100+ subscribers and new fics

First of all - A giant THANK YOU to all 100+ subscribers!!!
That's not that big of a number, but for me that's still something, so I'm really grateful and hope you won't be dissapointed with further updates of stories/in general.
So, once more - thank you

When it comes to new updates, there will be a Kris/Tao NC17 rated one-shot later on, titled 'Thunderstorms and Full Moon'.
The title doesn't say much, but I kind of don't want to spoil it, so it will remain a secret till later.

I will also update 'Can You Smile' tomorrow with it's 8th chapter.
If you haven't seen it yet - here's the poster my friend made for it:

When it comes to more new fics, I think I will update EXO color meme with a new 'chapter' in following days. The part will be Kai/KyungSoo and color - black.
So if you like this pairing and are interested - hang around ;).

Apart from that I will try to slowly start a chaptered Kris/Tao fic and work on some old requests that includes Super Junior and DBSK and I have this one chaptered B.A.P fic in my mind. So, you can anticipate that.

For now, it's kind of all... 
Have a nice day ^_^


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kyaaaaaa~ I ship Taoris! nyeheheh can't wait for all this updates!