12 sources of life: Application




12 sources of life.




Applicant info:


Username: kmusiclover

Profile Link: Click Here

Activeness: 8-10


Character info:


Name: Yoon Hee Jin

Nickname: None

Age: 18

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Employment: Senior in High School / Part-Time Job at a Traditional Korean Restaurant /

Weekends: Part-Time in Paris Baguette 


The way you look:


Ulzzang's Name: Byeon Seo Eun 

1  2  3  4  5  6 

Backup Ulzzang's Name: Kim Soo Yeon/Mint

1  2  3  

Height & Weight: 167cm and 53kg

Clothing Style: Her style is chic. She likes to wear cute t-shirts with either shorts or jeans. She also likes to wear short printed dresses.

1  2  3  4  

Others: She has this birthmark on her left wrist and blue eyes. ( These were left by the blue spirit when it took form in her body it left the birthmark and blue eyes representing it's source, water and youth) She also has a scar on her right eyebrow. (Had it since she was 6 years old. it is the only scar she has because at 7 years old her powers awakened.)


Let's get to know the character in depth:


Personality: Hee Jin's personality is a bit of a contradiction. She is kind, sincere, reserved, likes peace and doesn't like confrontation but at the same time she has a smart mouth and a quick temper when she sees something unfair. She isn't afraid to speak her mind and express her opinion about something whether she likes it or not. She is quick to take action and is very quick to react to situations. She likes things to go as planed. She is very loyal of her friends and protective of them. She is very persistent and determined. Whatever she does, she gives it her all and is confident that she'll do it right (Her way). She is very calming to the people around her and soothes them when they need a conforting hand. She's a very open book, anyhting she's feeling you can see it expressed in her face. Although she tends to talk about it too, when it's something that reveals her weakness she prefers not to talk about it or to put a strong face in the situation. She loves to set higher goals for herself. She is very smart and wise for her age. She tends to take care and be very motherly at times, even to people older than her.   

Background: Yoon Hee Jin is an orphan. Her mother died when she was 6 from sickness. Her father, after the death of her mother, became an alcoholic and a compulsive gambler, he could not take care of Hee Jin. He had gambled away their money. He had borrowed from loan sharks and was left penniless and homeless. They in her school beacause of her ripped, old clothes and stink (from days of not being able to take a bath). She however did not pay attention to the other children, when they . However when they father she would even get into fights. One day she returned home with a bloody eye and swolen cheek. Her father asked what had happen she told him, it was the second time she saw her father cry, since her mom's death. He hugged her while crying "Sorry, Hee Jin." One night her father told her that they would be sleeping in a playground. The playgorund was in an orphanage, Hee Jin didn't know. Once asleep, her father left a letter on the floor of the front door. He knocked on the door until he saw a light turn on and heard footsteps aproach. He then ran and hid behind a tree, a few feet away. Out came a woman in her early 30's. She looked down and saw the letter, read it and walked towards the playground. Hee Jin woke up. The lady explained things to her and gave her the letter. Hee JIn started to cry and so did her father, who whatched from afar. That was the last time Hee JIn cried.     


Beach || Kids || Full Moon and Starry Night || Cooking || Indie Music || Pay Day || Dramas || Baby's Breath (her mother's favorite flower, that's what her dad told her) || Rain || Spicy Food || Desserts || Sleeping || Reading


Talking about her parents || Bullies || Insects || Smoking || Alcohol || Flirty Customers || Hot Weather || Coffee


Taking walks not knowing were she might end up (the only thing in her life that she does not plan)

Listening to music (everywhere she goes, her ipod is always with her)

Playing the piano (she actually took up playing the piano, since it reminded her of her mother. Who was a pianist.)

Swiming (it takes off her stress, she usually uses the school's indoor pool)



Getting wet in the rain

Hugging a pillow (or a person, if its a person sleeping next to her) when sleeping. 

Talks in her sleep 

Rolls her eyes when annoyed

Sings or hums when hearing music, even if she's in a public place. 

Blinks a lot when confused

Avoids eye contact and fidgets with her fingers when embarrased or nervous



If she sleeps next to a person she hugs them for fear of them leaving.

Never being able to see her father again.

Not being able to help or do anything.

Losing people she loves or being left by people she loves.



