mother very much. Alice would always be there to support and take care of her daughter. Things were going fine, until the day of Rin's 18th birthday. That night Rin and her mother had gone to a park near the Han River to celebrate her birthday and to watch the sunset and the water fountain lights show, as they did every year. The celebration was interrupted by a strange man hidden under a black cloak. The thing that came from under the cloak was not a man but an Oni. Her mother was attacked and injured trying to protect Rin. As Rin saw her mother getting attacked by the Oni she transformed into her true form, however, her eyes where white and emotionless, her forbidden power had surfaced. Her mother was able to stop Rin from killing the Oni, Alice fought the Oni and won. As she turned to see Rin lying unconscious on the floor, she then collapsed next to her daughter. Alice looked at her daughter and smiled, tears rolled down her cheeks and she whispered "Rin...I love you. Be...strong." Alice closed her eyes and died. A few minutes later Rin awoke, it was dark except for the lanterns. Rin remembered what had happened and looked around for her mom. She saw her lying on the grass next to her. Rin called out to her mom and pulled her onto her lap. Tears were falling down her face as she screamed her mothers name. That was the day when Rin lost her mother but was a step closer to finding out who and what her destiny was.

A year later passed. Rin was a freshman in college. Her mother had apparently saved up a lot of money so with that Rin was able to pay for rent in her new officelet (she moved) and food. She has 2 part-time jobs. One in a backery and one in a restaurant. She was able to get a scholarship and has been living "normal" ever since. Still she always thinks of her mother. Whenever Rin got depressed she thinks of her mother's letter, her mother left her a letter in case she died, the letter didn't explain anything, it was short but it expressed her mother's feelings. Rin always keeps it with her and has read it so many times, that she even memorized it.

"Rin, even if I'm not there with you, you must always persevere. Remember who you are. You are my cheerful, lovable, brave and caring Hye Rin. You never give up even when things are hard, even when people tell you you can't, you show them that you can do anything. Remember to live, laugh, love and make your dreams reality. I love you with all my heart and I always will. I love you RinRin. Mom."


Likes :

  • Flying
  • Food
  • Music (indie, k-pop, rock, classical, techno)
  • Rainy Days
  • Sudoku and Scrabble
  • Desserts
  • Banana and Strawberry Smoothies

Dislikes :

  • Bullies
  • Crying in front of people
  • Liars
  • Smoking/Smokers
  • Yokai or any types of demon that works for the Dark Shadows.

Hobbies :

  • Reading
  • Martial arts and Kendo
  • Flying
  • Taking walks
  • Listening to music
  • Drawing

Habits :

  • When sleeping has a lot of pillows to hug, which makes her feel safe. If not she can't sleep that well and can have nightmares. If its a person next to her she'll unconsciously hug them.
  • Bites her lower lip and blinks a lot when nervous.
  • Rolls her eyes when annoyed or exasperated.
  • Hits her pillow, thigh or anything/anyone who's near her and claps when dying of laughter.
  • When she's analyzing or deep in thought she'll automatically go into the thinkers pose.


Fears :

  • A loved one's death
  • Not being able to help or take care of her loved ones
  • Being left behind or abandoned
  • Not being able to control her forbidden power

Trivia :

  • She likes to do aegyo, but only with people she's really close with
  • Smirks when amused
  • She was in her first year of college, at Yonsei University. (But when her guardian came to pick her up, so she had to drop out)
  • She eats a lot but doesn't gain weight (lucky her)
  • She loves to be active and can be overwhelming at times
  • She uses a katana sword as a physical weapon
  • She doesn't like people stealing her food
  • Rin didn't celebrate her 19th birthday since it was the 1st year anniversary of her mother's death

Favorites :

  • Favorite Colors: Blue || Green || Yellow
  • Favorite Foods: Kimbap || Kimchi Fried Rice || Bulgogi || Ramyeon || Mandu || Anything that has chocolate she loves
  • Favorite Songs: The Chaser, Infinite || What is Love and Angel/Into Your World, Exo || Jojo, Shinee || Beautiful Night and Midnight Sun, B2ST || Ballons, DBSK 
  • Favorite Flowers: Daffodils || Dandelions
  • Favorite Animals: Unicorn || Pine Marten


"All Around the World"

Birthplace : Lucio 

Hometown : Seoul, Korean

Sector : Morning Star

Subsector : Maeistas 


"You're Supernatural!"

Color Stone : Yellow 

Representative Jewelry : Yellowstone Cuff Ring 


Supernatural Race : Balanced Nephilim (half human/half angel)

Kingdom : Kingdom of Heaven, Angel Race and Mundane Race

✻ About your Race :As partially mortal they are more bound to their form than their non-mortal parent, but their personalities and minds are far less defined by their spiritual aspect. In some forms of media, Nephilim are shown to be equal or higher in power than full members of the supernatural race they descended from. This is generally explained with the claim that the human soul enhances the spiritual/divine power gained from their "parent". There are three different types of nephilim: 

Near-Mortal Nephilim: favor their mortal parents or are more distant descendants. They are mostly similar to their mortal kind in both mind and body, but with some additional abilities and instincts. Outwardly there are few or no indication that the individual is anything but normal.

Balanced Nephilim: are balanced between their heritages, if sometimes rather precariously, and have both free will and a good amount of power. There are a likely number of definite traits and instincts that draw them toward their inhuman side. Physically they tend to have at least few indications about their non-mortal parentage, but the amount varies greatly between individuals.

