Questions for future fanfic! :{D

Okay, so I've been thinking about 2 new fanfics for a VERY long time and I've already made the plot for both of them. One will be life-like so it'll have many chapters. :) The other one is a medium length story and I think it's pretty good for an "author" like me. :3


Lol:] The first one will be featuring SHINee, Boyfriend (Sorry, but I love Boyfriend and they're so easy for me to write about ;3), U-Kiss and you get to pick the next Kpop boy band!


Pretty slick, eh? :{D




1) Who is your bias in SHINee?


2) Who is your bias in U-Kiss?


3) Who is your bias in Boyfriend? (If you don't have one because they're sort of new, not really, then just pick one. :])


4) Would you like a fanfic that isn't based on modern times? (Like, not in our time that we live in today.)


5) Who should be the 4th boy band for my first future fanfic and why? (You don't have to say why. It would just be nice to know why you picked them.)


6) Would you rather have me write "_______" and fill in your own name by yourself or have a main character with a name?


Please comment, wall, or PM me for your answers! Trust me, every one of your responses counts a whole effin lot. So please do so~! :)


So sorry if you got another update from this blog post. I realized that I didn't number the questions correctly. (>_<)


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1) My SHINee bias is Key.
2) My Ukiss biases are Kiseop and AJ.
3) Boyfriend is not new xD My Boyfriend biases are Minwoo and Jeongmin.
4) I prefer modern type fics, but I also like ones in the future or a little in the past ^^
5) I'll just say... Dalmatian! Do you know who they are? I pick them cos no one ever writes about them. They aren't very popular, but I like 'em <3
6) With a name. It's wayyyyy easier that way!
Yendi_Heart #2
1. Taemin because he's so cute.
2. I don't really have one. Kiseop I guess
3. Youngmin because he's just extremely cute.(I love him. He's my number 1 bias. I'm kinda obsessed with him XD)
3. Yes, it would be interesting.
4. I like Teen Top, but I think you should write about what and who you like.
5. Both are okay for me, anyway I imagine it's myself.
KISSmeBecca #3
1) Taemin
2) Dongho
3) Youngmin and Kwangmin! (cant choose between the twins... XP)
3(again?)) YES!
4) LED Apple. They need more love!! >.<
5) character.... the "_____" things tend to confuse me sometimes. why, idk.