Studies and works 2 part-time jobs since her first year in high school, to earn money for college. (Her guardian has also saved up money for her and Hee Jin also receives a monthly allowence from her father secretly. Only her guardian knows that but hasn't told her because her father told her not to).

Her guardian is the owner of the orphanage, Hee Jin lives there with the other children.

Hee Jin has taken special defense classes.

Wants to be a kindergarden teacher.

She acts really tough and even a bit cold towards men but is actually a very romantic person. 

She says that she only wants to focus on her studies and work but she wants to have fun and daydreams of falling in love.

She is very good wih directions, almost never gets lost.

Born January 23, 1994. (She's an aquarius).


your color of choice: the blue spirit

your power: manipulating/controling water as she wants and regenerates 


Good features resulting from the source: 





Peaceful and Calm



Bad features resulting from the source:


Emotionally unstable

Does not trust people easily

Can be spiteful at times


Did you discover your power yet? 


If yes how did you discover it and how do you use it?

She discovered her one of her powers, the regeneration power, when she was 9 she had fallen off a monkey bar and broke her arm. Exactly 3.7 minutes later her bone had healed and an hour later when she arrived at the hospital with her guardian her x-rays came out normal. That was when Hee Jin and her guardian realized that she wasn't normal. Another smilar incident occured, that confirmed Hee Jin's suspicions. She uses this power automatically. When she's physically injured or hurt she regenerates or heals herself in an instant.

She has always had a fondness for water. Yet, weird things have happened involving water since she was 12. When she gets mad water, from out of nowhere, suddenly starts forming and hovering in the air. When she's daydreaming in the shower water, instead of shooting downwards, it shoots sideways. Also drops of rain abruptly stoping and hovering over her if she thinks that she doesn't want to get wet. Small things like that have happened to her so she's kinda suspicious. She hasn't got the hang of it though. But soon she'll be able to manipulate/control water as she pleases. She just needs to practice more and preferably a teacher. 


Family members and friends:


Tell me briefly who are the members of your family, ages and what they do for living.

Yoon Hyuk Jin || Father || 44 || Worked at a Buisness Firm. When his wife died, became an alcoholic and compulsive gambler. After he left Hee Jin he worked 3 jobs. One as a construction worker, another in a fish market and as a janitor. Now he has slowly risen up and is working in a company as a Buisness Man, thanks to an old friend who saw him one day at his office building cleaning. 

Kim Cho Hee || Mother || 28 (when she died, would have been 40 now) || She was a Kindergarden Teacher

Choi Mi Sun || Guardian/Mother || 42 || Owner of the Orphanage 


Tell me briefly who are your friends, ages and what they do for living.

Park Hye Mi || Best Friend (met at the orphanage, also an orphan) || 18 || Student at the same High School and works at the same cafe, Paris Baguette.

Shin Min Ah  || Best Friend (met in junior high, they both jumped in to save a student who was being bullied and ended up being friends) || 19 || Student at the same High School


What is your relationship? How do you behave next to each other? do you have enemies? Or some people you do not like? who are they and whay?

Hee JIn has a very close relationship to Hye Mi and MIn Ah. They are the only people who she consideres best friends for life. They are practically sisters. They bicker sometimes but always make up and they spend most of their time, laughing and joking around. They take care of each other and always have their backs. Hee Jin is very open with Min Ah and protective of Hye Mi. MIn Ah, on the other hand, is very protective of Hee Jin, while Hye Mi is very open with Hee Jin. Hee Jin does not have enemies. She is very likable and doesn't like confrontations. She doesn't dislike anyone, but has a cold, indiferent side towards men sometimes. 


Love interest: 


Love interest: Kim Joon Myun / Suho

his power: Water

Age: 21


Reserved, Fun, Charismatic, Friendly, Guardian/Leader

Suho is a very reliable, responsible and orderly. In difficult times he is known to take control of the situation. He is very confident in what he does, which makes everyone in his group follow him without question. He is serious when he needs to be but likes to tease and have fun when he can. He never lets go of his leader image though. He is always there for his companions and is very open-minded. He unconsciously thinks to much about others before himself. (This frustrates Hee Jin, although she pretty much does the same lol) Suho is very quick to understand how other people think or feel, so he's quick to catch on. Still, when it's things related to him he is a bit dense. He isn't the type to get mad or annoyed easily but when he does he becomes cold and spiteful. He usually gets mad when he sees that people are unfair or unjust. And if he sees one of his friends or loved ones getting hurt his face turnes dark and his personality changes completely, he gets a bit scary. That part of him is actually very rare, since he is a very happy person with a smile that'll melt the heart of any girl. 

