Onew and his Twitter

Okay its all gravy that he has one now. And its perfectly fine that he only talks to his idol friends because, well, seeing a convo between him and one fan girl would create a bloodbath. 

But like...I don't see the sense in him having 100,000+ followers if he doesn't interact with them in some way. And I know, I know, the concept of Twitter is to basically have permission to be nosy and all up your fav celebs . Yeah, I know. But most other celebrities I see at least RETWEET what their fans say, or at least respond to a couple at a time when they can or hold special questionaire times. Like GD. He always does that. And Taeyang. I can't remember if Jonghyun has ever done it, but if he hasn't, then I'm talking about him too. And don't get me wrong. It isn't a MAJOR big deal. Its not like I'm just SO pissed off about it. Its just...well...that would be nice if he could acknowledge us a little. 

But of course, this is all if Onew KNOWS how to fully work Twitter.

If he doesn't...well...somebody needs to help him lol. He might not know how to retweet or something.

I wrote this in the most tactful way possible but I still feel like a T_T

Anyway, am I the only one who feels like this?


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No. I feel you on this one. >.>