Got an Instagram? Or not? Anyways, clicky click!!

I made an Instagram account. If you want to follow me, I would like that very much and will follow you back. ;D Plus, you would get to know me better:] (If you want to that is..)


My username is: DerpingGirl


Don't know what an Instagram is? It's a very cool app on your Andriod or Ipod touch that you can edit and share pictures for other to like or comment. And if you post really legit pictures, people will follow you! :{D (Sort of like Twitter's followers but this is better.)


Oh yeah, I have a twitter too. But I don't use it a whole lot.. I just use it when I feel like I need to blow some steam or my randomness off. My user name for that is @PancakeStuffer.


So yeah... Follow me and I'll follow you back! It would be cool to see what goes on with your lives:] (Since I live in the most boring place in the world -___-) Lol, btw, I'm not trying to be a creeper either. Sorry if it looked like I was for a moment there. >.<


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KISSmeBecca #1
hehe, i'm stalking u on twitter nowz. >:D