╠♡Electricity♡╣ "Application Form"

╠♡Electricity♡╣ "Application Form"





╰⊰✿ First Setep ✿⊱╮

☼-AFF Link : YukiBoo

☼-Activeness : 10


╰⊰✿ Second Setep ✿⊱╮

☼-Real Name : Hwang Yoojung/ Vanessa Hwang

☼-Nickname : Jungasaur

☼-Age : 20

☼-Birthday : April 21 , 1992

☼-Birthday Place : San Francisco , California

☼-Ethnicity :Korean/American

☼-Height :170cm

☼-Weight :45kg

☼-Blood Type :A

☼-Language Spoken : Korean, English ,Japanese


╰⊰✿ Third Setep ✿⊱╮

☼-Ulzzang Name : Baek Su Min

☼-Ulzzang Pictures : O1 O2  O3 O4  O5 O6

☼-BackUp Ulzzang Name :Park Hwan Hui

☼-BackUp Ulzzang Pictures : 01  O2

☼-Style : She is basically the kind of girl who would wear things that would cover her.She does not go for the gaudy ,and flashy kind of wardrobe.She likes off the shoulder shirts,skinny jeans and moccasins, She likes bracelets,earrings,and feathers. She likes native american style ,cute or girl style with a dress and sandals. She likes sparkle,and bright colored tshirts.While wearing shades,big glasses or aviators. She also likes to wear open plaid shirts with jeans shorts and boots. Or for hats,she likes beanies or cute animated hats. Sometimes even sports jackets with a tank tops and jeans.[ O1  O2  O3 ]



╰⊰✿ Fourth Setep ✿⊱╮

☼-Personality : Vanessa is the kind of person who is very friendly.She will always greet you with a smile, or ask you how your day was. It is because she really cares about people's well-being and well she wants to be polite to the people that she meets each day. She likes to meet new people,so she is sociable and she likes to know about others.Well she doesn't put her nose into things,so she is not nosy or anything like that. She is the kind of person who cares,and will always be the first person to help. She puts others needs infront of hers,because she wants them to have good health in their lives.So she makes sure to think of others a whole lot. She is patient with the people around her,however she has no patience for lazy people.She is dependable and loyal to the friends that she has and to the guy that she is with.She does not flirt shamelessly,or turns her back on her friends for some other guy. Well it's just not her,and she does not like drama to ensue. She is not the one to curse at people,or take revenge.She finds smarter,and more mature ways to get back at them.To seem even sweeter when they find the result. She is also very determined,and when she wants something she will get it, even if it hurts her to the core into her heart.

Sometimes Vanessa has a insecurity of her herself, when she is with a guy.She can't help but feel unpretty around him and want to self doubt herself. She sometimes gets emotional and she does not want people to know what she is feeling.When she comes in contact with something awkward she gets quiet.She will show on her face that is bothering her. She will defend herself, but her words will cut like a knife. It is harsh, but it is the truth. So the truth really hurts.

☼-Background : So Yoojung was living with Miyoung, and they were close.Like attached to the hip close,and meaning that they've always doing something together.They go to everything together and they always look up to the very big performers and singers of their generation.So that was when she knew that she wanted to be a singer. So she began practicing until her body ached. The only thing was that she was too young at first,and only allowed Miyoung to audition .So it took her over a year, to understand and really practice and to to really to be up to par with her sister Miyoung.Miyoung who is now called Tiffany, and has finally debuted with Girls' Generation. Yoojung basically keeps in touch with Tiffany,and decides to tell her if she made it in after she auditions.She was happy that she was old enough to audition for SME so she did and she got in on the first time.Which surprised her,and ever since then she practiced and practiced until the day of reckoning.Debut day!


☼-Likes :

The water

 the aquarium

The Little Mermaid


 Kisses on the forehead




meeting new people

trying different foods

the circus

live theater

accomplishing something

being positive

☼-Dislikes :



Girls who try to hard

Pale colors

Being forced into something she is not comfortable with

being underestimated 

 being stabbed in the back

wet socks

guys who really don't let people know their feelings


☼-Hobbies :


Going to the gym 

Playing guitar

☼-Habits :

Bites her lip when she gets nervous

Taps her foot when waiting for someone

 Whines when wanting something

☼-Trivia :

Tiffany and Vanessa are often mistaken as twins.