Transcended Nephilim: favor their immortal parentage or have only a minor amountof mortal blood. Physically and mentally they are close to their immortal parentage, although able to resist their instinctual traits better than their parent. 



Power : Healing | Heals the wounds of herself and others. Can cure broken or withered plants, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and even diseases. Typically the user can’t raise the dead, however some can revive people if they have very recently died. Small wounds will regenerate new tissue. Large wounds like missing limbs and broken bones need to be put back together if the injury is fresh, or they can be regenerated by advanced healers. She still needs training but her goal is to be an advanced healer.

Other abilities :

Shapeshifting | Alter your form to whichever form you want. (Prefers to shapeshift into a white dove and white wolf)

Telekinesis | Move/Manipulate structures with the mind alone.

Forbidden Power | Torture and Destruction (more on this power on *additional info)

Physical Weapon :

Most people think that healers don't carry weapons, actually its the opposite. Healers go through rigorous trainings, like combat, personal defense, martial arts, guns and swords. Since there are a few healers, they train them in order for them to survive in battle and be able to heal the wounded when they're at war.

Rin prefers to use her martial arts training but once she arrives at Exo she is given by her father a katana sword, it is a blessed sword from heaven. || She kills yokai, demons and her enemies with it.

Conscience : Momo | Pine Marten | They get along really well. They're more than best friends, they're family. They love and support each other. They fight sometimes but in the end always make up. Momo is very loyal to her. They are both a part of each other. He always gives good advice to her when she needs it.

(i know you're gonna ask, why did she pick a pine marten? well i liked the fact that they're small and I pictured this little guy on her shoulder and i couldn't get that image out of my mind, still if you prefer I change it please tell me :))


✻ Additional Information : All Nephilims have that forbidden power, its unawekened until a traumatic event happens, in other words, those emotions such as feelings of rage, sadness, fear and helplessnes trigger this power. Usually Nephilims are bestoyed 2 of the following powers:

  • torture | are able to torture people, physically and emotionally 
  • destruction | can destroy anything just by imagining it or touching it 
  • chaos | can create chaos and confusion, in the minds of people 
  • dementation | can torture a person mentally until driven insane and on the border of suicide
  • suffocation | by looking or thinking can make a person suffocate and die
  • nightmares | are nightmare and horror illusions 
  • tyrannical | causes the victim to perform without question whatever biding the caster desires
  • death | to kill. death just by looking at the person. no need for physical contact, can be death as the caster wishes 


"Lost and Found"

Exo Guardian : Zhang Yixing / Lay

Location : Lay and Rin saw each other for the first time in a park near the Han River. She went there because it was the anniversary of her mother's death. 

Reaction : Rin saw a boy looking at her, at first she didn't mind but after a while it was starting to creep her out. She then remembered the accident and got scared thinking that the boy was one of the things that had attacked her and her mother last year. Once the boy knew that he was scaring her he was quick to explain everything. 

Credibility : After hearing what she was at first she was in denial and thought that he was either jooking or a crazy person. But after everything had suncken in she knew that what he was saying was true.

Willingness : She didn't hesistate. She was ready to go. She needed to go. 


"I Love You"

Love Interest : Kim Joon Myeon / Suho

His Power : Hydrokenisis, Aquatic Adaptation and Aquatic Respiration

Does he use it against you? : Yes

If yes, how? : He threw water at her accidentally, he was aiming it at Chanyeol who was getting too excited and was starting to turn on fire. 

How well do you get along? : Rin and Suho did not have a good begining whatsoever. Suho had accidentally use his powers on her and she was not happy at all with that. He then found her to be unreasonable and both ended up glaring at the each other. Rin is the only one who can drive Suho insane. He's usually a composed leader but since Rin can act recklessly, he goes crazy worrying over her. Their feelings slowly started to grow for one another without them realizing. 

Do you like him at first? : NO!!

If yes : 

If no : Rin: "HE ATTACKED ME!!"

Does he like you at first? : Not at all.

If yes : 

If no : Suho: "She's being unreasonable! It was an ACCIDENT!"

If no to both, who falls first? : Lol it's interesting if you surprise me!! :D


"I Love You Too!"

Love Interest : Zhang Yixing / Lay

His Power : Healing, Spell Casting and Life Manipulation

Does he use it against you? : No

If yes, how? : 

How well do you get along? : Lay and Rin didn't get along well at first. They both have strong personalities and are competitive towards one another. They are forced to be together, since he is her guardian. Rin was mainly interested in Lay's power and viceversa. They don't hate each other, but they fight sometimes. Still as time went by and they got to know each other, they started to became more friendly and familiar with one another. 

Do you like him at first? : No 

If yes :

If no : Lay's personality is quiet and reserved but caring and warm. Since Rin didn't know him well, he just gave the air of a cold and arrogant guy to her. Which she didn't like. 

Does he like you at first? : No

If yes 

If no : Lay didn't like the fact that Rin was sometimes to reckless. It made him feel stressfull and worried.

If no to both, who falls first? : Surprise me!! :D



"I'm Not Going to Let You Go That Easily!"

✻ Comments / Suggestions? : If there's anything I need to fix please tell me, so that I'll fix it right away. I really want to be in your story, it sounds so interesting and I can't wait for it to start :D

Password : I just want to say *sigh* that this was the hardest decision of my life having to choose from my 2 biases in Exo-K, Chayeol and Suho. Still I will follow the rules as you say. *cries* I'm sorry Chanyeol I'll pick you another time ok? *cries*

Here they are ;D 

Exo-K Suho

Exo-M Lay


They are so gorgeous \=*o*=/



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