How do you act around each other: 

Hee Jin and Suho's relationship didn't start out great. She didn't like him because he was too familiar with people and too quick to trust. So she just ignored him, of course that didn't last long. Him being her guardian, he needed to be near her. Which annoyed the heck out of Hee Jin. Still she couldn't help but soften whenever she saw him smile at her. She would actually find herself smiling back. Then she realized that those traits that he had that she didn't was what she liked about him.

Suho never gave up, since the first time he saw  her, Suho knew that she meant something to him. They bickered and teased each other at first, but he kept insisting on making her open up to him. He then found out by her birthmark, that she was the his source. He then got her to open up a bit and taught her how to control her powers. He slowly became protective and caring over her. Finally when he saw her smile at being able to master her powers on her own, he realized his feelings for her. Of course, he understood how she felt so he proceeded with caution, until she realized her feelings for him too.


How did you met:

Suho was a college student who started working at the same korean traditional restaurant as Hee Jin. They work the same shifts and hours.

It was his fisrt day and Hee Jin needed to show him how things were done. He was older but she was his sunbae at work. Which she liked because she got to boss him around. That night they got out pretty late. Two of the customers who had flirted all night with Hee Jin were waiting for her outside. She tried to ignore them but they got annoyed, grabbed her arm and pinned her to the wall. At that moment Suho came from out of nowhere and pulled the one of the guys off of her. Suho then punched the second guy, making them swear and run off. He turned and asked Hee Jin if she was ok. Hee Jin, putting up her tough girl attitude, said she was fine and that she had it all under control. Suho being a gentleman nodded but still he reached out and wiped the tears out of Hee Jin's cheek. She turned her head embarrased and started walking. Suho followed her silently, from behind. She knew that Suho was behind her but didn't turn around. Once they arrieved at the orphanage, she turned slightly and mumbled a 'thank you' to Suho. He smiled, waving his hand and yelled 'you're welcome', as she ran inside.

And that was how the two met for the first time and started getting close.     


Second Love interest: Park Chan Yeol

his power: Fire 

Age: 19


Optomistic, Funny, Bubbly, Jokester, Cute

He is always laughing and joking around. He is very optimistic, likes to look at the bright side of things. He makes everyone around him laugh. If the mood is tense he is the first person to lighten up the mood with his bubbly personality. He has a lot of energy and is very passionate and driven. He is always trying his best at everything he does and is not afraid of screwing up once or twice before doing it right. He is spontaneous (which makes Hee Jin go crazy sometimes and get really mad, because she likes to plan things and be detailed). He has a 'crazy' courage, he isn't really afraid of anything. He is very determined when he wants something and will go all out to get it. Basically, his feelings are always in display. He is an open-book. He rarely feels sad or angry. But once he's angry he's like a roaring dragon on a rampage. Still, he is a very lively person, and is loyal to his friends.


How do you act around each other: 

Hee Jin and Chanyeol argue sometimes, but spend most of the time laughing. It's normal that they argue since Chanyeol's personality is so out ther and Hee Jin is more quiet and reserved. But since Chanyeol is so bubbly and fun, he makes the mood less awkward and more lively.

How did you met:

They met at a convenience store. They were both looking for a certain snack, only one was left. Hee Jin reached out for it at the same time as Chanyeol. They both looked at one another expecting the other to let go. They didn't however. Hee Jin pulled at the snack and Chanyeol pouted letting go of the snack. Hee Jin smiled in triumph. The next day at school, there was to be a transferred student. A tall, curly haired, boy with glasses and a wide grin came in through the door. Hee Jin's eyes widened. He saw her and pointed at her in surprise, yelling "The Yummy-Snack Stealer!!!"

And that's how they met.




Something I forgot? Nope :) but if I did please tell me, so I can fix it.

Why should I choose your character? I really want to be in this story cause it sounds awesome and I'm already hooked :D so I really hope you pick my character, since I think she's original and people will like her. It's your choice though, but still I hope you pick her lol.

Password: I would like to have all the powers in the world (not ambitious at all lol) but if I had to choose...I would love to be able to fly :D




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