Favorite Song is-Exo-K's History

Ideal type is a guy who is unexpected,and mysterious yet forward and sweet about it

Loves her sister to death

Respects her sister as her senior

Loves action movies

Loves American Pizza

Favorite American Artists are Katy Perry and Rihanna

Favorite Drama is Love Rain and Fashion King

╰⊰✿ Fifth Setep ✿⊱╮

☼-Father : =Hwang Donghyun / 50 / Baseball Executive / He is the kind of father, who wanted what is best for his daughters. He is very protective and demanding. He wants his daughters to do their best,and to make sure that they are happy with the decisions that they made. He is a protective father,and to make sure that they are safe and not heartbroken by the guy that they are with. He loves them like they are his world,however he has a hard time to express them which explains his cold nature.Also having a hard time to express his affections towards them,while in the back of his minds he loves them very much.=

☼-Mother : =Hwang Yejin / 48 / Chef/ She is the very loving mother,who always wants the well being for her daughters.She is very understanding,and will always be there for their boy problems and relationship. She is the one who worries so much for her daughters,and wants to make sure that she is safe. She is a humorous mother who likes to make them smile,and be fun around the family.Also to have a very lively atmosphere for the family. She does not baby them,but she helps them along the way . Very sweet and loving to the people that she loves.=

☼-Siblings : =Hwang Miyoung(Tiffany) / 22 / Girls' Generation member/ She is like the protective sister for Yoojung.She is the girl who always make sure that the deadbeat guys do not get even close to her.She cares for her well being,and makes sure that she is safe,and happy. They get along pretty well,and they keep in touch with each other while they are away from eachother.She is a very loyal sister who is always one to depend on when the going gets tough.She is a good listener,and she is always there to give advice to her younger sister. =

☼-Family Background : When she grew up in San Francisco, she was the kind of person who liked to be apart of the arts.She grew up loving the arts like her sister. Basically sharing the same passion,and going down the same direction as she goes.Each year ,she gets older and she starts to get into the acting area. She loved to be around people who shared the same passion as her,but it wasn't long until she lost her inspiration to everything in her life.Watching Tiffany leave for Korea to audition for SMe,and leaving her alone by herself. However she grew determined to be apart of the same industry ,in order to be close with her sister Miyoung. So she decided to work on her skills. She was blessed with beautiful vocals,and she practiced night and day,to make sure that her vocals are up to par with the professional singers that encourage her to reach her dreams. So as she was living with her parents in San Fransisco, she began getting vocal classes outside of school while her parents were busy going out and making money. So it was hard,because she was independent with not a lot of help from them. Working on her dance moves as well. She got into ballet at a young age, at the age of two and she continued with it until the age of 13 .She didn't really get the luxury to be around her parents,because they were always on the go. So she would always see them on the tv just to see them. Feeling only disheartened by the lack of connection. They only see eachother a few times,and they try to cherish each moment just so the separation would seem less then big.However she is determined to prove herself,and to make her parents proud.

☼-Friends :

Lee Taemin(SHINee)/ 18 / SHINee / He is the kind of friend who helps her sharpen her moves in dance.He is very supportive and wants her to succeed. He loves to be around her,and he likes to and sometimes they like to nag eachother.All in all, it is all for the fun. He is definitely the person to turn to when she needs a reason to smile.He either dances for her,or does a bbuing bbuing face to make her smile.

 Luhan(Exo-M) / 22 / Exo-M Member /He is the sweet oppa who Yoojung go to,and when he is upset he goes to her to make him smile.Because her signature hugs really make her feel better,and she also really likes to be around him because they really can get away with anything.They are sometimes like the"troublesome two" ,with their adorable baby faces.She doesn't do it on purpose,but only when it is very necessary.

Seohyun(SNSD) / 20 / SNSD Member / Seohyun is the unnie to look up to ,and she admires her for her good nature and "pure" aura.It inspires her to find herself,and just be herself and not change herself for anyone.That is why she is the sweet and pure and polite,who is always loved and respected by the older generation in her nation. 

☼-Bestfriend :=Sulli / 18 / F(x) member / They are basically attached to the hip,and they love doing everything together. They are basically the called the "adorable babies" of SM.They are sometimes childish because they like to be full of life and bring smiles to others.Sulli is very bubbly and sweet,and she is the loyal friend who likes to be around Yoojung and to be around her.She is liable and dependable,the likable and sweet person to be around and be close with.=

☼-Rival :Kim Hyuna-She is basically like the bully to Yoojung,and she wants to put her down and throw insults at her. So she tries to be innocent around watching eyes, only when she is a rude witch who wants to make fun and put her down.Although she is constantly insulting Yoojung.Hyuna doesn't really know that it does not bother her.Yoojung has a grown a think skin,and so it is kind of one sided connection. She really doesn't give a damn about what people think about her,and Hyuna is no exception. So she is true to herself,and does not let insults pull her down.


╰⊰✿ Seventh Setep ✿⊱╮

☼-Love Interest :Chanyeol

☼-Personality :He is the happy virus of SM that always seems to make Yoojung happy. He is a friendly and respectful person who is always up for a laugh and some fun. Although it may not be all the time,but he tries to spend time with each other as much as he can.It is because he likes her,and he respects her enough not to leave her hanging or be uncomfortable. When the going gets tough,he is the shoulder to cry on,and he never fails to make Yoojung smile despite his deep voice. XD 

☼-How Did You met : Yoojung went down the hall to get a water bottle for a vocal rehearsal,and that was when she runs into Chanyeol and shyly bowing and showing her respect to his senior.Well since Taemin is one of her good friends,she has been mentioned before and so Chanyeol knows about her,only smiling at eachother and saying hi when they are busy.

