f(x)’s Krystal bad attitude :(

today on allkpop, i read that krystal from fx had bad attitude on TV because the host mentioned that she is two faced. many fans said that her bad attitude is MC's fault for giving such a harsh comment. in my opinion, it's not her first time acting like that. yes Mc was stupid, but in other events different people commented that she is not understanding and mean. i read staff's comment after her scheduel.

but i don't blame her. she is young andd it takes time for her to become mature. SME should really understand the fact that a 15 years old girls can't go on stage and become popular because she doesn't have impulse control and can't control her emotions.

for example, i have seen TVXQ, BOA, SHINEE, and SUPER JUNIOR's interviews. there are times that fans or MC give harsh comments but they stay calm, amile and try to explain nicely. for example, in an interview an MC started to talk about how the tickets for TVXQ is expensive. i could see that the members were feeling uncomfortable. or Boa responded to a harsh coment of a fan saying that she will work harder to chage her fan's mind. as for shinee, when they went to china, the MC said that she only once two members to sing because she think they are good in singing. for SJ, IT HAPPENED A LOT when MC where mean and they bullied members. in chine the MC made fun of ryeowook for using a paper because he could remember a song that he had to sing with kyu and zhoumi. or when the MC in korea made fun of yesung by repeating 4 time that he thinks yesung is not confident. all these idols didn't have bad attitude, they laughed it off or tried to explain to avoid having problems that krystal have.

i hope SME can understand and never debute girls under 18 who are not mature enough :D

check allkpop here-> http://www.allkpop.com/2012/06/fxs-krystal-once-again-under-fire-for-her-attitude


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Very late. I don't pay attention to Fx much but I've always heard of her bad attitude. I recently started researching it. It has nothing to do with being young . Seohyun was the same age as Krystal when she debuted and she was and still is a very sweet person and respectful to people. Jessica has the same cold demeanor but she's learned how to handle herself and keep that attitude in check and as a result she became a kinder person. Krystal seem to have a colder attitude and almost pompous attitude about her that she doesn't know how to keep in check and it almost seems like she doesn't want to. I understand if netizens catch her with a not so nice looking her face once but when it happens over and over again it might be time to check your attitude.
TimelessStories #2
I wish krystal could learn from seohyun, yoona and jessica. I mean all 3 of them are kind and caring almost always happy.

You can do better than this krystal...
tinhnghichbe #3
Seohyun debuted when she was 16 but she is very mature
I seriously don't like celebs with bad attitudes. That's one of the reasons as to why I prefer Kpop idols over other celebs in the world. They seem very friendly and down to Earth. This is one of the very first times I'm hearing about such an attitude of a Kpop idol. I do like f(x), but Krystal is not my favourite. I don't dislike her or anything, but she's never being my favourite.

I was a bit surprised when I read the article myself because Jessica, her sister seems to be the exact opposite.
I even remember her attitude at SM with the fashionistas... pff