☼-How Do You act Toward Each Other :They are shy towards eachother,and they really treat eachother with respect. Sometimes Yoojung tries to tell him that she really likes him,but her signs are not really reaching him. So he is kind of like a wall,that she will try to break. Sighing in loss of hope,as she hears that some other girl who might be prettier than her to catch his full attention.However Chanyeol denies the sensations that he gets when around Yoojung,and thinks of her as a friend until he gets some really good convincing from labelmates.

☼-Your Relationship with Him :They are definitely normal towards eachother, like they were life-long friends. They have different interests,but they find performing as a common interest so they like to talk about idols or other things to help them get better.Or sometimes showing eachother a new move. It is just that Chanyeol only sees her as a person to be close,and he is oblivious to the signs that she gets from Yoojung. Slowly when she begins to lose hope.Chanyeol doesn't realize that Yoojung is very important to him,and she is a good girl to have around.The problem is he is around the bad girls, and sometimes the bad girls of K-pop.

☼-BackUp Love Interest :D.O

☼-Personality :He seems very quite  and awkward,but he just doesn't know how to interact with people freely.On the inside he is very nice and friendly. He is very respectful to women,and he likes to talk to the people that he only knows.So when you are close to him, he opens to you very easily. He is sweet and respectful,and sometimes her whines, he is very stubborn and he is hard to pin down sometimes.However when he knows what or who that he wants he will go after.So he is a forward person when necessary,and when it comes to the things or people that he wants.He is a silly derp,that makes even Yoojung curious about his intentions.However he is kind and sincere,when it comes to his feelings.

☼-How Did You Met :On Star King,as they go and participate on a radio show together.D.Osat next to Yoojung,and she simply smiled and bowed to D.O since he was her senior. He bowed back,and looked at her with a spark of interest. He didn't know exactly for sure,but he was sure that she would be something good.So whenever they are on schedule D.O would ask Luhanconstantly how Yoojung is doing.Trying to find out what she likes,and to do something nice for her.

☼-How Do You act Toward Each Other : Yoojung doesn't really fawn over D.O, however she sincerely likes to talk to him. D.O,on the other hand really watches over her from afar,and makes sure that she is safe and happy.Heis also like the secret Romeo who likes to see her smile and be happy. Then trying to get the guts to really pursue her. Eventhough he is forward with the things that he wants,he gets choked up over Yoojung. They sincerely like eachother,however Yoojung is hesitant on taking the chance because he is popular and she is just"Starting"out.

☼-Ex-Lover : No

☼-How Did You Become Lovers :N/A

☼-Why Did You Broke Up :N/A


╰⊰✿ Eighth Setep ✿⊱╮

☼-Your Stage Name : Vanessa

☼-Position : 

[ 3 ] Main Vocal / Lead Dancer
[4] Lead Vocal / Sub Dancer
[ 5 ] Sub Vocal / Lead Rapper
[1] Main Dancer / Main Vocal
[6  ] Sub Vocal / Main Rapper
[  7] Lead Dancer / Main Rapper
[ 2] Main Dancer / Lead Vocal
[ 8 ] Sub Dancer / Lead rapper
☼-Extra Positions : 
[ X ] Actress
[  ] Musical Actress 
[ X ] MC

☼-Persona : The Charming Serenade(With her polite attitude and friendly smile,she can attract attention with her voice.Following with her moves.)

☼-Fanclub Name : Bellaposas (Because Vanessa means butterfly ,and she thinks of them as beautiful creatures that make her smile)

☼-Trainee Years :6

☼-How Did You Become a Trainee : Vanessa was a still too young to audition,and so she waited until the age of 14.So when she turned thirteen her parents allowed her to audition with a cover of SNSD's Genie on guitar.Then she showed off her freestyle dance moves to show off her charm.They didn't actually know that Tiffany was her sister.So that gave her an equal chance of auditioning.Luckily she got in,and told her sister with happiness. She knew that she couldn't see her family a lot.It was hard,but it was worth it because she will get to see her sister more.

☼-Your Trainee Life : During trainee years,she was mostly by herself.It was because her other fellow trainees cared about themselves and left her in the dust.So it gave her time to practice ,one on one on her own.To also work on herself more,because she always thinks of others before she thinks of herself.Other than that ,no drama and no hard feelings ensued because of her sweet and polite personality. Catching the attention of staff and members of the company.


☼-Favourite Song :

The Boys by SNSD

A by Rainbow

History by Exo

 Believe by U-Kiss

☼-Favourite Idol :


Zhou Mi

☼-Ideal Type : Someone like Zhoumi, who is a gentleman and is kind hearted. Must be a sweet person and treat women right.

╰⊰✿ Final Setep ✿⊱╮


☼-Scene Requests :

  • A duet with Chanyeol during an event.
  • Or to share a moment when they  just dance randomly  together.Just being themselves
  • To go on a variety show together.
  • Go on We Are Dating together .
  • Do a photoshoot together.
  • Or go on a date secretly,while just having the risk of crazy fans chasing them.

☼-Suggestions : Nope :)

☼-Comment : I hope your story goes the way you want,just take your time and write what comes to mind ! Fighting !


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